All models are 1:48 (1/4 inch scale unless otherwise stated
VR K class. Veteran Models kit.
VR K class. Veteran Models kit.
LNER A4 4-6-2 4491, 7mm scale. Purchased second hand and restored.
E Class 0-6-0 scratch built. Veteran Models 6 wheel passenger cars and van
Darjeeling and Himalaya Railway train. B Class 0-4-0 loco. 7mm scale, EDM Models (UK) kit. Wagons are kits by UK Model Railway Developments. Loco in the first wagon is from a Backwoods Miniature kit and built by Frank Kelly.
1:48 Hilltop Engine Shed scratch built from VR Moe Engine Shed WD’s. Floor is embossed card, structure from Micro Mark bass timber, corrugated iron is pressed cartridge paper. Lighting is incandescent mini bulbs in VR lamps cast in white metal.
G42 is hybrid kit and scratch build, D3 659 is a Veteran Models kit, Na 17
is scratch built. Figures are from Modelu painted by Ian Fainges.
R 758 Precision Scale Models RTR, repainted and weathered to reflect well maintained but in use look.
Car is a Veteran Models W car kit.
A2 995 with original round top tender. Scratch built in brass and nickel silver. ABL car based on a Veteran Models kit.