Victorian Model Railway Society

General Meetings

Venue and Time

The Victorian Model Railway Society meetings are held at 8.00 pm on the third Thursday of each month in the 2nd/6th Hawthorn Scout Hall in Victoria Road, Auburn. It is across the road from the clubrooms. Visitors are most welcome.

The clubrooms are at the Auburn railway station at the Victoria Road entrance.

The agenda of the general meetings are as follows

  • Hints Tips and Queries
  • Models for Display
  • General Business
  • Syllabus Item
Meetings are lively events with much discussion and a generous sharing of ideas and information. There is a short break before the syllabus item where members can inspect the models on display and catch up with a cuppa and a chat. The Club library is available for members’ use before meetings or by arrangement with the librarian.
Annual General meeting
The AGM is held at 8.00 pm on the third Thursday in October. Office bearers and committee members are elected at this meeting and the President and Treasurer present short reports on the years activity. The AGM is followed immediately by the October General Meeting which has the usual format.