Model making in the VMRS
At each monthly meeting the segment ‘Models for Display’ allows members and visitors to show models, completed or under construction. This has been the core activity of the VMRS over the years and is an opportunity for modellers to share their knowledge and model making techniques.
Mid-year Modelling Challenge
In addition, twice a year there is a modelling challenge. The Mid-year Modelling Challenge forms the syllabus item for the July meeting. There is a different theme each year for the Challenge and members are invited to bring a model, display it and say a few words about the prototype and the model.
Annual Modelling Challenge
The syllabus item for the December meeting is the Annual Modelling Challenge. This is an opportunity for members to show the results of their modelling activities over the year. Members are invited to submit models in a number of categories and a popular vote is taken to award the Commissioners’ Trophy for the best model on the night.
The Commissioners’ Trophy was originally donated to the Victorian Model Railway Society by the Victorian Railways Commissioners in recognition of the contribution made by the Society to the 1954 Cavalcade of Trains show which was mounted as part of the celebration of the Centenary of Railways in Victoria.