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Richard’s stunning models are based on Murtoa and Marmalake stations in Western Victoria. Richard says, “The idea for the Murtoa...

These photos feature the amazing N Scale layout “Wallan”, owned by Christopher Pearce. These images give a great feel for...

These Models of Victorian Railways Lineside Structures were scratch built by Graham Fraser to represent some of the buildings on...

All models are 1:48 (1/4 inch scale unless otherwise stated VR K class. Veteran Models kit. VR K class. Veteran...

These models are to 4mm scale and run on 20mm gauge track. They are all scratch built from brass, the...

These models are built in 4mm scale, running on 20mm gauge track. 24 Q; Travelling store holder with pump house...

These models of Victorian Railways Narrow Gauge prototype are from Fraser Clayton, who also took the pictures. The wagon bodies...