The information contained within this history project has been researched or obtained from many sources. To all people who have readily assisted me with my enquiries, please accept my appreciation for your contribution. Through the use of modern technology, this history has the capacity to be a "living" document and will continue to grow as further research is undertaken and contemporary events are recorded.
Many individuals have also provided photographs, documents or assistance and their valuable contributions are acknowledged with the following sources:
"The Mildura Cultivator" newspaper.
"Sunraysia Daily" newspaper.
"Sunday Independent" newspaper.
"Water Into Gold" - Ernestine Hill.
"The Portland Times" newspaper.
Railway Construction Branch Annual Reports.
Victorian Railways Commissioners Annual Reports.
Victorian Railways and Railway Construction Branch Correspondence Files held in the Victorian Public Records Office.
"The Victorian Railways Magazine"
"Victorian Railways to '62" - Published by Victorian Government Railways
"The Portland Railway" - Keith Turton (Australian Railway Historical Society 1968).
Report of the Development and Migration Commission
Various Reports from the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways
Survey of Rail Manufacturers between Mildura and Merbein - George Cullen
"Place Names of Victoria" - Les Blake.
"The Story of the Mallee" - Alfred Kenyon reprinted 1982 by A.A. Woods and K.C. Hofmaier.
Victorian Railways, Victorian Railways Board, Public Transport Corporation
"Weekly Notice" and its successors; Safeworking notices; Staff Newsletters; Press Releases and other official documents.
Minister of Transport Press Releases
"Somersault" - Signalling Record Society Victoria
Freight Australia Press Releases
John E. Thompson - permission to use photographs
Mr. Rodney Thurlow for permission to extract material from "Murrayville Reminiscences" published by the late Mr. C.C. Thurlow.
Undated memoirs of E.J. Roberts, founder of Irymple Packing Co. courtesy of Bronwyn Zrna
"Light Railways News" (Light Railway Research Society of Australia)
Report of The Board of Inquiry into the Victorian Land Transport System (1972)
ARHS Archives - Ian Barkla Archives Officer
Random House Australia Pty. Ltd.
John Sargent - for permission to use photographs from the Train Hobby Publications collection.
"An Australian Diesel Locomotive Pocketbook" - ARHS New South Wales Division.
Lyn Jacka - Daughter of railwayman Jim Robertson for permission to access her late father's photographs and to use references from their book "Along the Track - Working with the Victorian Railways 1941 - 1984".
"Hudson Power" R.M. Carlisle & R.L. Abbott, published by Australian Railway Historical Society (Victorian Division) 1985.
Australian Railway Historical Society (Victorian Division) "Divisional Diary" and "Newsrail".
Freda Antcliffe of Mildura for proofreading and photograph.
Don McKay of Redcliffs, whose father was a contractor for earthworks on the Redcliffs to Werrimull railway construction.
Mildura Historical Society - particularly for support for the project and access to material.
Peter J. Vincent - Victorian Railways Rolling Stock 1886 - 1996.
Gary Sharman of Mildura for providing photographs and documents.
John Page of Mildura for printing thousands of photographs and permission to use photographs.
Laurie Zarth of Melbourne for permission to use photograph of Lascelles accident.
John Kiely of Hamilton for permission to have access to and reproduce photographs from the Wilf Henty Collection.
Dan Richards of Mildura for providing photographs from his collection.
Don Turvey of Meringur for printing hundreds of the author's black and white photographs over many years and contributing a number of photographs.
Trevor Penn of Melbourne for making available photographs from the Kelvin Rosenow Collection and research assistance.
Chris. Johnston of Ballarat for providing the 1970 collection of Way & Works Branch aerial photographs.
Ian Hinks (Author) and Bruce Belbin (Editor) "Light Railways" magazine for permission to use article on the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission tramway at Redcliffs and the Kerr Stuart locomotive that worked on the line.
Peter Foote of Mangalore for permission to use the article "Overnight to Mildura" published in the April 1989 issue of "Newsrail".
Mrs. C. Bayliss of Mildura for permission to use photographs from her collection.
Alex Cross of Redcliffs for offering the use a photograph from his collection.
Les Giddings of Mildura for his research and interest in the Yatpool area.
Keith Lambert of Melbourne for assistance with "Weekly Notice" excerpts and Track Diagram
Andrew Waugh of Melbourne for his brilliant safeworking station diagrams and sharing his research material.
Bill Reid of Didcot, United Kingdom, for scanning black and white negatives into digital format.
Mr. Keith Atkinson of Melbourne for allowing permission to reproduce tickets pertaining to this region from his books "Suburban Tickets of the Victorian Railways" and "Country Tickets of the Victorian Railways".
The author is extremely indebted to the many photographers who have given permission to use their photographs throughout this history. Many contributed photographs have previously been published in the Australian Railway Historical Society monthly news magazine "Newsrail" and appreciation is also extended to that organization for granting approval to reproduce material. Special thanks to: |
This is a "living" history and as such will continue to be updated from time to time to reflect contemporary information and to make corrections and additions. Readers who can offer additional information or corrections are encouraged to contact the author at the following address: Bruce McLean, P.O. Box 285 Mildura Victoria 3502 Australia
Generally references to measures have been referred to their use in the relevant period without conversion to contemporary values. To assist with conversions to metric equivalents the following table is provided:
Imperial | Metric |
1 inch (in) | 25.40 millimetres |
1 foot (ft) | 0.30 metre |
1 yard (yd) | 0.91 metre |
1 chain | 20.11 metres |
1 mile | 1.60 kilometres |
1 ton | 1.01 tonnes |
1 pound (£) | $2.00 in February 1966 |
1 pound (lb) | 0.454 kilogram |
1 pound per square inch (psi) | 6.89 kilopascals |
1 gallon | 4.536 litres |
1 acre | 0.4 hectare |
1 horsepower (hp) | 746 watts |
Courtesy Light Railway Research Society of Australia
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