Introduction and Acknowledgements
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This project commenced in the mid 1960's when I decided to undertake some detailed research into the history of the Nowingi Towards Millewa South railway line located south of Mildura. My interest in railways began when I was a child. My family lived in Hotham Street, Traralgon, opposite the railway station and I spent many hours either on the railway footbridge, on the footplate of locomotives shunting the yard, or hanging about the locomotive shed. After completing my education in Melbourne, employment brought me to Mildura in 1962.
In my business life I have had the opportunity to engage with all sectors of the community in Mildura and surrounding districts including Federal and State political representatives, councillors from the local municipalities, people who provided patronage for the railway passenger service, business people who relied on the railway for the freight requirements and that wonderful group of people who have allowed me to become a part of their daily lives - the employees of the Victorian Railways and its successors. Sadly, many loyal and dedicated railway men have had to seek alternate careers due to the downsizing of the railway service through government attrition and in more recent times, contracting of rail services and infrastructure. My sincere thanks go to all railway people who have provided me with information, allowed me to have access to documents and generally embraced my interest in their workplace. This range of personnel includes railway people of all grades, from the most humble of positions to the most senior Departmental Heads and Commissioners.
This history is dedicated to every one of you.
Special Thanks
A project of this nature, scanning well over 40 years, would not have been possible without the support and assistance of a number of dedicated individuals who have provided a solid backbone of support and continued encouragement.
- Des Jowett of Melbourne. Des offered early encouragement with the research into the Nowingi Towards Millewa South line and co-authored with myself a history of the line published in the Australian Railway Historical Society Bulletin in 1974. This article was awarded the Society's J.C.M. Rolland Literary Award 1974. Des has been responsible for in-depth research into the historical documents held by the Public Records Office. His navigating knowledge of the Public Records has given this history a high level of detailed accuracy and revealed many facts that have hitherto been buried with the passing of time. Des suggested that this history be produced in Compact Disc format.
- Kevin Baker of Melbourne. Kevin is also a retired professional railwayman who, in his role in the Public Relations section of the Victorian Railways and its successors, has opened the door to many senior railway personnel. As a result, much of the information in this history is an account of the contemporary events of the time from the people involved in the decision-making process at the time. Kevin has a very strong connection with the Mildura passenger train service, being the person responsible for making "The Vinelander" passenger train one of the most successful trains in the history of the Victorian Railways with his promotion and publicity skills. Kevin's retirement and the subsequent loss of the Mildura passenger train service through government and departmental ineptitude has been a great loss to the rail travelling public on the Mildura line. Thank you Kevin, for giving Mildura "The Vinelander" and for your support and friendship over so many years.
- Chris. Wurr of Bendigo. Chris has contributed his cartographic skills for maps and contributed safeworking information and photographs as well as companionship on a number of field trips along the railway lines covered by this history. Chris. shares an interest and enthusiasm for the Nowingi Towards Millewa South line and together we have explored the depths of the Sunset country along the whole of the surveyed line from Nowingi to Meribah in South Australia. By profession, Chris. is a Freight Australia train driver.
- Andrew Waugh of Melbourne (Editor "Somersault" journal of the Signalling Record Society of Victoria Inc.) for his research, descriptions and cartography associated with the safeworking history of the lines covered in this publication. Andrew has also edited the Safeworking section to ensure its accuracy with researched and verified information.
- My Family. To my family for their forbearance of my many hours spent checking through the old newspapers and other research material, particularly my wife Julie and my sons Andrew and Steven who must think that their father is out of control with this project. Their support for this project has been unconditional and I thank you for allowing me to make this mission and dream possible.
- Other Key People There are a number of people who have given valuable support to this project over many years.
- Chairman of the Elliott Newspaper Group Pty. Ltd., the late Mr. Charles Lanyon and former Editor, the late Mr. George Tilley, both of whom gave the author unfettered access to their "Sunraysia Daily" newspaper archives, including "The Mildura Cultivator" in 1968, and approval to reproduce any material that would benefit this long term history project.
- Margaret Kelly of Lake Cullulleraine for providing and sourcing photographs from Millewa families for the author's "Rails to Millewa North", published by the Australian Railway Historical Society - Victorian Division in 1975 for the "Back to the Millewa" celebrations. This book is now a rare publication.
- John Phillips - formerly of the Victorian Railways photographic department. John has been most helpful in printing copies of photographs from the Victorian Railways photographic collection and generally being a valuable contributor this project.
- Richard Waters of Waters Computer Consultants for his patient and tolerance over the years since we first discussed the format for this project. Richard has used innovative concepts to turn an idea into reality.
Contributing Authors
This history is richer for the contributions/research by fellow railway historians who have shared their interest and knowledge:
Chris. Banger of Melbourne for his research and writing of the section on Refreshments and Catering on the Mildura line;
Peter Foote of Mangalore for granting permission to reproduce articles on his travels on the Mildura line originally published in "Newsrail" magazine;
Ian Hinks of Irymple for granting permission to reproduce his history of the former State Rivers & Water Supply Commission Kerr Stuart locomotive now restored and in tourist railway service;
Jack McLean of Melbourne for his article "The Clip" in relation to the Mildura Suburban Service and an account of his trip to Mildura in1939;
Roderick B. Smith of Melbourne (Editor "Rail News Victoria") for his research and article on Mildura line timetables originally published in the October 1993 issue of "Rail News Victoria";
Chris. Wurr of Bendigo for his article describing the various safeworking systems in use on the lines covered in this publication in addition to his contribution of photographs and maps.
My thanks to everyone who has assisted with this innovative history project.

Bruce McLean
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