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Redcliffs to Morkalla

Red Cliffs to Meringur was constructed with 60 pounds AS class rail with lengths of 40 and 45 feet throughout. Sleepers were 8 foot 6 inches x 9 inches x 4 1/2 inches with 17 per 40 foot length and 19 per 45 foot length. Ashes, limestone and sand ballast 4 inches deep was used for the length of the line.

Clearing sand from what is believed to be the Redcliffs to Morkalla line. Mallee rail lines often suffered from sand drifts encroaching onto the permanent way. Photo: John Thompson Collection

In 1944 the track maintenance arrangements on the Redcliffs to Morkalla line were as follows:

No. 1 Length


Residence No.


J.C. Wisneske Repairer



J.F. Mills Repairer Wife Caretaker



D.A. Wright Repairer



C.P. Irving Acting Ganger Wife Caretaker


No.2 Length



A.E. Bell Repairer Wife Caretaker



R.G. Nicholls Repairer



J.D. Benson Repairer Wife Caretaker






E.O. Butler Acting Ganger Wife Caretaker


In July 1944 it was proposed that No. 1 Gang (23 miles) consist of three men at Redcliffs and one man at Werrimull and No.2 Gang consist of four men at Werrimull and one man at Meringur. The houses at Thurla, Benetook and Pirlta would be removed to Redcliffs and the house at Karawinna removed to Werrimull.

Residence 3689 at Merrinee was removed to Redcliffs by 15-8-1950.

Sleepers are discharged on the down side of Werrimull with steam locomotive N418 in charge. 4-1-1960. Photo: Peter Charrett

Track repairs following the first major derailment on the line near Thurla on 13-12-1974 saw the use of bluestone ballast and heavier rails for a short section.

The site of the first major derailment on the Morkalla line. The damaged section was replaced with heavier rails and bluestone ballast. January 1975. Photo: Bruce McLean

A program of sleeper replacement from Redcliffs to Meringur began in June 1975 using men employed under a Regional Employment Development ("R.E.D.") scheme.

In response to a request by Mildura Shire Council, who were concerned with the condition of the Meringur branch line after the Thurla derailment on 13-12-1974, Mr. K. Wright M.L.C. for North Western Province, sought an assurance from the Victorian Railways that the line was being maintained at a safe standard. The Minister of Transport informed Mr. Wright in February 1975 that the line would be maintained to an appropriate standard necessary to handle the transport of wheat from the area.

In June 1975 work commenced on inserting replacement sleepers between Redcliffs and Meringur using men employed under a Regional Employment Development Scheme over a period of five weeks. The gang of 30 men were camped the Redcliffs way and works site.

In 1980, a program of inserting new sleepers between Redcliffs and Meringur commenced.

Wagons of red gum sleepers stand at Redcliffs before being discharged along the Meringur line. A stockpile of locally cut sleepers can be seen in the goods yard. 2-8-1980. Photo: Bruce McLean

Way and Works track vehicles on the Construction Siding at Redcliffs. The Construction Siding was built for the construction of the branch line to Morkalla. 21-10-1980. Photo: Bruce McLean

The scene at Morkalla on 13-11-1982 during dismantling of the Meringur to Morkalla section. Photo: Bruce McLean

Dismantling of the track from Thurla to Meringur was underway near Thurla on 20-6-1990. Photo: Bruce McLean

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