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Redcliffs to Morkalla

Train Staff and Ticket:

1924-1925 Redcliffs - Werrimull;

1925-1931 Redcliffs - Meringur

1931-1950 Redcliffs - Merrinee; Merrinee - Werrimull; Werrimull - Meringur; Meringur - Morkalla;

1950-1964 Redcliffs - Meringur; Meringur - Morkalla;

1964-1988 Redcliffs - Meringur;


Construction trains first used the line from Redcliffs to Werrimull with an up home signal provided for the new line on 1-3-1923. A 4-lever interlocking frame was provided on the platform and an annett lock secured the junction points to the branch line.

A new 6-lever interlocking frame was provided on 19-6-1924 with a 5-lever auxiliary frame at the branch line junction secured by a cross lock.

The line to Werrimull opened on 11-4-1924 with the Train Staff and Ticket section Redcliffs - Werrimull.

The branch line up home signal was moved 15 yards further out on 3-7-1924.

On 4-4-1935 the up home signal on the Meringur line was moved 425 yards further out.

On 3-6-1938 the branch line junction, auxiliary frame and signal bracket post were moved 204 yards further out. New interlocking was provided in a signal bay on the new platform was provided on 11-9-1938.

The auxiliary frame and right hand arm on the bracket post for the branch line were abolished on 19-8-1975 and the points to the branch were secured by annett lock.

Train Order Working notice boards at Redcliffs for the branch line to Meringur. Despite being "service suspended" from 9-12-1988, as per the track appearance in the foreground (there are rails in the weeds somewhere!), the line was provided with Train Order signage. Photo: Bruce McLean

Train Order safeworking was introduced from Dunolly to Mildura on 19-3-1989. The Redcliffs to Meringur branch line was to be included in the new safeworking system, replacing Train Staff and Ticket, however the new system was never to see a train as the line was out of use and officially closed on 9-12-1988.

When the branch line was dismantled, the junction points remained to provide a connection to the Mildura Co-operative Fruit Co. siding.

Further alterations were made by 23-2-1993 with the interlocking abolished and the annett locked connection to the former branch line was abolished.

Redcliffs Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Redcliffs 1920

Redcliffs 1924

Redcliffs 1938

Redcliffs 1975

Redcliffs 1987

Redcliffs 2002


Thurla was opened on 10-4-1924 under no one in charge conditions. Staff locks were provided on the main line points to the siding.

Thurla was closed to all traffic on 7-12-1953.

Thurla Signalling Diagram (Click on title to open file)

Thurla 1924


A loop siding with staff locks each end at 351 miles 42 chains, was opened by 5-3-1926 for the joint use of Mildura Shire Council, Country Roads Board and State Rivers and Water Supply Commission.

The siding was disconnected by 15-3-1932 and dismantled by 22-10-1940

The loading arrangements at the joint instrumentality siding between Thurla and Benetook. Photo: Wilf Henty, courtesy John Kiely

Mildura Shire Council & Others Signalling Diagram (Click on title to open file)

Mildura Shire Siding 1926


Benetook was opened on 10-4-1924 under no one in charge conditions. Staff locks were provided on the main line points to the siding.

By 14-7-1925 a Caretaker was provided until 21-6-1939 when it reverted to no one in charge conditions.

On 2-11-1928 instructions were issued for Benetook to be a Temporary Staff Station in connection with the running of ballast trains during the upgrading of the main line to Mildura with heavier rail.

Instructions issued for the opening of Benetook as a Temporary Staff Station amended to 2-11-1928. Source: Victorian Railways, Bruce McLean Collection

Benetook was closed to all traffic on 1-3-1970.

Benetook Signalling Diagram (Click on title to open file)

Benetook 1924


Pirlta was opened on 10-4-1924 under no one in charge conditions. Staff locks were provided on the main line points to the siding.

By 2-12-1924 a Caretaker was provided but on 24-5-1939 it reverted to no one in charge conditions.

Pirlta was closed to all traffic on 9-12-1988.

Pirlta Signalling Diagram (Click on title to open file)

Pirlta 1924


Merrinee was opened on 10-4-1924 under no one in charge conditions. Staff locks were provided on the main line points to the siding.

By 30-6-1925 a Caretaker was provided until 9-1-1950 when it reverted to no one in charge conditions.

Merrinee was established as a Train Staff and Ticket station on 5-2-1931 creating the sections Redcliffs - Merrinee and Merrinee - Werrimull.

On 28-3-1950 Merrinee was closed as a Train Staff and Ticket station and the section Redcliffs - Meringur reverted to. Merrinee was able to open as an Intermediate Special Block Post in the section provided Werrimull was not open.

From 17-12-1974, Merrinee was opened as a Temporary Staff station, most likely to permit more than one movement on the line for grain traffic.

Instructions issued for opening Merrinee as a Temporary Staff station from 17-12-1974. Source: Victorian Railways

Merrinee was closed to all traffic with the line on 9-12-1988.

Merrinee Signalling Diagram (Click on title to open file)

Merrinee 1924


Karawinna was opened on 10-4-1924 under no one in charge conditions. Staff locks were provided on the main line points to the siding.

By 16-12-1924 a Caretaker was provided but by 20-6-1950 it reverted to no one in charge conditions.

Karawinna was closed to all traffic on 9-12-1988.

Karawinna Signalling Diagram (Click on title to open file)

Karawinna 1924


Werrimull was the end of the first section of the line that eventually extended to Morkalla, when opened on 10-4-1924 under no one in charge conditions. Werrimull was established as a Train Staff and Ticket station with the section Redcliffs Werrimull. A down home signal and plunger locking was provided at the up end upon opening.

By 16-12-1924 a Caretaker was provided but by 11-9-1973 it reverted to no one in charge conditions.

On 30-10-1925 the extension to Meringur was opened and Werrimull was disestablished as a Train Staff and Ticket station, the new section being Redcliffs - Meringur. The down home signal and plunger locking was removed and relocated at Meringur on 2-3-1926, No.2 road was spiked out of use and the points at each end on the main line were secured by staff locks.

Werrimull was reinstated as a Train Staff and Ticket station on 5-2-1931 and No.2 road made available for use. The sections were then Redcliffs - Werrimull and Werrimull - Meringur.

On 28-3-1950 Werrimull was closed as a Train Staff and Ticket station and the section reverted to Redcliffs - Meringur. Werrimull was able to open as an Intermediate Special Block Post in the new section provided Merrinee was not open.

No.2 road was removed by 10-5-1953.

A radio communication repeater tower was installed at the station in early 1984.

Werrimull was closed to all traffic on 9-12-1988.

Werrimull Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Werrimull 1924

Werrimull 1926

Werrimull 1958


Bambill was open on 30-10-1925 under no one in charge conditions. Staff locks were provided on the points to the siding on 2-3-1926.

By 20-12-1927 a Caretaker was provided until 31-7-1944 when it reverted to no one in charge conditions.

Bambill was closed to all traffic on 12-4-1977.

Bambill Signalling Diagram (Click on title to open file)

Bambill 1926


Yarrara was open on 30-10-1925 under no one in charge conditions. Staff locks were provided on the points to the siding on 2-3-1926.

A 140 foot extension to the down end of the goods siding was completed by 4-9-1975 and the staff lock at the down end removed.

Yarrara was closed to all traffic on 9-12-1988.

Yarrara Signalling Diagram (Click on title to open file)

Yarrara 1926


Meringur was open for traffic on 30-10-1925 with a Caretaker. A Down Home Signal (ex Werrimull) and Plunger Locking was provided at the Up end on 2-3-1926.

Meringur was established as a Train Staff and Ticket station with the section Redcliffs - Meringur.

A Reversing Triangle was constructed at the down end by 3-1-1928.

On 16-6-1931 the extension of the line to Morkalla was open. The points at the Down end and the points to the Reversing Triangle were secured by Hand Locking Bars and padlocks. A Location Board was provided at the Up end and the Train Staff and Ticket section was established from Meringur to Morkalla.

Special instructions issued in the 1956 General Appendix (also in 1936 G.A.) at Meringur. Source: Victorian Railways

From 2-6-1959 the Meringur - Morkalla section was only open for the carriage of wheat and trains were only run as required. The Meringur - Morkalla section was officially closed on 19-3-1964 in view of the poor traffic during the record 1963/4 season.

On 28-6-1967 the Down Home Signal and Plunger Locking was abolished and a Hand Locking Bar and padlock installed.

Meringur was worked under No One in Charge conditions by 3-12-1968.

The points leading from No.1 track towards Nos. 2 and 3 tracks at the Down end and the points leading to No.2 track at the Up and Down ends were provided with WSa levers in lieu of CCW levers by 29-5-1979.

A radio communication repeater tower was installed at the station in early 1984.

Meringur was closed to all traffic on 9-12-1988.

Meringur to Morkalla staff. Photo: Bruce McLean

Meringur Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Meringur 1926

Meringur 1928

Meringur 1967


Karween was open for traffic on 16-6-1931 under No One in Charge conditions. The loop siding was secured by Hand Locking Bars and padlocks and Location Boards were provided.

Karween was closed to all traffic on 19-3-1964.

Karween Signalling Diagram (Click on title to open file)

Karween 1931


Morkalla was opened as an extension from Meringur on 16-6-1931 under No One in Charge conditions and as a Train Staff and Ticket station for the section Meringur - Morkalla. No signals were provided and the Up end points were secured by a Hand Locking Bar and padlock. A Location Board was provided at the Up end.

N414 departs with an Up goods train on 22-4-1957 and is about to pass the Morkalla Location Board facing Down trains. Photo: Doug McLean

Morkalla was closed to all traffic on 19-3-1964.

Morkalla Signalling Diagram (Click on title to open file)

Morkalla 1931

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