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Ouyen to South Australian Border

Train Staff and Ticket:

1912-1912 Ouyen - Murrayville;

1912-1913 Ouyen - Walpeup; Walpeup - Murrayville;

1913-1923 Ouyen - Walpeup; Walpeup - Underbool; Underbool - Tutye; Tutye - Murrayville; Murrayville - Pinnaroo;

1923-1967 Ouyen - Walpeup; Walpeup - Underbool; Underbool - Cowangie; Cowangie - Murrayville; Murrayville - Pinnaroo;

1967-1986 Ouyen - Walpeup; Walpeup - Underbool; Underbool - Murrayville; Murrayville - Pinnaroo;

1986-1989 Ouyen - Underbool; Underbool - Cowangie; Cowangie - Pinnaroo;

1989 Ouyen - Cowangie; Cowangie - Pinnaroo;


The Railway Construction Branch commenced construction of the Kow Plains line on 11-1-1909. An up home signal was provided on the new branch line for construction trains on 24-5-1911 with plunger locks provided on the main line points. The line to Murrayville was opened for traffic on 25-6-1912. Train Staff and Ticket working was applied with the sections Ouyen - Murrayville. Walpeup was opened as a Train Staff and Ticket station on 13-12-1912 and the Train Staff and Ticket sections became Ouyen - Walpeup.

The up home signal for the Murrayville line was placed 100 yards further out on 20-7-1927 and moved another 480 yards further out on 5-9-1939.

On 14-10-1986 Walpeup was disestablished as a Train Staff and Ticket station and the Ouyen - Walpeup section was replaced with Ouyen - Underbool.

The Murrayville line junction was rationalised on 7-12-1988. The connection to the branch line to No.1 road and the crossover to No.2 road was abolished. The stockyard siding was abolished and the compound points at the up end were replaced by a simple turnout. A new plunger locked crossover from the main line to No.2 road was provided on the up side of the Ouyen Highway level crossing and the right hand arm on Post 3 leading from the main line to the Murrayville line was abolished.

On 14-2-1989 Underbool was disestablished as a Train Staff and Ticket station and the Ouyen - Underbool section was replaced with Ouyen - Cowangie.

Ouyen Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Ouyen 1915

Ouyen 1920

Ouyen 1927

Ouyen 1939

Ouyen 1943

Ouyen 1973

Ouyen 1982

Ouyen 1988

Ouyen 2002


Tiega was opened for traffic under no one in charge conditions on 25-6-1912. Staff locks were provided on the loop siding on 8-7-1913 with the key being the staff for the Ouyen - Walpeup section.

Tiega was closed to all traffic on 4-1-1954.

Tiega Signalling Diagram (Click on title to open file)

Tiega 1925


Galah was opened for traffic under no one in charge conditions on 25-6-1912. Staff locks were provided on the loop siding on 8-7-1913 with the key being the train staff for the Ouyen - Walpeup section.

By 28-9-1926 Galah could open as an Intermediate Special Block Post in the Ouyen - Walpeup section however this may have been rescinded at some stage as instructions were issued on 1-2-1949 restating the same conditions.

Galah was closed to passenger traffic on 1-11-1968.

On 6-8-1970, the Staff locking of the main line points was replaced with CCW levers, hand locking bars and padlocks. Scotch Blocks were provided in the Siding. The staff locks were restored on 17-5-1976 until hand lock bars and padlocks replaced the staff locks on 14-10-1986. Location boards were erected 400 metres out from the facing points.

Galah Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Galah 1925

Galah 2002


Walpeup was opened for traffic under no one in charge conditions on 25-6-1912.

Walpeup was opened as a staff station under the Train Staff and Ticket system with the sections Ouyen - Walpeup and Walpeup - Murrayville established on 13-12-1912. Up and down home signals and plunger locking was provided on 8-7-1913. A Stationmaster was appointed by 6-1-1913.

A Staff Exchange Box was provided by 26-11-1929 and a Staff Ticket Exchange Box by 15-4-1930.

The up home signal was moved 207 yards further out on 14-8-1939 and on 19-9-1939 the down end extension at the down end of No.2 road was abolished and No.3 road was extended 266 yards at the down end and connected to the main line. An annett lock secured the main line points.

The Stationmaster position was replaced by Porter in Charge on 25-12-1944.

Walpeup was closed to passenger traffic on 1-11-1968 and was reduced to no one in charge conditions by 30-1-1979.

A radio communication repeater tower was installed at the station in early 1984.

On 14-10-1986 Walpeup was disestablished as a Train Staff and Ticket Station, the new section being Ouyen - Underbool. The Up and Down home signals were abolished, the plunger and annett locking removed, and hand locking bars and padlocks provided. Scotch blocks were provided on the siding tracks. Location boards were erected 400 metres out from the facing points.

Walpeup Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Walpeup 1918

Walpeup 1925

Walpeup 1939

Walpeup 2002


Torrita was opened 25-6-1912 as Nyang. Staff locks were provided on the loop goods siding on 8-7-1913. Nyang was renamed Torrita on 1-10-1921.

By 1-2-1949 Torrita could be opened as an Intermediate Special Block Post in the Walpeup - Underbool Train Staff and Ticket section.

Torrita was closed to passenger traffic on 1-11-1968.

On 4-8-1970, the Staff locking of the main line points were replaced with CCW levers, hand locking bars and padlocks. Scotch Blocks were provided in the Siding.

On 29-10-1975, the up and down end points were provided with Wsa levers and staff locks.

By 18-10-1978 Torrita was worked under no one in charge conditions.

The staff locks were replaced by hand locking bars and padlocks on 14-10-1986. Location boards were erected 400 metres out from the facing points.

Torrita Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Torrita 1925

Torrita 2002


Underbool was open for traffic under no one in charge conditions on 25-6-1912. It was established as a Train Staff and Ticket station on 31-12-1912 with the sections Walpeup - Underbool and Underbool - Tutye. No signals were provided and a Stationmaster was appointed.

Up and down home signals with plunger locking was provided on 8-7-1913.

A Staff Ticket Exchange Box was provided by 24-2-1931. An instruction was issued on 9-8-1955 to enable the Staff Ticket Exchange Box to be used as a Staff Exchange Box.

Underbool was closed to passenger traffic on 1-11-1968 and was operated under no one in charge conditions by 27-2-1979.

A view of Underbool looking east from the top of the silo. 1948. Photo: Reg Forster, Bob Whitehead Collection

The up and down home signals and plunger locking was abolished on 14-10-1986 and hand locking bars and padlocks were provided on the main line points. Scotch blocks were provided on the siding tracks and Location Boards provided 400 metres from the outer facing points at each end.

The Staff Ticket Exchange Box was removed by 23-12-1986.

Underbool was disestablished as a Train Staff and Ticket station on 14-2-1989 and replaced by the new section Ouyen - Cowangie.

By 15-8-1989, the Down end points were relocated 216 metres in a Down direction and connected to the dead extension of No.2 track forming a siding 419 metres long. The points were secured by a hand locking bar and padlock.

Underbool Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Underbool 1918

Underbool 1925

Underbool 1948

Underbool 2002


Linga was opened as Manpy on 25-6-1912 under no one in charge conditions.

Staff locks were provided on the main line points to the siding on 8-7-1913.

No.2 road was probably provided on 7-3-1925 when salt traffic was being carried for the Mt. Lyell Mining and Railway Co. The sidings were extended 80 feet at the down end by 16-2-1943.

Instructions were issued on 1-2-1949 to enable Linga to be opened as an Intermediate Special Block Post in the Underbool - Cowangie Train Staff and Ticket section when Boinka or Tutye were not open.

On 10-4-1967 Linga was disestablished as an Intermediate Special Block Post and on 1-11-1968 closed to passenger traffic.

On 27-7-1970, the Staff locking of the main line points was replaced with CCW levers, hand locking bars and padlocks. Scotch Blocks were provided in the Siding.

Linga was worked under no one in charge conditions by 19-8-1975.

On 8-4-1976 the Up and Down end points were renewed on the main line. WSa levers and Staff Locks were provided in lieu of the CCW levers and hand locking bars.

The Staff Locks were removed and Hand Locking Bars and padlocks installed on 21-10-1986. Scotch Blocks were provided on the siding tracks and Location Boards were provided 400 metres from the outer facing points at each end.

The Up end of Linga station yard. 17-3-1984. Photo: Bruce McLean

Linga Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Linga 1924

Linga 1930

Linga 1985

Linga 2002


Boinka was open on 25-6-1912 under no one in charge conditions and was provided with staff locks on the main line points on 8-7-1913.

Instructions were issued on 28-9-1926 to enable Boinka to be open as an Intermediate Special Block Post in the Underbool - Cowangie Train Staff and Ticket section.

By 10-2-1931 Boinka was operated under Caretaker conditions.

Instructions were issued on 1-2-1949 to allow opening as an Intermediate Special Block Post when either Linga or Tutye were not open.

The caretaker had been withdrawn and the station worked under no one in charge conditions by 20-8-1961.

On 10-4-1967 instructions were varied to allow opening as an Intermediate Special Block Post when either Cowangie or Danyo were not open.

Boinka was closed to passenger traffic on 1-11-1968.

On 30-7-1970, the Staff locking of the main line points was replaced with CCW levers, hand locking bars and padlocks. Scotch Blocks were provided in the Siding.

Boinka was closed to all traffic on 30-6-1976 and the siding subsequently removed.

Flashing lights were provided at Ouyen Highway (535.173 km) on the down side of Boinka on 30-9-1982.

Boinka Signalling Diagram (Click on title to open file)

Boinka 1925


Tutye was open for traffic on 25-6-1912 under no one in charge conditions and was established as a Train Staff and Ticket station on 31-12-1912 with the sections Underbool - Tutye and Tutye - Murrayville. No signals were installed and a Stationmaster was appointed.

Tutye was closed as a Train Staff and Ticket station by 5-5-1913 and was operated under no one in charge conditions by 19-5-1913.

The points were secured by staff locks on 8-7-1913. On the same date, up and down home signals with plunger locking on the main line points were provided but these were secured out of use. By 29-12-1913 Tutye was again opened as a Train Staff and Ticket station most likely for seasonal grain traffic as it was closed again by 6-4-1914 and operated under Caretaker conditions by 27-7-1914. Tutye was opened as a Train Staff and Ticket station for short periods during the years1915, 1916, 1917, 1919 for grain season traffic. When Tutye was opened as a staff station the home signals and plunger locks were in use. At other times, the points were secured by staff locks. Tutye was opened permanently as a Train Staff and Ticket station by 11-1-1921 and the staff locks removed. It was closed as a staff station by 21-6-1924.

By 27-3-1928 the signals were dressed with black crosses and the signal lever quadrants secured. The staff locks were probably reinstated at this time. The up and down home signals were not removed until 12-8-1937. No.2 road was removed on 11-3-1941.

Instructions were issued on 1-2-1949 that Tutye may be opened as an Intermediate Special Block Post in the Underbool - Cowangie Train Staff and Ticket section if Linga or Boinka were not open.

On 10-4-1967 Tutye was disestablished as an Intermediate Special Block Post and on 1-11-1968 was closed to passenger traffic.

On 28-7-1970, the Staff locking of the main line points was replaced with CCW levers, hand locking bars and padlocks. Scotch Blocks were provided in the Siding.

On 8-4-1976 the Up and Down end points were renewed on the main line. WSa levers and Staff Locks were provided in lieu of the CCW levers and hand locking bars.

Hand locking bars and padlocks replaced the staff locks on 21-10-1986 and scotch blocks were provided on the siding tracks. Location Boards were provided 400 metres from the outer points at each end.

Tutye Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Tutye 1925

Tutye 2002


Cowangie was open for traffic as Kow Plains on 25-6-1912 under no one in charge conditions.

Staff locks were provided on 8-7-1913 and by 1-12-1913 the station was under Caretaker conditions. A Stationmaster was provided by 2-4-1917.

Instructions were issued on 27-5-1918 to enable Cowangie to be opened as an Intermediate Special Block Post in the Underbool - Murrayville Train Staff and Ticket section.

Instructions were issued on 24-3-1919 for Cowangie to open as a Block Post and it was disestablished as an Intermediate Special Block Post on 10-4-1919. This was reversed with instructions on 16-10-1923 to reopen as an Intermediate Special Block Post.

On 10-12-1923 Cowangie was established as a Train Staff and Ticket station creating the sections Underbool - Cowangie and Cowangie - Murrayville. Up and down home signals and plunger locking on the main line points were provided.

A Staff Exchange Box was provided by 26-11-1929 and by 15-4-1930 a Staff Ticket Exchange Box was provided.

The up home signal was moved 147 yards further out on 13-9-1939 and on 19-9-1939 the dead end extension of No.3 road was extended at the down end and connected to the main line with an annett lock. These alterations were connected with the provision of a new concrete silo.

A Porter in charge replaced the Stationmaster on 17-10-1943.

On 10-4-1967 Cowangie was disestablished as a permanent Train Staff and Ticket station, but was available to open on a temporary basis in the new section Underbool - Murrayville. It was also available as an Intermediate Special Block Post in the new section if Boinka or Danyo were not open. Caretaker conditions applied by 23-5-1967.

Cowangie was closed to passenger traffic on 1-11-1968.

On 23-7-1970, the Fixed Signals, Annett lock, and Plunger locking were abolished. The main line points were fitted with CCW levers, hand locking bars and padlocks.

On 6-7-1976 Wsa levers and Staff Locks were provided in lieu of the CCW levers and hand locking bars on the Up and Down end points.

No one in charge conditions applied from 18-7-1978.

Cowangie was reestablished as a Train Staff and Ticket station on 21-10-1986 with the new sections Underbool - Cowangie and Cowangie - Pinnaroo. Hand locking bars and padlocks replaced the staff locks and scotch blocks were provided on the siding tracks. Location boards were provided 400 metres out from the facing points at each end.

On 4-10-1988 instructions were issued that all trains must carry the staff between Cowangie and Pinnaroo and no tickets to be issued.

Cowangie Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Cowangie 1918

Cowangie 1924

Cowangie 1939

Cowangie 1985

Cowangie 2002


Danyo was open for traffic on 25-6-1912 under no one in charge conditions and was provided with staff locks on the main line points on 8-7-1913.

Instructions were issued on 28-9-1926 to enable Danyo to open as an Intermediate Special Block Post in the Cowangie - Murrayville Train Staff and Ticket section. This instruction was varied on 10-4-1967 to enable opening only if Cowangie or Boinka was not open.

Danyo was closed to passenger traffic on 1-11-1968.

On 21-7-1970, the Staff locking of the main line points was replaced with CCW levers, hand locking bars and padlocks. Scotch Blocks were provided in the Siding in lieu of Catch Points.

Danyo was closed to all traffic on 4-4-1977 and the siding removed.

Danyo Signalling Diagram (Click on title to open file)

Danyo 1925


Murrayville was the end of the line when opened on 25-6-1912 and was established as a Train Staff and Ticket station for the section Ouyen - Murrayville until the establishment of train crossing stations at Walpeup, Underbool, and Tutye by 1913. Murrayville was opened under no one in charge conditions.

A down home signal with the points in the main line at the up end secured by a staff lock were provided on 8-12-1912. A Stationmaster was appointed by 6-1-1913.

A turntable disc was provided to protect the turntable by 14-7-1913.

For construction trains working on the extension of the line to Pinnaroo, a home signal was provided on the up side at the down end on 11-3-1915. On the same date, an annett lock was provided in lieu of a staff lock on the points leading to the turntable road and plunger locks were provided in lieu of staff locks on the main line points at each end of the yard. The extension to Pinnaroo was opened for traffic on 29-7-1915 with Train Staff and Ticket for the section Murrayville - Pinnaroo.

A Staff Ticket Exchange Box was provided by 24-2-1931.

A 70 foot turntable was provided by 7-2-1933.

Murrayville was closed to passenger traffic on 1-11-1968 and the turntable and siding was removed by 9-9-1969.

Murrayville turntable 1925. Photo: From an old postcard - John Thompson Collection

Flashing light signals were provided at the Ouyen Highway level crossings on each side of Murrayville in October and November 1982.

On 21-10-1986 Murrayville was disestablished as a Train Staff and Ticket station and the new section Cowangie - Pinnaroo opened.

On 30-10-1986 the up and down home signals, the plunger locks on the main line points and annett locking was abolished. Hand locking bars and padlocks were provided to secure the main line points and Location Boards were provided 400 metres from the outer facing points at each end.

Murrayville Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Murrayville 1912

Murrayville 1915

Murrayville 2002


Carina was open for traffic on 29-7-1915 under no one in charge conditions. Staff locks were provided on the main line points for the siding.

Carina was worked under no one in charge conditions on 21-10-1929 and was closed for passenger traffic on 1-11-1968.

On 15-7-1970, the Staff locking of the main line points was replaced with CCW levers, hand locking bars and padlocks. Scotch Blocks were provided in the Siding in lieu of Catch Points.

On 21-9-1976, Wsa levers and Staff Locks were provided in lieu of CCW levers hand locking bars on the Up and Down points.

A radio communication repeater tower was installed at the station in early 1984.

On 30-10-1986, Hand Locking Bars replaced the Staff Locks. Scotch blocks were provided on the siding tracks and Location Boards were provided 400 metres from the outer facing points at each end.

Carina Signalling Diagram (Click on title to open file)

Carina 1918

Carina 2002


Panitya was open for traffic on 29-7-1915 under no one in charge conditions. Staff locks were provided on the main line points for the siding.

Instructions were issued by 1-2-1949 to enable Panitya to be opened as an Intermediate Special Block Post in the Murrayville - Pinnaroo Train Staff and Ticket section.

Panitya was worked under no one in charge conditions on 21-10-1929 and was closed to passenger traffic on 1-11-1968.

On 13-7-1970, the Staff locking of the main line points was replaced with CCW levers, hand locking bars and padlocks. Scotch Blocks were provided in the Siding in lieu of Catch Points.

On 10-3-1976 the Up end points were relocated 50 feet in an Up direction with the construction of an additional silo on the siding. Staff locks were provided in lieu of hand locking bars and padlocks on the Up and Down end points.

On 30-10-1986 the staff locks were replaced by hand locking bars and padlocks and scotch blocks provided on the siding tracks. Location Boards were provided 400 metres from the outer facing points at each end.

From 27-6-1996, the Pinnaroo line was closed to traffic beyond 601.511 km (the state border). A baulk was provided across the line at the border and a board with the words "Line Closed at Border - Baulks provided" was placed 100 metres before the baulk.

On 25-7-1996 Panitya was opened as a staff station with the section Cowangi - Panitya (the line beyond was out of use). All trains had to carry the staff.

Panitya Signalling Diagram (Click on title to open file)

Panitya 1918

Panitya 2002


The line from Murrayville was opened on 29-7-1915 with the Train Staff and Ticket section Murrayville - Pinnaroo. An arrival home signal was provided on the Victorian line and safeworking was under the control of the Pinnaroo Stationmaster.

The turntable was replaced by a triangle by 8-5-1928.

The reversing triangle was unavailable for use from March 1969. (Steam locomotive operations between Ouyen and Pinnaroo ceased in December 1967).

On 4-10-1988 the Down Home Signal was abolished and a Stop Board with the words "End Of V/line Safeworking System. Trains Must Not Pass This Board Without Permission from the ANR Train Controller" provided. The Cowangie - Pinnaroo staff was required to be carried on all trains with no tickets to be issued.

From 26-10-1995, Victorian trains operating in Pinnaroo were required to stop at the "End Victorian Safeworking System" Board and could not enter Pinnaroo yard until admitted into the yard by an Australian National operator. (Australian National were the system operators at the time).

From 27-6-1996, the Pinnaroo line was closed to traffic beyond the South Australia/Victoria border, and baulks placed across the line at that location, about 2.5 km on the down side of Panitya. A Board with the wording "Line Closed at Border. Baulks Provided" was located 100 metres before the baulks.

Notice Board indicating that the line is closed at the Victoria/South Australia border. 4-5-1998. Photo: Bruce Mclean

Pinnaroo Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Pinnaroo 1928

Pinnaroo 1970

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