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Kiamal to Irymple


Train Staff and Ticket Sections:

1903-1904 Woomelang - Hattah; Hattah - Mildura;

1904-1909 Woomelang - Mildura;

1909-1911 Woomelang - Ouyen; Ouyen - Mildura;

1911-1912 Woomelang - Lascelles; Lascelles - Ouyen; Ouyen - Hattah; Hattah - Irymple; Irymple - Mildura;

1912-1914/15 Woomelang - Lascelles; Lascelles - Speed; Speed - Ouyen;

1914/15-1919 Hattah - Irymple; Irymple - Mildura;

1919-1922 Hattah -Yatpool; Yatpool - Irymple; Irymple - Mildura;

1922-1924 Hattah - Yatpool; Yatpool - Red Cliffs; Red Cliffs - Irymple; Irymple - Mildura;

1924-1925 Hattah - Carwarp; Carwarp - Redcliffs; Red Cliffs - Irymple; Irymple - Mildura;

Large Electric Staff Sections:

1914/15-1957 Woomelang - Lascelles; Lascelles - Speed; Speed - Ouyen; Ouyen -Hattah;

Miniature Electric Staff Sections:

1925-1989 Hattah - Carwarp; Carwarp - Redcliffs; Red Cliffs - Irymple; Irymple - Mildura;

1957-1982 Woomelang - Lascelles; Lascelles - Speed;

1982-1989 Woomelang - Speed;

Train Order Locations:

1989-1992 Woomelang - Speed; Speed - Ouyen (also Intermediate Terminal Station); Ouyen - Hattah; Hattah - Carwarp; Carwarp - Redcliffs; Redcliffs - Irymple; Irymple - Mildura (Terminal Station).

1992 -1997 Woomelang - Gama Block Point; Gama Block Point - Speed Loop; Speed Loop - Ouyen; Ouyen - Hattah; Hattah - Carwarp Loop; Carwarp Loop - Yatpool Block Point; Yatpool Block Point - Irymple; Irymple - Mildura.

Section Authority Working:

1997-1999 Woomelang Unattended Crossing Loop - Gama Block Point; Gama Block Point - Speed Loop; Speed Unattended Crossing Loop - Ouyen Intermediate Terminal Station; Ouyen Intermediate Terminal Station - Hattah Attended Crossing Station; Hattah Attended Crossing Station - Carwarp Unattended Crossing Loop; Carwarp Unattended Crossing Loop -Yatpool Block Point; Yatpool Block Point - Irymple Attended Crossing Station (Intermediate Crossing Loop); Irymple Attended Crossing Station - Mildura Train Order Terminal Station.

Train Order System of Signalling:

1999- Curyo Block Point - Woomelang Loop; Woomelang Loop - Gama Block Point; Gama Block Point - Speed Loop; Speed Loop - Ouyen Intermediate Terminal Station; Ouyen Intermediate Terminal Station - Hattah Block Point; Hattah Block Point - Carwarp Loop; Carwarp Loop - Yatpool Block Point; Yatpool Block Point - Mildura Intermediate Terminal Station; Mildura Intermediate Terminal Station - Yelta Train Order Terminal Station.


Kia Siding was opened for goods traffic only on 15-5-1913. Staff locked points were provided on the goods siding with the key being the train staff for the section Ouyen - Hattah.

The siding was named Kiamal on 19-2-1917. A passenger platform was provided by 20-1-1919. Location boards were removed on 1-11-1922. The large staff locks were replaced by miniature staff locks on 18-5-1926.

By 30-10-1928 Kiamal could be opened as an intermediate composite electric staff block post in the section Ouyen - Hattah.

Kiamal was closed to passengers by 24-3-1970.

Large in lieu of miniature staff locks were provided on 1-3-1989 with a large type Master Key kept at Donald and Ouyen.

With the introduction of Train Order Working between Dunolly and Mildura on 19-3-1989, Kiamal was disestablished as an intermediate composite electric staff block post.

The up end of Kiamal looking in the down direction. 20-4-2002. Photo: Bruce McLean

Kiamal Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Kiamal 1928

Kiamal 1970

Kiamal 2002


Trinita was opened for traffic by 2-1-1924 as an unnamed public siding with the siding points secured by staff locks. It was named Trinita on 5-6-1924. The large staff locks were replaced by miniature staff locks on 18-5-1926. Trinita was closed to all traffic on 31-3-1956.

Trinita Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Trinita 1928


When the extension from Woomelang to Hattah was opened on 15-1-1903, the Train Staff and Ticket section was Woomelang - Hattah. Up and down home signals were provided on 2-2-1903.

The next sections of the line to open were to Nowingi on 25-5-1903, Yatpool on 30-9-1903 and Mildura on 27-10-1903. Hattah was closed as a staff station when the line was extended to Nowingi. A reversing triangle was provided by 26-10-1903.

Engineers drawing showing the location of the reversing triangle constructed at Hattah for steam locomotives. The triangle was provided in 1903 and dismantled in 1905. Source: Bruce McLean Collection

With the completion of construction and limited traffic, the up and down home signals were removed on 12-4-1904 Limit boards were provided by 4-9-1905.

Staff locks were provided on the siding points on 23-2-1911 with the key being the train staff for Ouyen - Mildura.

Hattah was established as a Train Staff and Ticket station by 4-12-1911 with the sections Ouyen - Hattah and Hattah - Irymple. Signals were not provided at this time, but were installed on 30-1-1912 along with plunger locks on the points.

By 4-10-1915 Hattah was established as a Large Electric Staff station in lieu of train staff and ticket for the section Ouyen - Hattah. The telegraph instrument was removed by 16-5-1922.

Extension of electric staff working towards Mildura did not proceed until 16-12-1925 when Miniature Electric Staff working was introduced for the section Hattah - Carwarp. Hattah then briefly had both large and miniature staff instruments, but the section between Ouyen and Hattah was converted to miniature staff instrument on 18-5-1926. A staff exchange box was installed by 22-6-1926.

The stationmaster was withdrawn and the station worked under caretaker conditions on 5-3-1930.

A composite electric staff to enable Nowingi or Boonoonar to be open as intermediate composite staff block posts was provided by 3-5-1938.

A radio communication repeater tower was installed at the station in early 1984.

Train Order working between Dunolly and Mildura commenced on 19-3-1989 and the electric staff sections to Ouyen and Carwarp were abolished. Hattah was established as a Train Order Crossing station.

On 10-8-1989 the Down end main line points were relocated 193 metres in the Down direction out. No. 2 track was extended in the Down direction and was connected to the relocated points to provide a loop 485 metres long. The former Down end crossover from No.2 track to the main line was abolished. No alterations were made to the signals. Electronic end of train detection (TAILS) was commissioned on 3-11-1989

Section Authority Working commenced on 12-10-1997 with the sections Ouyen - Hattah; Hattah - Carwarp Loop (although Hattah was also referred to as Hattah Block Point). Hattah was an open/close location. When open it operated as an attended crossing station, when closed it operated as a Block Point. The Block Point location was at the up end of the station yard.

Up home signal Hattah. 30-3-1996. Photo: Bruce McLean

On 8-7-1998 the Block Point signage was removed and replaced with new Block Point signage.

On 25-11-1999 reflectorised red and green spectacles were fitted to the Up and Down home signals.

Freight Victoria reintroduced Train Order Working from 25-7-1999. Hattah was described as a Block Point Location and remained named as Hattah Block Point with the sections Ouyen - Hattah Block Point; Hattah Block Point - Carwarp Loop. Trains were not permitted to cross at Hattah.

Hattah Block Point looking in the up direction. Note the down home signal on the up side of the track. 20-4-2002. Photo: Bruce McLean

The down home signal at Hattah was located on the up side of the line. Note the reflectorised spectacles fitted to the signal. 20-4-2002. Photo: Bruce McLean

Hattah Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Hattah 1928

Hattah 1958

Hattah 1970

Hattah 2002


Nowingi was the end of the line from 25-5-1903 to 30-9-1903 when the line was extended to Yatpool. During this time Nowingi was a staff station with the section Woomelang - Nowingi. Nowingi had no one in charge on 26-10-1903 and was closed by 14-12-1903.

On 13-8-1906 instructions were issued to put in a short siding at an estimated cost of 20 pounds in connection with erection of an employee residence. This was completed by 15-9-1906 with a single staff lock being fitted to the points on 12-9-1906. The points were secured by a combined Staff Lock and Plunger, the key being the Woomelang - Mildura Train Staff. Nowingi was reopened by 17-9-1906 with the spelling "Nowingee"

By 21-3-1910 it was open for goods traffic, with no one in charge, and the name spelt "Nowingi".

On 21-9-1911 a second staff lock had been provided indicating that the siding had been altered to a loop. The passenger platform was extended about 1913. Location boards were removed on 1-11-1922. By 2-12-1924 Nowingi was being worked under caretaker conditions.

By 3-7-1928 a siding for the Railway Construction Branch for the construction of the Millewa South railway was provided. The points were secured by a miniature staff lock on the main line with scotch block protection clear of the fouling point on the siding. On 12-7-1928 a direct connection was provided from the goods loop to the Construction Branch siding The intermediate crossover from the goods siding to the main line was abolished by 11-7-1935.

By 3-5-1938, Nowingi was available to be open as an intermediate composite electric staff block post in the Hattah - Carwarp electric staff section, providing Boonoonar was not open as an intermediate composite staff block post.

By 1-5-1973, Nowingi was reduced to no one in charge supervised by Ouyen and on 10-11-1975 it was closed to passenger traffic.

With the cessation of gypsum mining, the former Millewa South branch line leased by the Colonial Sugar Refining Company was no longer required and the points in the main line were spiked normal on 16-11-1987. On 14-9-1988, the main line points were abolished.

With the introduction of Train Order working between Dunolly and Mildura, Nowingi was disestablished as an intermediate composite electric staff block post on 19-3-1989, effectively closing Nowingi for any useful purpose.

Nowingi Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Nowingi 1925

Nowingi 1928

Nowingi 1958

Nowingi 1970


Boonoonar was opened by 09-10-1923 as an unnamed public siding. The points to the loop siding were secured by staff locks. The siding was opened for passengers by 6-5-1924 and was named Boonoonar on 5-6-1924.

The loop siding provided at the opening was extended by 550 feet at the up end by 1-2-1927.

On 3-5-1938, Boonoonar could open as an intermediate composite electric staff block post in the Hattah - Carwarp section, providing that Nowingi was not open.

It was closed to all traffic on 1-3-1955, but disestablished as an intermediate composite electric staff block post was not officially notified until 18-12-1956.

Boonoonar Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Boonoonar 1923


Carwarp was opened under no one in charge conditions and available for passengers on 1-5-1913. A goods siding was available from 15-5-1913 with the points staff locked with the train staff for the Hattah - Irymple section.

Carwarp was operated under caretaker conditions from 25-10-1918 and Location boards were removed on 1-11-1922.

Carwarp was replaced Yatpool as a Train Staff and Ticket station on 15-7-1924 creating the sections Hattah - Carwarp and Carwarp - Redcliffs. Up and down home signals and plunger locking of points were provided. By 16-12-1925, Train Staff and Ticket was replaced by Miniature Electric Staff on the Hattah and Red Cliffs sections. A Stationmaster was appointed, most likely transferring from Yatpool.

By 22-6-1926, Carwarp received the first installation of a new type of Staff Exchange Box.

The Stationmaster was withdrawn on 26-8-1931 and the station worked by a signal porter under the supervision of Ouyen.

A composite electric staff to enable Nowingi or Boonoonar to be open as intermediate composite staff block posts was provided by 3-5-1938.

The crossing loop was extended at the down end on 16-6-1987 and the up Home Signal was moved 182 metres further out in a Down direction. On 27-2-1989 both Up and Down Home Signals were abolished and trailable points installed at each end with No.1 road for Up trains and No.2 road for Down trains. Non-trailable point machines were fitted on the connections to No.3 road and Location Boards were provided.

Train Order Working between Dunolly and Mildura commenced on 19-3-1989 replacing the electric staff sections Hattah - Carwarp and Carwarp - Redcliffs. Carwarp was established as a Train Order crossing station. Electronic end of train detection (TAILS) was commissioned on 3-11-1989.

Electric staff instruments at Carwarp on last day of use - 18-3-1989. Carwarp to Hattah on left and Carwarp to Redcliffs on right. Photo: George Cullen

Carwarp to Redcliffs Electric Staff. Photo: Bruce McLean

In connection with the introduction of Section Authority Working on 12-10-1997, Carwarp Loop was established with the sections Hattah - Carwarp Loop; Carwarp Loop - Yatpool Block Point. Electronic end of train detection and location boards were also provided.

On 25-7-1999 Freight Victoria re-introduced Train Order Working and Carwarp Loop became an Unattended Crossing Loop with the sections Hattah Block Point - Carwarp Loop; Carwarp Loop - Yatpool Block Point.

Carwarp Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Carwarp 1921

Carwarp 1924

Carwarp 1970

Carwarp 1987

Carwarp 2002


Yatpool was called Karadoc Siding until it was officially named with the opening of the extension from Nowingi on 30-9-1903. The line was finally opened through to Mildura on 27-10-1903. While Yatpool was the end of the line it was open as a Train Staff and Ticket station with the section Woomelang - Yatpool. A loop siding and passenger platform was most likely provided at this time. Yatpool was closed for goods traffic by 28-3-1904.

Yatpool was an intermediate telephone (or telegraph block post) most likely from 11-9-1907 when staff locks were provided on the loop siding. By 14-8-1911 no one was in charge and it was closed as an intermediate telephone block post by 28-9-1914.

By 8-2-1915 Yatpool was established as a temporary Train Staff and Ticket station for the running of water trains creating the sections Hattah - Yatpool and Yatpool - Irymple. No signal were initially provided. Up and down home signals were in place on 20-7-1915, but the points remained staff locked.

A ballast siding leading into a ballast reserve near the station was provided with a staff lock on the points on 20-7-1915.

Yatpool was opened as a temporary Train Staff and Ticket station on 28-7-1919 and closed again by 8-9-1920. A Stationmaster appointed by 7-6-1920 and this probably marks the opening of Yatpool as a permanent staff station.

Plunger locking replaced the staff locks on the points on 16-6-1920. The telegraph instrument was removed by 16-5-1922.

Yatpool was disestablished as a Train Staff and Ticket station on 15-7-1924, being replaced by Carwarp. Staff locks were provided, but the home signals and plunger locks remained. The points in No.2 road were spiked for No.3 road. The Stationmaster was removed and possibly transferred to Carwarp. Caretaker conditions now applied. Miniature staff locks replaced the large staff locks.

The up and down home signals and plunger locks were removed on 1-3-1926.

The portion of No.2 road between the points of No.3 road and the dead end extension at the up end, were removed by 10-6-1941. The ballast siding was closed and removed before this time. Noted railway historian Mr. J. McLean observed in correspondence to the author that he inspected Yatpool in 1940 and the ballast siding was not there.

Yatpool became a no one in charge station on 7-12-1953 and was closed to all traffic on 7-3-1960.

A Train Order Block Point was established on 18-2-1992 at 555.777 km (between Redcliffs and the site of Yatpool) with the sections Carwarp Loop - Yatpool Block Point, Yatpool Block Point - Irymple. Electronic end of train detection and location boards were provided. Redcliffs was closed as a Train Order Crossing Station and became an Intermediate Siding.

Yatpool Block Point between Redcliffs and the site of Yatpool. Facing in the up direction. 7-3-1992. Photo: Bruce McLean

On 8-7-1998 the Block Point signage was removed and replaced with new Block Point signage.

Freight Victoria reintroduced Train Order Working from 25-7-1999. Yatpool was described as a Block Point Location and remained named as Yatpool Block Point with the sections Carwarp Loop - Yatpool Block Point; Yatpool Block Point - Mildura.

Yatpool Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Yatpool 1915

Yatpool 1920

Yatpool 1924

Yatpool 1926

Yatpool 1958

Yatpool Block Point 2002


Redcliffs was established as a "name board" station for passenger traffic only by 9-8-1920 and by 1-11-1920 a staff locked loop siding was provided for the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission who were developing the soldier settlement irrigation area surrounding the station site. Redcliffs was open for general business under no one in charge conditions by 8-11-1920. A master key was provided on the Yatpool - Irymple section to enable trains travelling on staff and ticket to shunt the siding.

A Stationmaster was appointed by 16-8-1921.

Redcliffs was established as a Train Staff and Ticket station on 25-4-1922 with the sections Yatpool - Redcliffs and Redcliffs - Irymple. There were no signals provided and the points secured by a staff lock. This action was in advance of the proposed suburban rail motor service which would terminate at Redcliffs.

Replica of original circular issued to open Redcliffs as a Staff Station from 25-4-1922. Source: Jack McLean

By June 1922 a 26 foot turntable was provided for the AEC rail motor to reverse when it commenced running between Mildura, Merbein and Redcliffs on 28-6-1922.

On or about 4-8-1922, the Construction Branch positioned junction points leading from the main line to the proposed Redcliffs to Millewa North railway. Construction of a crossing loop commenced in October 1922. The loop was built in the position of No.3 road with a space left between the loop and the main line.

On 1-3-1923 the staff locks were replaced by plunger locks and the junction points were secured by an annett lock. Up and down home signals were provided together with an up departure home signal protecting the junction points. A 4 lever interlocking frame was provided on the platform to work the signals.

The branch line from Redcliffs to Werrimull opened on 11-4-1924. The junction points remained secured by an annett lock, but a bracket signal was provided at the junction on 10-4-1924 together with an up home for moves from the Werrimull line. The branch line was worked by Train Staff and Ticket with the single section Redcliffs - Werrimull.

The signal for the Morkalla line is set at proceed for a special passenger train to Meringur on 14-6-1975. Redcliffs Up end. Photo: Bruce McLean

A new 6 lever interlocking frame was provided on the platform on 19-6-1924 along with a 5 lever auxiliary frame at the junction of the line to Werrimull secured by a cross lock. An annett lock duplicated on the auxiliary frame secured the points on the Red Cliffs Co-operative Packing Company siding which had been opened on 11-6-1924.

The up home signal for the main line was moved 150 yards further out on 21-6-1924. On 15-7-1924 new sidings were brought into use for the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission at the down end inside the home signal. The points at both ends of the siding were annett locked. A new down home departure signal was also provided. A 2 foot gauge tramway linked this siding with the pumping station on the Murray River, and was used for the carriage of coal.

The up home signal from Werrimull had been relocated 15 yards further out on 3-7-1924.

Diagram issued in 1922 showing proposed Up end track and safeworking arrangements for the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission sidings at the down end of Redcliffs. Source: Bruce McLean Collection

Diagram issued in 1922 showing proposed Down end track and safeworking arrangements for the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission sidings at the down end of Redcliffs. Source: Bruce McLean Collection

Miniature Electric Staff working replaced Train Staff and Ticket between Redcliffs and Irymple on 2-9-1925 and between Redcliffs and Carwarp on 16-12-1925.

No.2 road was constructed by 7-2-1928 replacing No.3 road as the crossing loop.

The rail motor turntable and siding was removed and transferred to Tongala, the work being completed on 7-2-1930. This followed the cessation of the rail motor service to Mildura and Merbein in November 1928.

The up home signal on the Millewa North line (to Meringur) was moved 425 yards further out on 4-4-1935.

In association with the decision to build a new passenger platform, a number of changes were made during 1938. The branch line junction, auxiliary frame and bracket post were moved 204 yards further out on 3-6-1928. No.2 road was extended 204 yards at the up end on 7-6-1938 and the plunger locked points relocated accordingly. The down home signal was moved 204 yards further out on 8-6-1938. The up home signal was moved 195 yards further in on 15-6-1938 (the annett locked connection at the down end of the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission siding had been abolished on 31-5-1938). On 11-9-1938 a new passenger platform and station building was provided on the up side of the former platform. The station building incorporated a 15 lever interlocking frame which worked the signals and the points at the down end. These points were fitted with double wire equipment. The loop points at the up end continued to be secured by a plunger lock and the and the auxiliary frame was secured by a cross lock from the platform frame.

The telegraph instrument was removed by 1-4-1969.

Morse code telegraph instrument at Redcliffs. 1969. Photo: Victorian Railways PR-3188

On 19-8-1975 the auxiliary frame working the junction points was taken out of service and the points leading to the Meringur line were rodded to a derail and equipped with an Annett lock. A notice board lettered "Derail" was provided. The right hand arm on Post 5 was removed. The annett lock on the points of the Redcliffs Co-operative Packing Co. siding was removed and a Wsa lever was provided. These points were mechanically detected through the Home Signal from the Meringur line. The catch points in the siding replaced with a Scotch Block.

The bracket post at Redcliffs with the Down Home Departure Signal for the former Morkalla branch line removed. 18-8-1979. Photo: Bruce McLean

On 10-12-1975, flashing light signals were brought into service at the Fitzroy Avenue level crossing at the down end of the station. The Home signal No. 3 on Post 4 was converted to a Light signal.

Signalling diagram for Redcliffs 25-8-1975. Source: Bruce McLean Collection

The down end sidings constructed for the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission were transferred to the State Electricity Commission (S.E.C.) by 1975. The Annett Locked Points and rodded catches to the sidings were abolished on 19-9-1979.

A Staff Exchange Box was provided (ex Burrumbeet) on either the 3-5-1981 or the 3-6-1981.

The Down Home signal, Post No. 1 was moved 73 metres further out on 2-7-1981.

Flashing light signals were brought into service at the Murray Avenue level crossing on 20-8-1981. Additional up light home signals (Posts 3 & 4) were provided to protect the crossing.

The Redcliffs Construction Siding was closed for use and the points removed in August 1981.

Dismantling of the construction siding at Redcliffs. 30-12-1981. Photo: Bruce McLean

Signalling diagram after removal of Construction Siding. 6-5-1982. Source: Bruce McLean Collection

A radio communication repeater tower was installed at the station in early 1984.

Train Staff and Ticket working was reintroduced on weekends only between Ouyen and Redcliffs in lieu of electric staff from Carwarp on 27-2-1987. Train No. 224 from Mildura at 1.30 p.m. on Friday 27-3-1987 was the first train to run under the special Train Staff and Ticket working between Redcliffs and Ouyen, running from Redcliffs to Ouyen on a Ticket.

Electric staff instruments at Redcliffs on the last day of use - 18-3-1989. Redcliffs to Irymple is on the left and Redcliffs to Carwarp on the right. Photo: George Cullen

Redcliffs to Irymple staff. Photo: Bruce McLean

Train Order Working notice boards at Redcliffs for the branch line to Meringur. Despite having "service suspended status" the line was still a recipient for the new safeworking system for trains. The line was officially closed on 9-12-1988 some three months before this photograph was taken on 24-3-1989. The mast next to the main line is for the electronic end of train detection system. Photo: Bruce McLean

The old and the new. A traditional lattice mast semaphore signal provides the up home protection for Redcliffs. Standing next to it is the new End of Train Detector installed at for Train Order safe working. 25-12-1988. Photo: Bruce McLean

Train Order Working between Dunolly and Mildura replaced electric staff working on 19-3.1989 and the sections Carwarp - Redcliffs and Redcliffs - Irymple were abolished. The special weekend Train Staff and Ticket working was abolished and Redcliffs was established as a Train Order Crossing station with electronic end of train detection provided.

The branch line from Redcliffs to Meringur was closed on 9-12-1988.

On 3-5-1989, the interlocking frame was altered with a closing lever provided. The Down Home Departure signal to the Meringur line (closed), Post No. 4, and the Up Home Departure signal to the Melbourne line, Post No.3, were converted to non track cancelled signals.

Redcliffs was disestablished as a Train Order Crossing station on 18-2-1992 and established as an Intermediate siding in the Yatpool Block Point - Irymple section. All signals were secured at proceed but were to be attended when train were required to shunt. Location boards and electronic end of train detection equipment were removed.

The down end main line points worked by the double-wire pull system from the signal box on the station platform, Redcliffs. 6-10-1979. Photo: Bruce McLean

The signal lever "pull" diagram in the Redcliffs station signal box. 11-3-1991. Photo: Bruce McLean

The lever and double-wire pull signal frame at Redcliffs station signal box. 11-3-1991. Photo: Bruce McLean

The double wire pull points at the down end of Redcliffs. The double-wire arrangement was used in preference to steel rodding because of the distance between the signal box and the location of the points. 23-5-1991. Photo: Bruce McLean

Work in progress at Redcliffs in preparation for removal of the interlocking and signals prior to the introduction of Section Authority Working. Note the point rodding being installed to connect to the new derail and wheel crowder equipment. 24-10-1992. Photo: Bruce McLean

Derail and wheel crowder equipment being installed at the down end of Redcliffs. 24-10-1992. Photo: Bruce McLean

By 22-3-1993, the interlocking was abolished and signals removed with the up and down home signals converted to light signals. The annett lock connection to the former Meringur line was abolished and a new connection was provided between No.2 road and the Mildura Fruit Co. (formerly Red Cliffs Co-operative) siding. Non trailable point machines were provided on the main line connections to No.2 road and derails were provided at each end of No.2 road. Intermediate siding location boards were provided.

The down end at Redcliffs following fitting of non-trailable point machines to the points. 20-2-1993. Photo: Bruce McLean

The banner used for indicating the direction of the points after it had been removed in connection with abolition of the interlocking system at Redcliffs. 20-2-1993. Photo: Bruce McLean

The up end points showing the new non-trailable point machine fitted and the new track arrangements for access top the Redcliffs Co-operative siding. 20-2-1993. Photo: Bruce McLean

Down Home Post 7 after the arm was removed. 20-2-1993. Photo: Bruce McLean

Up Home Post 1 after the arm was removed. 20-2-1993. Photo: Bruce McLean

Bracket Post 5 that formerly protected the Morkalla line junction after the left hand arm was removed. 20-2-1993. Photo: Bruce McLean

Signal posts 1, 5 and 7 were purchased by a local railway collector.

The Signal Box frame was preserved in the signal bay in association with the use of the station building as a tourist information centre and craft shop.

Redcliffs Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Redcliffs 1920

Redcliffs 1924

Redcliffs 1938

Redcliffs 1975

Redcliffs 1987

Redcliffs 2002


Irymple was opened on 26-10-1903 with the opening of the final section to Mildura.

It is most likely that a loop siding was provided at the time of opening

A telegraph instrument was provided at Irymple by 25-1-1904 and Limit boards were provided by 4-9-1905. The station was staffed by 8-2-1909. Irymple was established as a Train Staff and Ticket Station on 1-12-1911 with the sections Hattah - Irymple and Irymple - Mildura. There were no signals provided at this time however they were provided on 30-1-1912 and the main line points plunger locked. One set of points was equipped with a staff lock at this time, this was probably the Mildura Co-Op Fruit Coy Siding. A Stationmaster was appointed by 25-3-1912. No.2 road was constructed by 6-5-1912 for use as a crossing loop.

The telegraph instrument was removed by 16-5-1922.

On 2-9-1925 miniature Electric Staff working replaced Train Staff and Ticket working on the sections Redcliffs - Irymple and Irymple - Mildura. A staff exchange box was provided by 16-7-1929.

By 15-2-1927 the Irymple Packing Co Siding was extended 38 feet. It was extended a further 100 feet by 7-11-1939, and a final 50 feet by 22-1-1957. The Mildura Co-Op Fruit Coy Siding was extended 67 feet by 11-7-1933 and a further 150 feet by 31-8-1948. The Co-operative Dried Fruit Sales Siding was extended 150 feet by 12-5-1953.

The up home signal was moved 185 yards further out to the down side of the Calder Highway on 19-5-1943 and an additional down departure home signal was provided on 27-5-1943. Flashing lights signals were installed at the Calder Highway level crossing on 27-5-1943 to warn motorists that a train was approaching.

Flashing lights were provided at Karadoc Ave on 27-7-1967.

Scotch Blocks which could be locked on or off the rails, were provided at each end of No.2 road by 3-2-1970. This allowed vehicles to be placed on No.2 road if there was not sufficient siding accommodation.

The up home signal was relocated 93 feet further away from the station on 6-7-1972 and the track circuits that controlled the flashing lights at Calder Highway and Karadoc Ave were extended to allow 70 mph line speed on 26-7-1972.

Staff exchange box located on the outside wall of the station office at Irymple. October 1974. Photo: Bruce McLean

On 10-4-1979 composite miniature electric staffs were provided to allow three trains to be worked through Irymple while a signalman was off duty. A Composite Staff Exchange box was provided.

On 18-8-1982, Flashing Light signals were brought into service at the Irymple Avenue level crossing at the up end of the station. A new Up two position Home (light) signal was provided on the down side of the roadway.

On 12-12-1985, the Up and Down home arrival signals and the Down home departure signal were electrically lit.

Train Order working commenced between Dunolly and Mildura on 19-3-1989 and the electric staff sections Redcliffs - Irymple and Irymple - Mildura were abolished.

Electric staff instruments at Irymple on the last day of use - 18-3-1989. The instrument on the left is Irymple to Redcliffs and on the right, Irymple to Mildura. Photo: George Cullen

Irymple to Mildura staff. Photo: Bruce McLean

Irymple was established as a Train Order Crossing station but could only be used as a crossing station for shunting movements between Redcliffs and Mildura. Special instructions were provided for shunting with the Rail Tractor stationed at Irymple.

Up Home signal at Irymple from the cabin of locomotive X42. 20-10-1991. Photo: Bruce McLean

The down end home signal facing up trains arriving at Irymple is located next to the Calder Highway level crossing. 30-5-1993. Photo: Bruce McLean

Section Authority working was introduced on 12-10-1997, however Irymple was disestablished as an Attended Crossing Station in Section Authority Territory on 28-6-1998 and was altered to Intermediate Siding Status. A Siding Authority may be issued between Mildura and Irymple. The existing plunger locking and fixed signals remained in use although secured at the proceed position unless it is necessary to shunt at Irymple.

The up end home signal facing down trains at Irymple. 30-5-1993. Photo: Bruce McLean

The down departure home signal (foreground) and the up home signal on each side of the Calder Highway level crossing, Irymple. 2-8-1998. Photo: Bruce McLean

Original WS point lever at the Irymple Packing Co. siding, Irymple. 21-4-2002. Photo: Bruce McLean

It was unusual to locate plunger locking in between running rails as shown here in the Irymple Packing Co. siding at Irymple. 21-4-2002. Photo: Bruce McLean

Irymple station following removal of the station building. The three levers are for operating the mechanical signals and the stainless steel box contains controls for the light signal at the Up end and level crossing lights. 14-4-2003. Photo: Bruce McLean

Irymple Signalling Diagrams (Click on title to open file)

Irymple 1925

Irymple 1943

Irymple 1982

Irymple 2002

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