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Weed Poison Train

(also known as "Weedex Train")

A special train consisting of six 9,000 gallon tank wagons, two sleeping/staff carriages and a pump/spray/guard's van was constructed by the Victorian Railways at Newport Workshops in 1955 to control weed eradication along the State's railway lines. The new train replaced seven Sheffield motorised track trolleys attached to a trailer with a motorised spraying unit consisting of a 400 gallon tank and 4 horsepower engine and centrifugal pump for spraying. The old system with a full load of chemical, could treat from one to four miles of track at a speed of 10 miles an hour.

The new weed poison train consisted of two tankers filled with weedex solution, three tankers with either concentrate or water, two sleeping cars for crew accommodation and a mixing/spray van that is also used as a guard's van. It was designed to run at up to 20 miles an hour and when fully loaded, could treat as much as 200 miles of track.

During July 1955 the weed poison train commenced spraying on tracks north of Ballarat. From Monday 11-7-1955 it commenced spraying and had reached Mildura and Yelta by 13-7-1955. The following day the Red Cliffs to Morkalla line was sprayed and on Friday 15-7-1955 the Ouyen to Pinnaroo line was covered. An annual program was developed for full coverage of the State rail system, the months of June, July and August being regular times for the Mildura line and branches.

The new weed poisoning train hauled by steam locomotive X45 is heading off to spray country rail lines shortly after commissioning in 1955. Photo: Victorian Railways

Weedex spray train in action at the time of its introduction in 1955. Photo: Victorian Railways Neg. No. M4171

The Weedex train travelled throughout the State controlling the growth of weeds on and beside railway tracks. In this view the train is spraying the Yelta line shortly after leaving Mildura. 6-6-1969. Photo: Bruce McLean

The weed spray train operated on the Mildura line during the week commencing 21-7-1975. The scheduled called for a stop at Redcliffs to take water and stable. Redcliffs was not provided with watering facilities for steam locomotives and the only water supply available was from the hose used to water the station garden. The train ended up taking water from the standpipe at the Up end of Mildura station. The Redcliffs to Meringur line was covered on 14-10-1975 and the Ouyen to Underbool line was covered on 15-10-1975.

Weedex pump/spray van 1WZ at Mildura on 17-7-1979. Photo: Bruce McLean

The Weedex train shortly after arrival at Mildura at the end of a winter's day on the annual spray program of the Mildura line and branches. 17-7-1979. Photo: Bruce McLean

Weedex tanker WA3 at Mildura on 11-7-1981. Photo: Bruce McLean

Two door van HD247 (formerly VF13) used on the Weedex weed poison spray train for conveyance of chemicals. Note this van does not carry the prominent "VR" insignia on the sides. Mildura 11-7-1981. Photo: Bruce McLean

T329 leads the Weedex spray train north of Speed on 16-6-1982. Photo: Bruce McLean

2WZ spray van at work north of Speed on the annual spray program of the Mildura line and branches. 2WZ, formerly brake van 497ZL replaced the original spray van 1WZ in 1982. 16-6-1982. Photo: Bruce McLean

2WZ spray van was converted from brake van 497ZL in 1958. It was painted a light grey color. Redcliffs. 21-6-1982. Photo: Bruce McLean

After spraying the main line to Ouyen, the branch line from Ouyen to Pinnaroo, the main line from Ouyen to Redcliffs, the branch line from Redcliffs to Meringur, the Weedex train was stabled in the yard at Redcliffs on the night of 21-6-1982. The following day it sprayed to Yelta then returned south. Photo: Bruce McLean

Connecting arrangement for hoses feeding water and weed poison to pumping equipment in spray van. Redcliffs 21-6-1982. Photo: Bruce McLean

To provide accommodation for the crew travelling with the weed poison train, 37AE, a first class corridor passenger car, was withdrawn from service and converted to 1HW in 1971. Note the fly wire screens on the windows and LP gas bottles attached to the underframe. Redcliffs 21-6-1982. Photo: Bruce McLean

T398 arrives at Mildura with the Weedex train on 14-9-1983. Photo: Bruce McLean

The annual weed spray program of mallee lines brought the Weedex train to Mildura on 14-9-1983. Photo: Bruce McLean

The annual weed spraying program had the Weedex train in Mildura overnight on 27-7-1985. In an unusual move, the whole train was stabled in the Mildura carriage shed with "The Vinelander".

The Weedex train stabled in Mildura carriage shed on 27-7-1985. Photo: Bruce McLean

The Weedex train hauled by Y153 is near Bealiba on its return from the north-west spraying program. Photo: Bruce McLean

Details of the withdrawal of the Weedex train are not known. Hi-rail motor vehicles with poison tanks attached have replaced the train.

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