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Special Trains 1986 - 2003

"Special Trains" are trains that are scheduled for a unique purpose and additional to passenger and goods trains normally timetabled for a particular line. This segment covers known special trains that have been provided for specific occasions, special purposes, track testing and emergency circumstances. For Commissioners Inspection Trains and Railway Enthusiast Groups, refer to their separate sections.


On 30-4-1986, 350 primary school children from several Sunraysia New South Wales towns travelled from Mildura to Redcliffs and return on a special train consisting of carriages from "The Vinelander" arrival that morning. After arriving in Redcliffs they toured the township.

Acheringa Kindergarten children enjoyed a special train trip from Mildura to Redcliffs and return on 30-10-1986. The locomotive and carriages off "The Vinelander" were used for the special train trip.


In January 1987, the City of Mildura wrote to the Minister for Transport seeking to be included in the municipalities that were getting N Class locomotives named after them. It was agreed that the City of Mildura would be included and arrangements were made for a naming ceremony at Mildura station on Sunday 16-8-1987 on the weekend of "The Vinelander Plate" at Mildura Racing Club. The naming ceremony also coincided with the Centenary of Mildura celebrations.

Locomotive N457 was selected to be "City of Mildura" and carry the council crest. N457 in company with N460 "City of Castlemaine" arrived at Mildura on the morning of Saturday 15-8-1987.

On Sunday 16-8-1987, N457 was officially named at a ceremony on Mildura station platform. The Acting Mayor of Mildura, Cr. A.R. Burr, Mr. J. Simpson M.P, the Member for Niddrie, represented the Minister for Transport Mr. Roper, Mr. N. Ribarich, Shire of Mildura President, Mr. L. Harper V/Line General Manager Passenger Services, Mr. M. Caldwell V/Line Regional Manager and Mr. K. Baker, V/Line Promotion Manager were in attended. The author and his family were also invited guests.

Cr. Burr read a letter of authority from the City of Mildura to Mr. Simpson giving V/Line permission to name the locomotive "City of Mildura". The naming ceremony and unveiling of the plaque and inscription on N457 was undertaken by the Mr. Simpson and Cr. Burr respectively.

Acting Mayor Cr. A.R. Burr sits in the drivers seat of N457 following the ceremony officially naming the locomotive "City of Mildura". 16-8-1987. Photo: Bruce McLean

Following the naming ceremony, free return trips were run from Mildura to Redcliffs at one hour intervals starting at 11.30 a.m. and finishing at 3.30 p.m. with Redcliffs trips departing at 12 noon, 1 p.m., 2p.m. and 3.15 p.m.. Sitting cars off "The Vinelander" were used with the snack bar open and passengers received giveaways including free family trips to Melbourne.

The crowd waiting on Mildura station platform for the first free trip to Redcliffs and return. 16-8-1987. Photo: Bruce McLean

N460 and N457 in "push-pull" mode at Redcliffs during one of the trips run to and from Mildura in connection with the naming of N457. 16-8-1987. Photo: Bruce McLean

Advertisement published in "Mildura Independent" 16-8-1987 promoting free train rides to Redcliffs in association with the naming of N457 "City of Mildura" and the refurbishment of Redcliffs railway station. Source: Bruce McLean Collection


Two special trains were scheduled for the Sunraysia Playgroup Association on 12-4-1991. Using Mildura yard pilot Y174 and carriages from "The Vinelander" passenger train, hundreds of Sunraysia children travelled from Mildura to Redcliffs and return. Whilst at Redcliffs the children enjoyed snacks in Barclay Square and inspected "Big Lizzie". The trains were scheduled as follows:






Depart 10.00 a.m.


Depart 11.40 a.m.


Arrive 10.20 a.m.


Arrive 12.00 noon


Depart 11.00 a.m.


Depart 12.40 p.m.


Arrive 11.20 a.m.


Arrive 1.00 p.m.

More than 500 parents and children participated in the train rides.

On Sunday 20-10-1991, the Public Transport Corporation held an Open Day across the State. Free train rides were provided between Mildura and Red Cliffs with trains departing Mildura at 10.45 a.m., 12 noon and 2.30 p.m., and departing Red Cliffs at 11.20 a.m., 2.00 p.m., and 3.00 p.m.. Intending passengers were advised to make bookings and special tickets sponsored by McDonald's fast food chain were available at both Mildura and Red Cliffs stations from 11-10-1991. The special train for the shuttle trips consisted of X42, BZ269, BRS225, BZ270, ACZ251 and N462, the locomotives operating in "push-pull" mode.

N462 at the head of one of the special shuttle trains from Mildura to Redcliffs and return on 20-10-1991 for the Public Transport Commission Open Day. X42 was attached to the rear of the train, both locomotives working in "push-pull" mode for the trips. Photo: Bruce McLean

The special Open Day train at Redcliffs with X42 preparing to take the lead home. 20-10-1991. Photo: Bruce McLean

Passengers participating in the Public Transport Commission Open Day at Redcliffs. 20-10-1991. Photo: Bruce McLean

The scene at Mildura after the arrival of one of the free special trains from Redcliffs to Mildura for the Public Transport Commission Open Day. 20-10-1991. Photo: Bruce McLean

In addition to the free train rides, from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m., "The Vinelander" sleeping cars SJ282 and SJ284 and a Motorail wagon were open for inspection at Mildura platform, and the Mildura station office and Freightgate office were open for inspection. Staff were on hand to show visitors how V/Line handled, loaded and stowed local produce for market on the "Sunraysia Fresh" express goods train.

At Redcliffs, the Redcliffs Promotion Group provided a welcome for passengers and many local traders were open whilst the train shuttles were operating. The Mildura Shire President, Mrs. A. Cox, met all four trains and Sunraysia Transit buses took visitors to a reptile farm and Lindeman's Winery. More than 1500 people travelled on the free train trips.

Two sleeping cars off "The Vinelander" were placed at the platform for inspection during the Public Transport Commission open day at Mildura station. 20-10-1991. Photo: Bruce McLean

At the end of the Open Day, staff were required to clean the passenger cars for that nights "The Vinelander" service to Melbourne and then joined Mildura Stationmaster, Mr. S. Hensgen and the 32 volunteer staff members to celebrate the success of the day with a barbeque.


For the second year in succession, two special trains were scheduled for the Sunraysia Playgroup Association on 10-4-1991. Using locomotive N468 and carriages from "The Vinelander" passenger train, 400 hundred Sunraysia children and 300 parents travelled from Mildura to Redcliffs and return. Mildura station staff arranged for vouchers and donations from Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds, Barnacle Bill, Pizza Hut and Safeway Supermarket. Whilst at Redcliffs the children enjoyed snacks in Barclay Square and inspected "Big Lizzie". The trains were scheduled as follows:

Circular issued for running Sunraysia Playgroup Association special trains between Mildura and Redcliffs on 10-4-1992. Source: Bruce McLean Collection

Highly esteemed authors and illustrators undertook a tour of country towns in North-west Victoria in May 1992 with "The Victorian Women Writer's Train". The train consisted of Locomotive T377 with a special headboard, "Murray: dining car and "Norman" special car. The itinerary of the train was as follows:





Spencer Street







Sea Lake


Sea Lake

Korong Vale and Robinvale



Inglewood, Dunolly and Mildura


















Kaniva and Dimboola



Yaapeet and Horsham



Spencer Street

At Mildura on 21-5-1992, the train and carriages were refuelled and placed in the carriage sheds where the carriages were given an external wash.

With the announcement that "The Vinelander" train service was to be cancelled, the Mildura West Kindergarten ran a special train from Mildura to Redcliffs and return on 21-8-1993 to give the young students their first and possibly last train ride. The special train used carriages from "The Vinelander" and departed Mildura at 11 a.m., arriving at Redcliffs at 11.20 a.m.. The students had lunch at Redcliffs before departing at 1 p.m. and returning to Mildura at 1.20 p.m..


The first special passenger train (other than railway enthusiast special trains) to run to Mildura was scheduled by Victoria's first private railway operator, West Coast Railway, from 8-6-1996 to 10-6-1996.

The special train consisted of diesel electric locomotives T369 and T363, BK711, BRS223, BRS229, ACZ252, CP291.

On Saturday 8-6-1996, the carriages were attached to the 8.43 a.m. Melbourne to Warrnambool train as far as Geelong, where they were detached and formed the special train to Mildura with T369 and T363. Departure was scheduled from Geelong at 10.00 a.m., with stops at Ballarat (11.28 a.m. - 11.40 a.m.), Maryborough to pick up passengers (12.50 p.m. - 12.55 p.m.), Donald (2.35 p.m. - 2.40 p.m.), Ouyen (5.05 p.m. - 5.10 p.m.) and arrive Mildura at 6.37 p.m..

On arrival at Mildura T363 was stabled at the diesel locomotive sidings and T369 and the carriages were stabled in the carriage shed.

T369 stands at the head of the special train run by West Coast Railway to Mildura. 9-8-1996. Photo: Bruce McLean

West Coast Railway brought two locomotives - T369 and T363 to Mildura on the special train. T363, still in its former owner's colors, was stabled at the locomotive sidings during the weekend. 9-6-1996. Photo: Bruce McLean

On Sunday 9-6-1996, West Coast scheduled a trip from Mildura to Yelta and return for the special train passengers, then ran a series of shuttle trips between Mildura and Red Cliffs and return for local residents using T369.

T369 hauls a special train around the curve from Mildura station yard as it starts it journey to Yelta with passengers from Melbourne, Geelong and Maryborough. 9-6-1996. Photo: Bruce McLean

On arrival at Yelta, the locomotive reversed around the train. Here we see T369 ready to depart from Yelta for return to Mildura. 9-6-1996. Photo: Bruce McLean

Passing through Merbein with the remains of the station platform forward of the locomotive on return to Mildura from Yelta with the West Coast Railway special train. 9-6-1996. Photo: Bruce McLean

The local trips were scheduled as follows:

Depart Mildura for Yelta 9.a.m. Depart Yelta for Mildura 9.40 a.m.

Depart Mildura for Redcliffs 10.30 a.m. Depart Redcliffs for Mildura 11.10 a.m.

Depart Mildura for Redcliffs 12 noon Depart Redcliffs for Mildura 12.40 p.m.

Depart Mildura for Redcliffs 1.20 p.m. Depart Redcliffs for Mildura 2 p.m.

Depart Mildura for Redcliffs 2.50 p.m. Depart Redcliffs for Mildura 3.30 p.m.

Depart Mildura for Redcliffs 4.10 p.m. Depart Redcliffs for Mildura 4.50 p.m.

A series of shuttle trips were run throughout the day from Mildura to Redcliffs and return. T369 is at Redcliffs waiting to start the return journey to Mildura. 9-6-1996. Photo: Bruce McLean

After the last return trip from Redcliffs, T369 was called upon to undertake shunting of goods wagons in the station yard - an unusual situation since the advent of privatised train operators on the system.

An unusual situation where private operator West Coast Railway's T369 has been called upon to shunt goods wagons for V/Line. This task was undertaken at the completion of the passenger shuttle trips to Red Cliffs and return. Mildura. 9-6-1996. Photo: Bruce McLean

The special departed from Mildura on the return journey on Monday 10-6-1996 at 9 a.m. with stops at Red Cliffs to inspect "Big Lizzie" (9.15 a.m. - 9.30 a.m.), Ouyen (10.45 a.m. - 10.50 a.m.), Woomelang (11.42 a.m. - 12 noon), Maryborough (3.15 p.m. - 3.30 p.m.) Ballarat (4.42 p.m. - 4.52 p.m.), Meredith (5.22 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.) and arrive Geelong at 6.30 p.m.. After reversing the engines, the special departed Geelong at 7 p.m. and arrived at Spencer Street at 8.05 p.m..


From 19-9-1997 to 22-9-1997, Steamrail Ballarat in conjunction with West Coast Railway and the Seymour Railway Heritage Centre, arranged for a special tour to Mildura to coincide with the staging of "Australia's Greatest River Boat Race".

The special train consisted of J515 (steam locomotive), GM36 (diesel locomotive), 30AE (First class seating), 2AE (First class seating), 3BCE (Economy class seating/van), 16ABE (First/Second class seating), 14BE (Economy seating), 5ABE (First/Second class seating), 270BZ (Economy class seating), 224BRS (Economy class seating/buffet), "Wando", "Pekina" (Sleeping cars), "Carey" (Shower car), "Acheron", "Ovens", "Loddon", (Sleeping cars), "Mitta Mitta" (Staff car), "Melville" (Power car), WAL951 (West Coast Staff car).

The special train was scheduled to depart from Spencer Street at 7 p.m. on Friday 19-9-1997 and travelled via Bacchus Marsh to Ballarat (9.42 p.m. - 10.20 p.m.), Maryborough (11.45 p.m. - 12.01 a.m.), St. Arnaud (1.00 a.m. - 1.40 a.m.), Donald (2.14 a.m. - 2.19 a.m.), Woomelang (3.41 a.m. - 4.11 a.m.), Ouyen 5.15 a.m. - 6.00 a.m.) and arrive at Mildura at 7.35 a.m..

J515 and GM36 arriving with the special train from Melbourne with visitors for "Australia's Greatest River Boat Race" on 20-9-1997. Photo: Bruce McLean

A series of shuttle trips between Mildura and Merbein, Yelta and Redcliffs were scheduled throughout Saturday 20-9-1997 and Sunday 21-9-1997. Details of the scheduled trips are as follows:

Saturday 20-9-1997

Depart Mildura 11 a.m. for Merbein. Depart Merbein 11.30 a.m. for Mildura

Depart Mildura 12 noon for Redcliffs Depart Redcliffs 12.30 p.m. for Mildura

Depart Mildura 12.55 p.m. for Merbein Depart Merbein 1.30 p.m. for Mildura

Depart Mildura 2 p.m. for Redcliffs Depart Redcliffs 2.30 p.m. for Mildura

Depart Mildura 3 p.m. for Merbein Depart Merbein 3.30 p.m. for Mildura

Depart Mildura 4 p.m. for Redcliffs Depart Redcliffs 4.30 p.m. for Mildura

J515 departing from Mildura with a train load of passengers for Merbein. 20-9-1997. Photo: Bruce McLean

Sunday 21-9-1997

Depart Mildura 8.45 a.m. for Yelta Depart Yelta 9.25 a.m. for Mildura

Depart Mildura 10.00 a.m. for Redcliffs Depart Redcliffs 10.30 a.m. for Mildura

Depart Mildura 11.00 a.m. for Merbein Depart Merbein 11.30 a.m. for Mildura

Depart Mildura 12 noon for Redcliffs Depart Redcliffs 12.30 p.m. for Mildura

Depart Mildura 1 p.m. for Merbein Depart Merbein 1.30 p.m. for Mildura

Depart Mildura 2 p.m. for Redcliffs Depart Redcliffs 2.30 p.m. for Mildura

Depart Mildura 3 p.m. for Merbein Depart Merbein 3.30 p.m. for Mildura

Depart Mildura 4 p.m. for Redcliffs Depart Redcliffs 4.30 p.m. for Mildura

All trips were run by J515, 5ABE, 14BE, 16ABE, 3BCE, 30AE, 2AE

When the shuttle trips arrived at Red Cliffs, they stopped short of the passenger platform to avoid people joining or entering, to the disappointment of Red Cliffs people who would have liked to travel in the reverse direction. Here we see J515 after it has reversed around the train and is preparing to return to Mildura. 20-9-1997. Photo: Bruce McLean

J515 has arrived with a special train trip to Merbein and has cut off from its carriages. It will now reverse around the carriages on the loop siding and travel tender-first back to Mildura. 20-9-1997. Photo: Bruce McLean

Arriving back at Mildura with the last return trip from Merbein. 20-9-1997. Photo: Bruce McLean

The following morning, Sunday, a special run was made to Yelta and return. J515 is passing West Merbein on its way to Yelta. 21-9-1997. Photo: Bruce McLean

J515 has arrived at Yelta, the terminus of the Mildura line. The locomotive will now reverse around the cars on the loop in the foreground and depart for Mildura. 21-19-1997. Photo: Bruce McLean

When the shuttle trips were completed, both J515 and GM36 were reversed on the Mildura turntable in preparation for their return to Melbourne the following morning.

J515 was the first steam locomotive to be reversed on the new Mildura turntable. 21-9-1997. Photo: Bruce McLean

GM36 was also reversed on the turntable in preparation for return to Melbourne the following morning. 21-9-1997. Photo: Bruce McLean

On Monday 22-9-1997, the special train was scheduled to depart from Mildura at 9 a.m. with stops at Ouyen (10.30 a.m. - 11 a.m.), Woomelang (11.52 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.), Donald (2. p.m. - 2.05 p.m.), St. Arnaud (2.47 p.m. - 3.17 p.m.), Maryborough (4.20 p.m. - 4.25 p.m.), Ballarat (5.40 p.m. - 7.30 p.m.), and arrive Spencer Street 9.57 p.m..

Note: The only special trains operated to Mildura since 1997 have been operated by railway enthusiast organisations. Some of the organisations have provided travel for the general public from Mildura to Merbein, Yelta or Redcliffs. Details of these special trains can be found in the section on Railway Enthusiast Specials.

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