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Special Trains 1976 - 1985

"Special Trains" are trains that are scheduled for a unique purpose and additional to passenger and goods trains normally timetabled for a particular line. This segment covers known special trains that have been provided for specific occasions, special purposes, track testing and emergency circumstances. For Commissioners Inspection Trains and Railway Enthusiast Groups, refer to their separate sections.


A special train for the conveyance of fruit harvest labour was scheduled to depart Melbourne on 13-2-1976, arriving in Mildura the following morning at 8.55 a.m.. To give some idea of the number of seasonal workers carried on the special trains, a copy of the special timetable is included for interest. It shows that twelve carriages, a brake van and large B Class locomotive were required to cater for the traffic with an additional T Class locomotive scheduled from Melbourne to Donald to provide additional power of the section where there were heavy gradients on the line.

Circular issued for the running of special trains for the conveyance of fruit harvest labour on 13 and 14-2-1976. Source: Victorian Railways

The Rotary Club of Mildura decided to emulate the successful trips to Carwarp arranged by the Apex Club of Mildura and a special train was organised for 9-4-1976. Two BE carriages were attached as trailing vehicles to the 6 p.m. goods train from Mildura and were detached at Carwarp. The Rotarians partook in a meal at the Carwarp Hall. A T Class engine was sent from Mildura at 9 p.m. to attach to the carriages and the special train then departed Carwarp at 10.15 p.m., arriving back in Mildura at 10.45 p.m..


A special train for the conveyance of fruit harvest labour was scheduled to depart Melbourne on 11-2-1977, arriving in Mildura the following morning. About 100 pickers were booked on the train. Another train was scheduled from Melbourne on 18-2-1977, arriving the following morning in Mildura at 8.36 a.m.. The expected number of harvest workers travelling in the seven carriage train was 500, however the numbers dropped off to about 260.

A special "arts train" arranged by the Council of Adult Education visited selected mallee station during its eighth tour of the State. The tour commenced on 8-3-1977, beginning in Creswick and finishing at Bacchus Marsh on 27-5-1977 after visiting 16 towns.

The special train consisted of four carriages equipped as studio workshops with a full compliment of equipment and materials to handle groups of ten students in each activity and qualified and experienced tutors conducting the workshops. The train schedule allowed for four days in each town. Mallee stations participating in the tour were Woomelang 17-4-1977, Lascelles 21-4-1977, Tempy 27-4-1977, Ouyen 1-5-1977, Walpeup 5-5-1977, Underbool 9-5-1977 and Murrayville 12-5-1977.

Irymple Primary School hired a special train to travel from Mildura to Werrimull and return on 7-7-1977. The locomotive and four sitting carriages from "The Vinelander" was scheduled to depart Mildura at 8.30 a.m. and arrive back at 3.30 p.m..


Usually in early February special trains were arranged for the conveyance of labour for the dried fruit harvest. Changing times had seen more use of people making private arrangements for labour including increased use of family support and mechanical harvesting was making inroads into the traditional form of hand picking fruit. Most years two special trains were run and some years there were four trains scheduled. The first reference to a special train for harvest workers was in 1942. The 1977 season was the last scheduled "Picker's Train", additional carriages being added on demand to regular train services for itinerant labour.

Mildura was one of 17 country centres in Australia selected for a visit by the Queen's Silver Jubilee Exhibition Train. The train, consisting of four carriages, carried the biggest collection of British Royalty pieces ever assembled in Australia.

The train started its journey in Sydney after being officially opened by Princes Charles and covered all States except Tasmania. Its first Victorian stop was at Bendigo on 7 & 8-1-1978, followed by Mildura on 9 & 10-1-1978, Ballarat 11 & 12-1-1978, and Melbourne from 13-1-1978 to 3-2-1978. It then went to Adelaide.

Admission pass for the Royal Silver Jubilee Exhibition Train. Source: Bruce McLean Collection

The Queen's Silver Jubilee train consisted of a carriage with a display of swords and other weapons, jewellery, suits of armour and personal items owned by earlier Kings and Queens of England, another had a display or royal portraits dating back before Queen Victoria and also Queen Mary's jewellery collection. A third carriage was devoted to the present Queen with replicas of the royal jewels, clothes worn by the Queen, Princess Anne's wedding dress and similar items associated with the royal family. The fourth carriage had a static display of some of the Royal ceremonies including the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace complete with sound effects.

B60 arriving at Mildura station with the Queen's Silver Jubilee Exhibition train on 9-1-1978. Photo: Bruce McLean

The special train arrived at Mildura at 10.34 a.m. on 9-1-1978 hauled by locomotive B60. The train moved down through the yard to the old locomotive depot sidings where B60 was cut off and pilot engine T387 shunted the ten carriage train onto the new siding constructed over the site of the old locomotive depot. The site had been landscaped and cleared by Mildura City Council and steps were provided for visitors to board the four display carriages.

The Royal Silver Jubilee Train was parked on a siding at the former steam locomotive depot site behind the Arts Centre, where it was open to the public for two days. This view of the train is from the non-public side. Steps were provided to get up to the carriages on the Seventh Street side. 9-1-1978. Photo: Bruce McLean

Several thousand people viewed the exhibition, despite it being three hours late arriving. The delay was caused by the locomotive bringing "The Vinelander" to Mildura failing at St. Arnaud. Some people waited in the hot conditions for up to three hours to see the exhibition and because of the strict timetable, the viewing hours could not be extended and many people were turned away.

The special train consisted of V&SAR Power van 2PCO, four N.S.W. de-motored Tulloch rail cars, PCH1225, PCH1223, PCH1222. PCR1201 display vehicles fitted with VR Hitachi suburban carriage bogies for running on broad gauge tracks in Victoria and South Australia, VR special car "Norman", VR State Car No.4, S.A.R. Staff Car SAR783, S.A.R. Staff Car Murray, VR special car "Goulburn" and VR BP90 wagon. Locomotive B60 remained at Mildura and was used to take the train to Ballarat, departing at 12.10 a.m. on 11-1-1978.

T387 shunting the Royal Silver Jubilee train at the former steam locomotive depot site. The palm trees and oleanders are reminders of the picturesque gardens that surrounded the locomotive depot during its time as an operational centre. The BP wagon behind the locomotive was used to carry steps for visitors to get up to the carriage doorways. 9-1-1978. Photo: Bruce McLean

Departmental circular issued to traffic staff for the running of the Queen's Silver Jubilee special train during its time in Victoria. Source: Bruce McLean Collection

A special train was run from Mildura to Redcliffs and return on 20-4-1978 with about 400 children from five schools on the New South Wales side of Sunraysia. The six carriage train departed Mildura at 11.30 a.m. and arrived at Redcliffs at 11.45 a.m.. After lunch in Barclay Square, they returned to Mildura on the train at 1.30 p.m..

To cater for 470 children and 105 adults, a thirteen carriage train, including two guards vans, was organised for the combined kindergartens of Sunraysia on 10-8-1978 from Mildura to Redcliffs and return. The special train, using carriages off "The Vinelander" and additional carriages brought from Melbourne for the trip, was scheduled to depart from Mildura at 9.55 a.m. and return from Redcliffs at 11.30 a.m..

The Irymple Primary School was also affected by the opportunities to run a special train and organised an excursion to Nowingi on Sunday 24-9-1978 as fund raising venture. The schedule called for the special train to depart Mildura to pick up passengers at Irymple at 10.30 a.m. for Nowingi, where barbeques and sporting activities were arranged. The return journey was scheduled to drop passengers off at Irymple at 3.30 p.m.


A special "arts train" arranged by the Council of Adult Education visited selected mallee station during its thirteenth tour of the State. The tour commenced on 8-9-1979, and toured the north-west and mallee region. The special train consisted of four carriages equipped as studio workshops with a full compliment of equipment and materials to handle groups of ten students in each activity and qualified and experienced tutors conducting the workshops. The train schedule allowed for four days in each town. Details of the 1979 itinerary are not known, however it was possibly similar to the 1977 tour.

A special train for the Gas and Fuel Corporation called "The Heatane Gas Train" toured country districts showing the latest in LP gas appliances. The train arrived in Mildura on Tuesday 18-9-1979 for two days. It was located on the same siding as the Silver Jubilee Train at the old steam locomotive depot site, next to the Mansell Reserve near the corner of Seventh Street and Ontario Avenue. The two carriages arrived in Mildura attached to "The Vinelander".

11BCPL and 20CW attached to the rear of "The Vinelander" after its arrival in Mildura on 17-9-1979. Both vehicles were used to house a display of LP gas appliances during a tour of country Victoria. Photo: Bruce McLean

Passenger guards van 20CW was used as a display carriage for the Gas and Fuel Corporation's "Heatane Gas Display Train". 17-9-1979. Photo: Bruce McLean

The "Heatane Gas" special train was stabled on the Mansell Reserve siding at Mildura on 19-9-1979. Steps were used at each end of the train for public access to the carriages. Photo: Bruce McLean

Following on from a successful special train to Yelta and Merbein for a Christmas picnic in 1975, employees from the Victorian Railways, Australia Post Office and Telecom repeated the arrangements on 9-12-1979.

Their special train consisted of T342, 36CE, 1BZ, 51BE, 50ABU, 9AW and 37CP and it departed from Mildura at 10.14 a.m., arriving at Yelta at 11.14 a.m.. Departure from Yelta was at 11.32 a.m. and then back to the Paschendale Avenue level crossing, West Merbein, from 11.47 a.m. to 4.17 p.m. where the travellers detrained for a picnic at the Merbein West school grounds, before joining the train again for return to Mildura for an arrival of 5.11 p.m..

T342 and the special train for the Mildura V.R.I and Post-Tel Institute Christmas excursion, on arrival at Yelta on 9-12-1979. Photo: Bruce McLean

After stopping at the Paschendale Avenue, West Merbein, level crossing to discharge passengers and unload equipment for the Christmas activities and picnic from the guards van, the train set back and waited on the line for the activities to end before returning to Mildura. 9-12-1979. Photo: Bruce McLean

Victorian Railways traffic circular for the special Christmas train for Victorian Railways, Australia Post Office and Telecom employees and families. Source: Bruce McLean Collection


A special train was scheduled for the "Combined Shipping Companies Promotion Tour to Sunraysia District" - an initiative of the Victorian Railways following the huge grain harvests of the previous two seasons and the decision to maintain the Yelta line and expand the grain receival facilities at Yelta station. The tour party, led by Deputy General Manager, Mr. L. McCallum, departed Melbourne on 11-2-1980 with sleeping carriages VAC, VAM1 and special car "Norman" as trailing vehicles attached to "The Vinelander". The "Yarra" parlour car was also worked to Mildura on "The Vinelander", the following night for use by the party for a special return trip to Yelta on the evening of 13-2-1980.

"Yarra" parlour car arriving on "The Vinelander" at Mildura on 13-2-1980 for use on a special train to Yelta for the Combined Shipping Companies Promotion Tour to Sunraysia District. Photo: Bruce McLean

A special train consisting of locomotive T361, "Yarra" and "Norman" departed from Mildura at 5.22 p.m. for Yelta, stopping at Merbein for an inspection and arriving at Yelta at 6.27 p.m. The guests enjoyed a meal in the "Norman" car whilst at the northern terminus before departing at 8.54 p.m.. The special train arrived back in Mildura at 10.09 p.m..

T361, "Yarra" and "Norman" stopped at Merbein with the Combined Shipping Companies special train to Yelta on 13-2-1980. Photo: Bruce McLean

The Victorian Railways Chief Traffic Manager, Mr. M. Ronald, unlocks the points locking bar at the up end of Yelta to allow T361 onto the main line as it runs around its special train. Driver R. Hadenfeldt is looking on. 13-2-1980. Photo: Bruce McLean

T361 has attached to the train standing at Yelta platform. The visitors inspected the new grain handling facilities placed at Yelta to receive wheat grown in southern New South Wales, determining the future of the line beyond Merbein. Whilst at Yelta, the party enjoyed a meal in the "Norman" special car, formerly the Parlour Car on the "Spirit of Progress". Photo: Bruce McLean

The special carriages for the tour party were attached to "The Vinelander" on 14-2-1980 to return to Melbourne.

"Norman" special car, "Yarra" parlour car and the sleeping cars for the Combined Shipping Companies inspection party were stabled in the Mildura car sheds until departing for Melbourne that night attached to "The Vinelander". 14-2-1980. Photo: Bruce McLean

The Governor of Victoria, Sir Henry Winneke, visited Mildura using State Car No.5 and Goulburn. The cars were attached to the rear of "The Vinelander" from Melbourne on 24-6-1980. On arrival at Mildura the following day they were stabled at the new siding built at the old steam locomotive depot site. They were attached to "The Vinelander" from Mildura on the night of 26-6-1980 for return to Melbourne.

State Car No.5 and "Goulburn" stabled on the siding at the old Mildura steam locomotive depot site during a visit to Mildura by the Governor, Sir Henry Winneke. 25-6-1980. Photo: Bruce McLean

The annual excursion for kindergarten children from Mildura to Redcliffs and return was run on 14-8-1980 with 750 children, teachers and parents participating. The special train used passenger carriages off "The Vinelander" arrival that morning. The train schedule was approximately as follows: Depart Mildura 9.45 a.m., arrive Redcliffs 10.00 a.m.. After a picnic lunch at Barclay Square, depart Redcliffs 11.00 a.m., arrive Mildura 11.15 a.m..


On Wednesday 18-2-1981, a special train ran from Mildura to Yelta and return on behalf of the Combined Shipping Companies and Victorian Railways. The special train was arranged by Mr. M. Ronald, VicRail Marketing Manager. The special train consisted of locomotive T363, 22AW and "Norman" special car. The carriages were attached to "The Vinelander" from Melbourne on 16-2-1981 along with sleeping cars VAM1 and VAC16 for the shipping company personnel. The special departed Mildura at 5.06 p.m., Merbein 5.40 p.m. to 5.42 p.m., arrived Yelta 6.06 p.m..

T363 stands at Merbein with the Combined Shipping Companies special. The gentlemen in the foreground are Mildura Stationmaster Mr. K. Bailey and VicRail Marketing Manager, Mr. M. Ronald. 18-2-1981. Photo: Bruce McLean

T363 passes under the loading chutes at the Yelta silo to run around the special Combined Shipping Companies train. 22AW and "Norman" special car are standing at the platform. 18-2-1981. Photo: Bruce McLean

The guests wined and dined on the train and inspected the facilities at the terminus. After running around the train, T363 departed at 7.49 p.m., stopped at Merbein from 7.23p.m. to 7.34 p.m. and arrived back in Mildura at 8.06 p.m.. Special permission was given for 22AW to operate without a brake van on the rear. "Norman" was attached to "The Vinelander" and the party departed from Mildura on the overnight train at 9.30 p.m..

On Friday 13-3-1981, the author, a Life Member of the Apex Club of Mildura, arranged for a special train to run from Mildura to Carwarp and return as a social outing for Apexians. The special train consisted of locomotive X42, carriages 4BU, 78BW and brake van 35CE. The train was scheduled to depart from Mildura at 6 p.m., stop at Redcliffs to pick members of the Redcliffs Apex Club and arrive in Carwarp at 6.36 p.m. The return journey was scheduled to depart at 10.35 p.m., stop at Redcliffs from 10-20 p.m. to 10.40 p.m. and arrive in Mildura at 11.00 p.m..

X42 is at the head of a special train being prepared at Mildura for the Apex Club of Mildura to travel to Carwarp and return on 13-3-1981. Photo: Bruce McLean

The Mildura Apex Club special train standing in the goods siding at Carwarp on the evening of 13-3-1981. The special train was arranged by the author. Photo: Bruce McLean

The Commissioners of the Victorian State Electricity Commission travelled to Mildura on "The Vinelander" from Melbourne on 5-12-1981. The following day a special train consisting of locomotive T330, brake van 27ZF, economy class saloon carriage 5BZ, first class saloon carriage 8AZ and brake van 5CE, ran from Mildura to Yelta and return. The Commissioners returned to Melbourne that evening on "The Vinelander".

T330 powers up the grade near the overhead bridge at The Ridge, near Merbein on 6-12-1981 with a special train conveying the State Electricity Commissioners to Yelta. Photo: Bruce McLean

The State Electricity Commissioners special train hauled by T330 passes through a derelict-looking Merbein station yard on 6-12-1981 on its way to Yelta. The station building had been removed by this time and No.2 road had been closed and partially dismantled, but not removed. Photo: Bruce McLean


The Combined Shipping Companies and VicRail ran a special train from Mildura to Yelta and return, as had become an annual custom, on Wednesday 10-2-1982. The special train was arranged by Mr. M. Ronald, VicRail Marketing Manager and consisted of locomotive T333, "Norman" special car and Sleeper No.1. The carriages were attached to "The Vinelander" from Melbourne on 8-2-1982 with sleeping cars VAM1 and one of the two VAC class cars. The special departed Mildura at 5.04 p.m., Merbein 5.48 p.m. to 5.51 p.m., arrived Yelta 6.24 p.m..

VicRail Marketing Manager Mr. M. Ronald, accompanied by engineman Mr. L. Franco, brings some cold drinks to the engine crew during the stop at Merbein. The special train from Mildura to Yelta and return was arranged by Mr. Ronald for the Combined Shipping Companies personnel from Melbourne. 8-2-1982. Photo: Bruce McLean

The cold drinks were happily received by special train driver Mr. T. Murchie from VicRail Marketing Manager Mr. M. Ronald. These promotional trips were a very friendly and happy time in the life of the old Victorian Railways. Photo: Bruce McLean

"Norman" special car and Sleeper No.1 stand at the Yelta station platform as T333 moves towards the cars to attach and prepare for return to Mildura. 8-2-1982. Photo: Bruce McLean

The return from Yelta after a stay on one hour, was at 7.24 p.m., then after a stop at Merbein from 7.57 p.m. for three minutes, the special arrived back at Mildura at 8.40 p.m.. The carriages were attached to "The Vinelander" and the Combined Shipping Companies party returned to Melbourne that night.

"Norman", Sleeper No.1 and T333 are bathed in the hot late afternoon sun at Merbein on the return trip to Mildura. 8-2-1982. Photo: Bruce McLean

The Ouyen Rovers Football Club provided great interest when they chartered a special train to run from Mildura to Ouyen and Cowangie and return on 10-7-1982. The special train consisting of locomotive T400, 11CE, 7AZ, 3BZ, 4BE and CV1 (dance van) was scheduled to depart Mildura as an empty car run at 5.15 p.m. and arrive at Hattah at 6.15 p.m.. At Hattah the Ouyen Rovers party boarded the train which was scheduled to depart at 6.25 p.m. for Ouyen. At Ouyen, more passengers joined the train and it set off for Cowangie where it was scheduled to arrive at 9.23 p.m.. After the locomotive reversed ends on the train (12 minutes allowed), it was scheduled to depart Cowangie at 9.35 p.m. for return to Ouyen where it was scheduled to arrive at 11.58 p.m.. The passengers left the train at Ouyen and it then ran empty cars from Ouyen to Mildura with the scheduled arrival time of 1.41 a.m..

T400 heads an empty car special consisting of 11CE, 7AZ, 3BZ, 4BE and 1CV past the Mildura Co-operative, Ninth Street, Mildura, at 5.20 p.m. on 10-7-1982 for the Ouyen Rovers Football Club. The excursionists joined the train at Hattah and travelled to Cowangie before returning to Ouyen. The special ran as empty cars returning to Mildura from Ouyen. Photo: Bruce McLean

State Car No.5 and "Goulburn" stabled on the "new" siding on the site of the former steam locomotive depot near Mansell Reserve, Mildura. The cars were in Mildura for the first official visit to Mildura by the Governor of Victoria, Rear-Admiral Sir Brian Murray, and were attached to The Vinelander" arrival on the morning of 15-10-1982. Photo: Bruce McLean

State government insignia on State Car No.5. Mildura 15-10-1982. Photo: Bruce McLean

Radio Field Tests were undertaken on the Ballarat to Yelta, Ouyen to Pinnaroo and Redcliffs to Meringur lines from 19-10-1982 to 28-10-1982. The tests were carried out in a special carriage known as the "Dynamometer Car" between 19-10-1982 and 26-10-1982. The Dynamometer Car was built in 1932 as a joint project by the Victorian and South Australian Railways and was used mainly for testing of locomotives and train loads. The special test train consisted of locomotive T387 and the Dynamometer Car. The train's itinerary was as follows:






Spencer Street - Creswick


Maryborough - Talbot


Creswick - Ballarat


Talbot - Bealiba


Ballarat - Clunes


Bealiba - Maryborough


Clunes - Ballarat


Maryborough - St. Arnaud


Ballarat - Talbot


St. Arnaud - Bealiba


Talbot - Creswick


Bealiba - Cope Cope


Creswick - Maryborough


Cope Cope - Bealiba


Bealiba - Donald


Donald - St. Arnaud


Mildura - Yelta


St. Arnaud - Watchem


Yelta - Hattah


Watchem - Donald


Hattah - Redcliffs


Donald - Woomelang


Redcliffs - Meringur


Woomelang - Birchip


Meringur - Redcliffs


Birchip - Mildura


Redcliffs - Mildura


Mildura - Ouyen


Ouyen - Linga


Ouyen - Hattah


Linga - Walpeup


Hattah - Ouyen


Walpeup - Pinnaroo


Ouyen - Walpeup


Pinnaroo - Ouyen


Walpeup - Ouyen


Ouyen - Woomelang


Woomelang - Ouyen


The Dynamometer Car was attached to "The Vinelander" on 28-10-1982 for return to Melbourne.

T387 with the Dynamometer Car attached, arriving at Mildura on 21-10-1982 during Radio Field tests. Photo: Bruce McLean

The Dynamometer Car was stabled at Mildura from 21-10-1982 to 26-10-1982 under the large freight unloading canopy. 23-10-1982. Photo: Bruce McLean

As a consequence of the radio field tests, a series of radio masts began to appear at locations along the Woomelang to Mildura line and branch lines from Ouyen to Pinnaroo and Redcliffs to Meringur, during November 1983. Masts were located at Woomelang, Speed, Ouyen, Hattah, Redcliffs, Mildura, Walpeup, Underbool, Carina, and Werrimull. (There may have been other locations not identified here). The radio masts were part of a new communication network established to enable communication between train crews and administration, including the head train controller located at Ballarat. The mast collected special frequency signals and converted them to a Telecom land line cable signal received in Ballarat.


A special train for the Combined Shipping Companies Promotional Tour was once again scheduled from Mildura to Yelta for the fourth consecutive year. The 1983 trip was scheduled to run on 20-4-1983 and as in past years, the shipping company representatives travelled in reserved sleeping cars 15VAC and 16VAC along with the special car "Norman", attached to "The Vinelander" from Melbourne on 18-4-1983. The special train consisting of T358, special car "Norman" and Sleeping Car No.2, departed from Mildura at 4.57 p.m., arrived at Merbein at 5.27 p.m. departed Merbein at 5.35 p.m. and arrived at Yelta at 6.02 p.m.. The return trip was scheduled to depart Yelta at 6.50 p.m., stop at Merbein at 7.20 p.m. and arrive Mildura at 7.55 p.m..

A sparkling clean T358 prepares to depart from Mildura with the Combined Shipping Companies Promotional Tour from Mildura to Yelta and return on 20-4-1983. Photo: Bruce McLean

VicRail Marketing Manager Mr. M. Ronald, talks to the crew of locomotive T358 during a short stopover at Merbein on 20-4-1983. The special train consisted of special car "Norman" and Sleeping Car No.2. Photo: Bruce McLean

The special train has arrived at Yelta with the station building starting to show the years of neglect. The Combined Shipping Companies group inspected the local facilities before returning to Mildura. 20-4-1983. Photo: Bruce McLean

VicRail Marketing Manager Mr. M. Ronald shows his safeworking prowess as he resets the locking bar on the Up end points at Yelta to enable T358 to attach to the special Combined Shipping Companies Promotional train for return to Mildura. 20-4-1983. Photo: Bruce McLean

Children from Mildura West Primary School travelled on "The Vinelander" from Mildura to Redcliffs and return on 17-8-1983. The train departed Mildura about 11 a.m. and after arrival at Redcliffs, the children visited another primary school at Redcliffs and had lunch in Barclay Square. They returned to Mildura on the train about 1.30 p.m..

On 17-9-1983, a special train was chartered by Dr. D. Hartley to convey his new bride and their 47 wedding guests from Mildura to Ouyen for their reception at the Ouyen Club, and return to Mildura. A waiter and waitress attended to the refreshment needs of the guests throughout the journey. Dr. Hartley, a railway enthusiast, asked the author to arrange the train charter details for him and this was facilitated through the Mildura Stationmaster Mr. K. Bailey. Locomotive X35 and seating carriages from "The Vinelander" were used. The train departed Mildura at 6 p.m. and arrived in Ouyen at 7.30 p.m.. The return journey commenced from Ouyen at 11 p.m. and arrival in Mildura was at 12.31 a.m. the next day.

X35 stands at the head of the special train chartered by Dr. D. Hartley and his bride to convey them from Mildura to Ouyen for their wedding reception, and return to Mildura. 17-9-1983. Photo: Bruce McLean


The annual children's special train from Mildura to Red Cliffs and return was scheduled on 2-10-1984 with 300 students from Mildura Central School aboard. The train departed from Mildura at 11 a.m. behind upgraded locomotive A85 using seating carriages off "The Vinelander". The opportunity was also taken to transfer a number of goods wagons to Red Cliffs with the special train. The train was scheduled to return the children to Mildura at 1.30 p.m..

A85 leads a number of goods wagons and carriages off "The Vinelander" on a special train from Mildura to Redcliffs on behalf of Mildura Central School. About 300 passengers were on board. Note the use of two wooden sleeping cars (in blue). Near Cowra Avenue, Irymple. 2-10-1984. Photo: Bruce McLean

The "Merbein Vinelander" was a special train run for students of the Merbein Play Group, Kindergarten, Day Care Centre and Senior Citizens, on 27-11-1984. Mildura pilot locomotive Y154 hauled carriages off "The Vinelander" from Mildura to Merbein where more than 150 children travelled with teachers to Mildura for a picnic on the Rowing Club lawns. During the journey the children received a "show bag" with a ruler, model train, crossword puzzles, pens, books and stickers from V/Line. The train then returned to Merbein with the children before coming back to Mildura in time to prepare the carriages for the service that night to Melbourne.

A repeat of this train was run on 13-12-1984 for Merbein Primary School, however this time the carriages from "The Vinelander" were attached to the rear of an empty grain train for Yelta hauled by Y154 to Merbein.

Carriages off "The Vinelander" attached to the rear of an empty grain train from Mildura to Yelta on 13-12-1984. The carriages were used to convey 230 students from Merbein Primary School from Mildura to Merbein. Photo: Bruce McLean

At the other end of the train was Y154 with a lengthy train of empty GY grain wagons bound for the silos at Yelta. 13-12-1984. Photo: Bruce McLean


No special trains recorded.

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