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Special Trains 1960 - 1975

"Special Trains" are trains that are scheduled for a unique purpose and additional to passenger and goods trains normally timetabled for a particular line. This segment covers known special trains that have been provided for specific occasions, special purposes, track testing and emergency circumstances. For Commissioners Inspection Trains and Railway Enthusiast Groups, refer to their separate sections.


On 13-2-1960, a passenger fell from the 9 p.m. down Mildura Fruit Picker's special train hauled by B84. Operation of the communication cord stopped the train for 8 minutes on the steep grade between Bacchus Marsh and Bank Box. The passenger was found uninjured and rejoined the train which lost a further 20 minutes in the section due to loss of momentum.

On 10-6-1960, the Holiday Train Association ran a special train to Mildura departing Spencer Street at 7.20 p.m.. The train ran via Castlemaine and Maryborough and consisted of special cars "Carey", "Melville", "Goulburn", "Norman" and sleeping cars "Acheron", "Coliban", "Tambo", "Baderloo" and "Pekina" hauled by diesel- electric locomotive B80.


A Special overnight train for fruit harvest workers was scheduled from Melbourne to Mildura on 10-1-1961. It was due at Red Cliffs at 7.40 a.m. and Mildura at 8.10 a.m. the following morning.

Wirth's Circus special train visited north-west Victoria again in 1961. Their scheduled stops for performances were:

25-11-1961 St. Arnaud

27-11-1961 Birchip

28-11-1961 Ouyen

29-11-1961 Redcliffs

30-11-1961 Merbein

1-12-1961 Mildura

2-12-1961 Mildura

4-12-1961 Woomelang

5-12-1961 Donald

Victorian Railways internal telegram sent on 30-11-1961 approving the Wirth's Circus special train to be hauled by an N Class engine with a maximum load of 650 tons from Mildura to Merbein. Source: Victorian Railways, Bob Whitehead Collection


Police were on board a special train bringing harvest labour to Red Cliffs and Mildura on 8-2-1963. The police presence was to attempt to stamp out luggage thieving.

Wirth's Circus Tour special train travelled from South Australia for performances in north-west Victorian centres, departing from Pinnaroo on 15-2-1963. Details of this train have become available and are reproduced below:

Locomotives used on the tour were:









Pinnaroo to Ouyen


Purcell (departed 90 minutes late due to an escaped elephant)


Ouyen to Redcliffs




Redcliffs to Merbein




Merbein to Mildura




Mildura to Woomelang

N408 to Ouyen

N462 Ouyen to Woomelang



Woomelang to Donald




Donald to St. Arnaud

R769, N408

Westerby, Woodley

On Friday 26-7-1963 the Governor of Victoria (Sir Rohan Delacombe), visited Sunraysia. Vice-regal car No.5 and "Melville" power car were attached to the normal overnight train service from Melbourne and during the visit, were stabled on the Mildura wharf line.

Vice-regal Car No.5 and "Melville" power car stabled on the Mildura wharf line during a visit by the Governor of Victoria. The special train is accompanied by two water tank wagons. 27-7-1963. Photo: Bruce McLean


Extensive damage was caused by fruit harvest pickers to eight of ten BW carriages on a special train arranged for their conveyance to Mildura. The train was the first special for the 1964 harvest and according to the Mildura Stationmaster (Mr. S. Gurd), he had never seen a train arrive in such a shocking condition in his long service with the Railways.


Two special trains conveying fruit harvest workers arrived in Mildura over the weekend of 20/21-2-1965. The first train arrived in near perfect condition and the second arrived with one compartment wrecked and 12 windows smashed.

The Governor of Victoria, Sir Rohan Delacombe, made his second visit to Sunraysia when he arrived by train at 7.15 a.m. on Monday 4-10-1965. The Governor's special carriages were placed on the Mildura wharf siding during his stay.


About 1,500 fruit pickers arrived on two special harvest labour trains to Red Cliffs and Mildura. The first train was scheduled to arrive in Mildura on 12-2-1966 at 8 a.m. and the second on Sunday 13-2-1966 at 7.45 a.m..


Two overnight special trains for fruit harvest labour were scheduled to Mildura from Melbourne on 17-2-1967 and 18-2-1967. The first train consisted of locomotive B72 hauling seven BE cars and 33CE. The second train consisted of B61 hauling 10 BE's and 31CE. With the additional motive power in Mildura the Up passenger train on Friday 19-2-1967 was hauled by B60, B61 and B79. The additional rolling stock at Mildura was progressively worked back to Melbourne on the "Fruit Flier" on 20-2-1967 and 21-2-1967. On other days, additional carriages were attached to regular passenger train services to convey harvest labour to the Mildura area.

A special passenger train was used to convey school students from Merbein and Mildura High Schools to Ouyen for the North Western District Secondary Schools sports on 29-9-1967. A locomotive and three passenger carriages departed Mildura for Merbein to pick up about 200 students. It then returned to Mildura and attached another seven carriages with students from Mildura High School. The train returned to Mildura and Merbein late that afternoon. The carriages used for the trip had been specially forwarded from Melbourne


A special passenger train comprising B85, 2AZ, 6AZ, 8AZ and 17CE operated from Melbourne to Mildura on Monday 18-3-1968 and returned on the following Friday 22-3-1968 for the Australian Native Association Annual Conference at Mildura during that week. The train was scheduled to depart Spencer Street at 8.58 a.m. with a 5.55 p.m. arrival at Mildura. The overall 8 hours 57 minutes time for the run indicates perhaps that it was the fastest timing on what is the longest run in the State.

On the return trip, departure from Mildura was at 10.10 a.m. with a scheduled arrival in Spencer Street at 7.20 p.m..

A specially adapted show train visited Mildura on 1-7-1968 for three days. Six display carriages featured a comprehensive range of modern home furniture and visited more than 50 locations throughout Victoria.

Interior view of one of the furniture display carriages that toured throughout Victoria and visited Mildura in July 1968. Photo: Bruce McLean Collection

The special display train was converted by the Victorian Railways Newport Workshops from former V Class side corridor passenger stock. Seven cars were converted. The train was marshalled in the order detailed below:

Type of Vehicle

Originally Built

ZLP 32 Power/Brake van

ZLP32 Brake van

Display Car No.1


Display Car No.3


Display Car No.5


Display Car No.6


Display Car No.4


Display Car No.2


ZP Brake van

ZP Brake van

Carriage doors on the train were located on each side of cars 1 and 2 adjacent to the brake vans. A double door was provided on one side of car No. 5 for the handling of display material. Two sets of portable access steps were carried in one of the brake vans to permit access to visitors at non-platform locations.

A special train with 92 students from Mount Scopus College, Melbourne, arrived in Mildura late in the afternoon of 19-8-1968. The tour was part of a four day visit as part of a geographical study of Victoria. Their special train consisted of T406, "Melville" power car, 110BPL, "Pekina", "Coliban", "Acheron" sleeping cars, "Carey" shower car, "Inman", "Loddon" sleeping cars, "Murray" dining car and "Goulburn" staff car.


Two special trains from Melbourne were scheduled to convey fruit harvest workers to Sunraysia. The first train departed Spencer Street on Friday 21-2-1969 at 7.20 p.m. and arrived at Mildura at 7.40 a.m.. The train consisted of a B Class locomotive, 6 BW carriages and a CW van. The second special departed Spencer Street on Saturday 22-2-1969 at 9.30 p.m. and arrived at Mildura at 8.30 a.m.. The train consisted of a B Class loco., 2 BW and 5 BE carriages and a CW van.

A completely air-conditioned special train was provided for fireman attending the annual Victorian Urban Fire Brigade demonstration at Mildura. The train departed Spencer Street on Saturday 1-3-1969 at 9.30 p.m. and arrived at Mildura at 8.03 a.m. (scheduled for 8.30 a.m.). The train consisted of B64, CE van, BS, 2 BE's (air-conditioned), "Murray" dining car, BS, 2 BE's (air- conditioned), and "Goulburn" (staff car). The special remained in the carriage sheds for four days and returned on Wednesday 5-3-1969 departing at 6.20 p.m. and was scheduled to arrive at Spencer Street at 5.15 a.m. the following day.

The Governor of Victoria, Sir Rohan Delacombe, arrived in Mildura on 26-3-1969 for a two day visit. Vice-regal Car No. 5 and power car "Melville" were attached to the normal overnight service from Melbourne. The Governor's special carriages were placed on the wharf siding for the duration of their visit. The carriages were then returned to Melbourne on the overnight train departing Mildura on 28-3-1969.

T326 shunts the Governor's special train to Mildura wharf siding where it will remain stabled for the duration of the vice-regal visit. 23-6-1969. Photo: Bruce McLean

Redcliffs High School students travelled by a special passenger train to Meringur for a "down on the farm excursion" on 17-4-1969. The train consisted of a T Class locomotive, six BW carriages and CP van. It was scheduled to depart Mildura at 7.45 a.m., arrive Redcliffs 8.00 a.m. to pick up the students, depart 8.30 a.m., and arrive at Meringur at 11.05 a.m. after a non-stop run. The return journey was scheduled to depart Meringur at 1.15 p.m., arrive Redcliffs to set down the students at 3.50 p.m., depart at 4.00 p.m. and arrive at Mildura at 4.15 p.m..

A special train conveying 90 students and teachers from Ballarat North, Sebastapol and Maryborough, was scheduled to Mildura on Monday 5-5-1969 for a sporting carnival. Departure from Ballarat was 8.05 a.m. and arrival at Mildura 2.50 p.m.. The consist was T Class loco., 3 BW's and CE van. The return journey was on Wednesday 7-5-1969 with departure from Mildura at 3.30 p.m. and arrival at Ballarat at 10.21 p.m.. A feature of the return trip was the stopping at Cope Cope for an evening meal break.


Special trains for fruit harvest workers were scheduled to arrive in Mildura on Saturday 20-2-1971 and Sunday 21-2-1971.

A special train conveying students from Mount Scopus College arrived in Mildura at 1.30 p.m. on 10-5-1971. The educational tour departed Melbourne on 9-5-1971 and travelled via Bendigo, Inglewood, and Dunolly. Their train consisted of eight carriages including five sleeping carriages, and separate carriages for showers, eating and resting. They departed for return to Melbourne on 13-5-1971.

The Governor of Victoria, Sir Rohan Delacombe, travelled to Ouyen with State Car No.5 and "Melville" power car attached to the overnight train from Melbourne on 17-8-1971. The cars were attached the following night 18-8-1971 for transfer to Donald, where the Governor remained until 21-8-1971. State Car No5 and "Melville" were attached to the up Melbourne passenger train from Mildura, departing Donald at 2.03 a.m..


Special trains for the conveyance of harvest labour were run from Spencer Street to Mildura on 11-2-1972, 18-2-1972 and 19-2-1972. All were scheduled to depart Spencer Street at 10.00 p.m. and arrive the next day in Mildura at 9.15 a.m..

The 11-2-1972 train consisted of B Class loco, 9 BE's and CW van.

On 18-2-1972 the consist was B Class loco., 9 large AW's, AW, BE and CW van.

On 19-2-1972 the consist was B Class loco., 10 BE's and CW van.

On 20-2-1972 a special empty carriage train consisting of B Class loco, CW van, 2 BW's, 8BE's and CW van departed Mildura at 11.00 p.m. and was scheduled to arrive at Spencer Street at 8.25 a.m. the next day.


A special train for fruit harvest labour left Melbourne for Mildura on Friday night 9-2-1973. It carried about 350 passengers and had three doors and thirteen windows broken. Police removed a number of passengers off the train at stations en route including three at Bacchus Marsh.

A second special arrived at Mildura on Sunday 11-2-1973 with three windows smashed.

A third special train scheduled to arrive in Mildura on 17-2-1973 was cancelled at the Commonwealth Employment Service could find enough pickers in Melbourne to make it worthwhile to run. At least 350 people are needed before a special will run. To convey harvest labour offering, extra carriages were attached to the normal "The Vinelander" services.

The Governor of Victoria (Sir Rohan Delacombe), travelled to Mildura in the Vice regal carriage, State Car No. 5, accompanied by the special car "Goulburn" on 18-5-1973. The cars were attached to "The Vinelander" and stabled on the remaining tracks at the former steam locomotive depot during the Governor's stay.

A water tank wagon, State Car No. 5 and "Goulburn" stabled near the site of the former steam locomotive depot coal stage on 19-5-1973. The special carriages were used by the Governor of Victoria during his visit to Mildura. Photo: Bruce McLean

On Monday 4-6-1973, a special day train was provided from Mildura to Melbourne to return home participants in the Mildura Marching Girl's competition. The all air-conditioned train departed at 12.34 p.m.. The train was also used to work back surplus carriages from the two divisions of "The Vinelander" that arrived on Saturday morning of the Queen's Birthday long weekend.

The commemorate the 70th anniversary of the beginning of railway services to Mildura, the author organised a special train from Mildura to Carwarp and return on 7-11-1973. Two carriages (27BU and 22BE) and a guards van were attached to the rear of the 6 p.m. goods train from Mildura and the passengers were members of Sunraysia Apex Clubs. On arrival at Carwarp the carriages were shunted into the goods siding. The Apexians then held a social evening and BBQ meal on the station platform.

For the return to Mildura, T359 was sent light engine from Mildura at 9 p.m. and after waiting to cross the Up "The Vinelander", departed at 10.05 p.m.

27BU and 22BE attached to the rear of No. 130 up goods for the Apex Clubs of Mildura and Red Cliffs on 7-11-1973 before departure from Mildura. Photo: Bruce McLean


Special trains for the conveyance of fruit harvest labour were scheduled to depart Spencer Street at 10.20 p.m. on Friday 8-2-1974 and Friday 15-2-1974, however the latter train was cancelled. The Mildura arrival was scheduled for 8.50 a.m. the following day with stops to set down at Redcliffs and Irymple. The special train returned to Melbourne as a special empty carriage working on Sunday 10-2-1974. Additional carriages for harvest labour were attached to regular trips by "The Vinelander".

Two BE carriages are worked back to Melbourne on the "Fruit Flier". The carriages were part of a special train to Mildura for the conveyance of fruit harvest labour. February 1974. Photo: Bruce McLean

A special train for returning marching girls from championships in Mildura was scheduled for 12.30 p.m. on 17-6-1974 - the Monday of the Queen's Birthday long weekend.

Victorian Railways staff were regularly examined by the "railway doctor" in a special carriage called the Medical and Vision Test Carriage. The special carriage was either attached to passenger trains or was attached to a locomotive for transfer to the various examination locations. On 11-8-1974, the Medical and Vision Test Carriage was attached to the 9.20 p.m. "The Vinelander" from Melbourne to Mildura. Following staff examinations in Mildura the carriage was hauled by a Y Class locomotive to Irymple and Redcliffs on 12-8-1974 for further examinations. The following day, examinations were conducted at Ouyen, Speed, Woomelang and Watchem.

On Friday 27-9-1974 the combined Mildura Kindergartens with over 300 children, arranged a trip by special train from Mildura to Redcliffs and return. Using carriages off "The Vinelander" arrival that morning, the special departed at 10.30 a.m. and arrived at Redcliffs at 10.50 a.m.. The return trip commenced at 11.20 a.m. with arrival in Mildura being 11.40 a.m..

The Sunraysia members of the Wine and Food Society of Victoria ran a special train from Mildura to Redcliffs and return on Friday 11-10-1974. The special train departed from the former locomotive depot siding near Chaffey Avenue and Seventh Street at 11.45 a.m. and was at Redcliffs from 12.03 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. before arriving back at Mildura at 3.45 p.m.. A T Class locomotive, AZ, BZ, BW, BW and CE van formed the special train.

The author, a member of the Mildura Apex Club, arranged for two passenger carriages to be attached to the rear of the 6 p.m. Up Mildura goods as far as Carwarp, on 20-11-1974. The T Class loco from No. 75 Down goods (due Mildura at 7 p.m.) returned to Carwarp light engine and returned to Mildura with the carriages. The Carwarp departure was 10.05 p.m. after crossing the Up "The Vinelander", and the arrival back at Mildura was at 10.35 p.m..

An excursion from Mildura to Redcliffs and return was run using carriages off "The Vinelander" for St. Paul's Convent on 17-12-1974. The special train departed Mildura at 9.30 a.m., arrived at Redcliffs at 9.45 a.m., then departed at 2.30 p.m. for arrival in Mildura at 2.45 p.m..


For the conveyance of fruit harvest labour to Mildura for the grape harvest, a special train departed Spencer Street on Friday 14-2-1975. The special departed Spencer Street at 10.20 p.m. and arrived in Mildura at 10.00 a.m. the following day after stops at Redcliffs and Irymple to set down passengers. The train consisted of B61, 33BE, 25BE, 44BE, 2BE, 15BE, 24BU, 19BW, 69BW, 16BW, 6BW, 14BW, 3CV.

The carriages were returned to Melbourne as a special empty train departing Mildura at 11 p.m. on Sunday 16-2-1975 and arrived back at Spencer Street at 8.30 a.m..

The Mildura Rotary Club, emulated the Mildura Apex Club Carwarp special train arrangements, by also arranging for two passenger carriages, a BE and BCPL, to be attached to the rear of the 6 p.m. Up Mildura goods as far as Carwarp, on 4-4-1975. The T Class loco from No. 75 Down goods (due Mildura at 7 p.m.) returned to Carwarp light engine and returned to Mildura with the carriages. The Carwarp departure was 10.05 p.m. after crossing the Up "The Vinelander", and the arrival back at Mildura was at 10.35 p.m..

On Friday 18-4-1975, a special for the Australian Army was scheduled to depart Murrayville at 4.00 p.m. for Dysart, near Seymour, to convey equipment from an Army Reserve exercise which had been held in desert country north of the Ouyen to Pinnaroo line. Another special had run from Melbourne to Murrayville before the exercise to position the equipment. The special train consisted of T401, T336, 3 x SQX, 6 x FQX, Q, 39BW, 47ZL. The special was at Ouyen from 7.30 - 8.30 p.m. to reposition the carriage and van at the rear, before departing for Dysart where it arrived at 1.00 p.m. the following day.

T401/T336 leave Broadmeadows with the Murrayville - Dysart special loaded with armoured personnel carriers, on 19-4-1975. Photo: John Dare

A party of ten Venturer Scouts and two leaders from the 6/12th Coburg Unit visited Mildura in a special carriage attached to various freight trains. Their carriage, a BCE car-van, provided seating compartments and a large space in the guard's van area for sleeping and storage of equipment, arrived in Mildura on 13-5-1975. They left the next day for Hattah, and then their adventure took them to Woomelang, Bealiba, Maryborough, Castlemaine, Bendigo, Swan Hill and Pyramid Hill.

Car-van 1BCE at Spencer Street. The Coburg Venturer Scouts travelled around north-west Victoria in one the five carriages of this type operated by the Victorian Railways. Photo: Bruce McLean

A "Back to the Millewa" celebration was held from 13-6-1975 to 15-6-1975. To acknowledge the role of the railway from Redcliffs to Morkalla in the development of the Millewa district, the author arranged for a special train to run on Saturday 14-6-1975 from Mildura to Meringur and return. Arrangements were made for the local television station then known as Sunraysia Television STV-8 and Mildura's daily newspaper "Sunraysia Daily" to underwrite the cost of the train and provide promotion of ticket sales.

The Victorian Railways provided special souvenir tickets for the trip and the District Superintendent at Ballarat, Mr. K. Batchelor, organised for a special headboard to be carried on the train. The Mildura Stationmaster, Mr. K. Bailey, assisted the author with arrangements at Mildura as it was going to be difficult to have the special train leave from the platform as there were three passenger trains arriving at Mildura that morning for the long weekend including "The Vinelander". It was decided that the special train would leave from the site of the old Mildura locomotive depot in Seventh Street. Mr. Bailey arranged for special steps to be provided for passengers to board and alight at Mildura, Werrimull and Meringur.

An unusual aspect of this arrangement was the special train passing through the Mildura station yard running "express" - possibly the first time this had happened. The train was fully booked out about a week before it ran.

Application for "Back to the Millewa" special train tickets from "Sunraysia Daily". Television promotion on STV-8 (now WIN television) was also used. June 1975. Source: Bruce McLean Collection

Special headboard carried by diesel-electric locomotive T371 on the "Back to the Millewa" celebrations. The headboard was provided by the Victorian Railways as a contribution and they were forgiven by the train organiser for the misspelling of "Sunraysia". The author has this headboard in private preservation. Photo: Bruce McLean

T371 stands at the head of the "Back to the Millewa" special train behind the Mildura Arts Centre on the site of the old steam locomotive depot. The carriages used came off the first of three trains to arrive in Mildura that morning for the long weekend. 14-6-1975. Photo: Bruce McLean

For operational reasons, the "Back to the Millewa" special train had to run express through Mildura. The second of three trains from Melbourne was still standing in the platform as the train raced through on No.2 road, slowing only to hand exchange the staff for the section Mildura to Irymple. 14-6-1975. Photo: Bruce McLean

T371 swings onto the Morkalla branch line off the main line to Melbourne at Redcliffs on 14-6-1975 with the "Back to the Millewa" special train. The third division of "The Vinelander" passed by soon afterwards on its way to Mildura. Photo: Bruce McLean

At Werrimull, a truck with children on board was backed up to the train to make it easy to board. All along the line there was wonderful community interest as the train passed. The local policeman at Werrimull helped to see that passengers boarded safely. 14-6-1975. Photo: Bruce McLean

Children board the special "Back to the Millewa" train at Werrimull for a trip to Meringur and return. The day was pleasant with sunshine and light winds, making it an ideal day for train travel with the windows open and the atmosphere happy and enjoyable for everyone.14-6-1975. Photo: Bruce McLean

Werrimull station building was host to many passengers, some in period costume. Note the steps provided by the Victorian Railways for boarding at the low level platform. 14-6-1975. Photo: Bruce McLean

The stop at Werrimull was a major event on the special train journey. A large number of passengers planned their celebration activities for the "Back to the Millewa" on the Werrimull to Meringur section of the train trip. In this view we see the whole of the long train arranged for the occasion. 14-6-1975. Photo: Bruce McLean

The "Back to the Millewa" special stayed for about an hour at Meringur before returning. Here we see passengers after arrival at Meringur station. The 300 passengers on the train were treated to a luncheon provided by the Country Women's Association in the Mildura Shire building. 14-6-1975. Photo: Bruce McLean

An unusual site at Meringur. Two air-conditioned passenger carriages standing at the station with all car parking spaces taken up. "Back to the Millewa" special train. 14-6-1975. Photo: Bruce McLean

As the long day drew to a close T371 is shown at Redcliffs with the special "Back to the Millewa" train after coming off the branch line. A wonderful day of celebration was nearing its end. 14-6-1975. Photo: Bruce McLean

The consist of the special train was T371, 35CE, 1BS, 31BE, 18BW, 7BW, 63BW, 39BU, 34BU, 3CP. A copy of the "S" Circular issued for the train is shown below with scheduled and actual times.

The author also wrote a book on the history of the Millewa North railway with the assistance of prominent Victorian railway researcher Mr. R.K. (Bob) Whitehead and Millewa historian Mrs. Margaret Kelly. The book was published by the Australian Railway Historical Society (Victorian Division) for the "Back to Millewa" celebrations and was soon sold out.

Five hundred kindergarten students, teachers and parents participated in a special train trip from Mildura to Redcliffs and return on 18-6-1975. This was the second year that the combined Mildura and district kindergartens ran a special train to Redcliffs for a picnic in Barclay Square. A T Class locomotive was used to haul carriages that had been used on the Meringur line special the previous Saturday. Normally carriages would have been used off the morning's arrival of "The Vinelander", however the train was late arriving. The special train was scheduled to depart Mildura at 9.45 a.m., pick up students at Irymple and arrive in Redcliffs at 10.01 a.m.. Departure was scheduled at 11.00 a.m., and after setting down children at Irymple, arrival in Mildura at 11.16 a.m., however the actual times were about 30 minutes later due to the late arrival of "The Vinelander".

On 2-7-1975 a special passenger train was scheduled for a combined schools lightning football premiership. The train was scheduled to depart Mildura at 9.15 a.m. and arrive at Redcliffs at 9.35 a.m.. The return was scheduled from Redcliffs at 2.40 p.m. with arrival at Mildura at 2.50 p.m..

A livestock special was scheduled on 24-6-1975. The special train with empty sheep vans departed Mildura at 2.00 p.m. and arrived at Yelta at 2.50 p.m.. After loading, departure from Yelta was scheduled for 5.00 p.m. with the return to Mildura at 5.50 p.m. to connect with the Mildura to Melbourne Yard goods (No. 130) which was altered to depart at 7 p.m. instead of 6 p.m..

The Medical and Vision Test Carriage was attached to "The Vinelander" from Spencer Street station on 13-7-1975, arriving the following morning in Mildura. A Y Class locomotive was then attached to the carriage and after Mildura staff had been examined, departed at 2.05 p.m., stopping for exams Irymple and arriving at Redcliffs at 2.45 p.m., for exams that afternoon. After staying at Redcliffs overnight, the special train departed at 9.00 a.m. and stopped for staff examinations at Carwarp, Ouyen, Speed, Woomelang and Birchip, eventually working back to Ballarat on 17-7-1975.

Kindergarten students from Buronga, Dareton and Wentworth, on the New South Wales side of Sunraysia, also chartered a special train from Mildura to Redcliffs and return. About 200 students travelled on the special train on 1-10-1975. Carriages used for the train were from that morning's arrival of "The Vinelander". The train departed Mildura at 10.00 a.m., arrived at Redcliffs at 10.20 a.m., then departed at 11.30 a.m. for arrival in Mildura at 11.50 a.m..

The State Electricity Commissioners travelled to Mildura on 7-10-1975 with staff car "Goulburn", sleeping car 1VAM and special car "Norman" attached to the 9.20 p.m. "The Vinelander" from Spencer Street. The next day in Mildura, the special carriages were attached to diesel-electric locomotive T400 and ran as a special empty cars train from Mildura at 9.00 a.m. to Maryborough, thence from Maryborough to Bendigo and Swan Hill, arriving at 8.30 p.m.. The Commissioners travelled by road from Mildura to Swan Hill where they spent the night of 8-10-1975 on the special train. The special train spent the next night at Bendigo and returned to Melbourne on 10-10-1975.

The Mildura Apex Club arranged to attach two carriages to rear of the 6 p.m. goods train from Mildura on 19-11-1975. This was the third year this type of special train had been run to Carwarp and return. A brake van and two carriages (24CP, 11 ABE and 27AW) were attached ahead of the brake van on the 6 p.m. (No.130) Mildura to Melbourne Yard goods hauled by T379 and were detached at Carwarp and shunted the goods siding. The T Class locomotive off the Melbourne Yard to Mildura goods was scheduled to return to Carwarp collect the carriages and van however the goods was running late and as there was no other locomotive at Mildura, the 70 passengers were obliged to wait for the goods train to arrive at 12.30 a.m.. T 364 was detached from its load of about 60 vehicles, which were left on the main line under instruction from Control, and it took the Apexians to Mildura in their special train before returning to Carwarp for its goods train. There were no complaints from the passengers who appeared to enjoy the mystery surrounding their return. At Carwarp a social evening and BBQ meal was held on the station platform.

The third annual Mildura Apex Club special train from Mildura to Carwarp and return prepares to depart from Mildura station on 19-11-1975. Photo: Bruce McLean

On Sunday 14-12-1975, the Victorian Railways Social Club and Australian Post-Tel Institute members, arranged for a special train to convey them from Mildura to Yelta and return for a Christmas excursion. The Mildura Stationmaster (Mr. K. Bailey) arranged for locomotive T400 and carriages CE37(brake van), BS8, BU39, AW27, BW63, BW69, BW43, BU20, BE26, 21ZLP(brake van) to convey the party of 450 members and their families. The special departed Mildura at 10 a.m. and arrived at Yelta at 10.50 a.m.. After reversing T400 around the train, departure was at 11.15 a.m.. Arrangements were made for the train to stop opposite the Merbein West primary school at 581km, from 11.25 a.m. to 4.45 p.m. for a picnic lunch and activities for children in the school grounds. Arrival back at Mildura was scheduled for 5.35 p.m..

T400 at the head of the VR Social Club/API Christmas special train at Merbein West. The train is standing near the Paschendale Avenue level crossing, adjacent to the Merbein West primary school, after travelling to Yelta from Mildura. 14-12-1975. Photo: Bruce McLean

"S" Circular issued for the API & VR Social Club special train from Mildura to Yelta and return on 14-12-1975. Source: Bruce McLean Collection

Children from Mildura West Primary School travelled from Mildura to Merbein and return in three BW carriages attached to the Mildura Yelta goods on 17-12-1975. The train departed from Mildura at 10.00 a.m. (altered from the usual time of 9.20 a.m.) with about 170 passengers. They were picked up at Merbein on the return working of the goods train from Yelta where it departed at 12.15 p.m..

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