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Passenger Tickets - Mildura Line

The following tickets are representative of the tickets used by the Victorian Railways and their successors.

Tickets are from the Bruce McLean and Bob Whitehead collections unless otherwise stated.



Mildura to Melbourne Second Class single ticket sold at Mildura branch of Victorian Government Tourist Bureau.

Mildura to Melbourne First Class single ticket.

Mildura to Melbourne First Class single ticket issued at Mildura branch of Victorian Government Tourist Bureau.

Mildura to Melbourne Second Class ticket issued at Mildura branch of Victorian Government Tourist Bureau/

Mildura to Melbourne First Class single ticket concession for student or nurse 16 years and over.

Mildura to Melbourne Second Class return ticket issued at the Mildura branch of the Victorian Government Tourist Bureau.

Mildura to Ouyen Economy single ticket.

Creswick to Mildura Economy Class single ticket.

Creswick to Mildura Economy Return ticket

Frankston to Mildura Economy Class single ticket available for Pensioner concession.

Frankston to Mildura First Class single ticket available for Pensioner concession.

Spencer Street to Mildura First Class single concession ticket. This ticket was sold from Booking Office No.15 at Spencer Street. (Keith Atkinson Collection)

Talbot to Mildura Second Class single ticket.

Talbot to Mildura Economy Class single ticket.

Bendigo to Mildura via Newstead First Class return ticket.

Sandringham to Mildura First Class return ticket.

Reservoir to Mildura Adult First Class return ticket. (Keith Atkinson Ticket)

Newport to Mildura First Class return ticket. Note the red overprint "Privilege". This ticket applied to railywaymen and their families and was sold at one quarter of the appropriate fare. (Keith Atkinson Collection)

Ouyen to Melbourne First Class Child return ticket. Note the red overprint "Privilege". This ticket applied to railywaymen and their families and was sold at one quarter of the appropriate fare. (Keith Atkinson Collection)

Platform ticket issued at Redcliffs. Platform tickets were required to be purchased to enable entry onto a platform and were checked by station staff when entering and leaving the platform. (Keith Atkinson Collection)

Melbourne to Mildura First Class return. Issued under V/Line name.

Mildura to Redcliffs Economy single ticket. Issued under V/Line name.

Note the simplified V/Line tickets compared with tickets issued by the Victorian Railways administration.

Reserved Seat ticket issued at the Mildura branch of the Victorian Government Tourist Bureau.

Sleeping Berth ticket issued at Spencer Street from Booking Office 15 for travel on the 9.20 p.m. "The Vinelander" on 21-1-1973. The passenger was allocated Roomette sleeping berth No. 8 in Car No.12.

Sleeping Berth ticket issued at Belgrave for Melbourne to Mildura travel.

Sleeping Berth ticket issued at Mildura for travel on the 9.00 p.m. "The Vinelander". The passenger was allocated Roomette sleeping berth No. 9 in Car No.L.

Sleeping Berth ticket issued at Newport for Melbourne to Mildura travel in air-conditioned carriage.

Sleeping Berth ticket issued at Booking Office No.15 Melbourne for Mildura line for travel in Smoking compartment.

Melbourne to Mildura Economy single ticket for use by Fruit Pickers. Note the instruction that the journey could not be broken. The ticket was sold from Booking Office No.15 at Spencer Street station.

Irymple to Bonegilla Second Class single special ticket for Fruit Pickers.

Irymple to Maryborough Second Class single special ticket for Fruit Pickers.

Mildura to Melbourne Second Class single special ticket for Fruit Pickers issued in 1941, Note ticket includes reserved facility. (Keith Atkinson Collection)

Mildura to Wodonga Second Class single special ticket for Fruit Pickers. (Keith Atkinson Collection)

Geelong to Mildura Economy Class single special ticket for Fruit Pickers with seat reservation facility. Journey must be taken via Spencer Street. (Keith Atkinson Collection)

Fruit Picker's Second Class return concession paper coupon ticket issued to either Redcliffs, Irymple or Mildura. The ticket was left blank to enable the originating/return station name to be inserted. (Keith Atkinson Collection)

Redcliffs to Ouyen Second Class Child single ticket.

Note the triangle piece removed. This was to denote that the ticket had been sold as a Child fare. The removed portion was forwarded by the booking office selling the ticket to the Audit Office as proof that an Adult ticket had been sold as a Child ticket.

Redcliffs to Melbourne First Class Child single ticket.

Watchem to Redcliffs Second Class single ticket.

Cloak Room ticket issued at Redcliffs for free storage of luggage.

Cloak Room ticket issued at Merbein for free storage of articles. (Keith Atkinson Collection)

Cloak Room ticket issued at Mildura for free storage of luggage. (Keith Atkinson Collection)

Melbourne to Carwarp Second Class single ticket.

Speed to Tempy Second Class single ticket.

Note the red overprint of the ticket number.

Speed to Ouyen Second Class single ticket.

Speed to Lascelles Second Class single ticket.

Speed to Woomelang Second Class ticket.

Speed to Redcliffs Second Class single ticket.

Speed to Mildura Second Class single ticket.

Lascelles to Turriff Second Class single ticket.

Lascelles to Ouyen Second Class single ticket.

Lascelles to Redcliffs Second Class single ticket.

Lascelles to Tempy Second Class single ticket

Lascelles to Speed Second Class single ticket.

Watchem to Woomelang Second Class single ticket.

Intersystem ticket Pinnaroo to Murrayville Second Class return. (Keith Atkinson Collection).

Intersystem ticket Pinnaroo to Murrayville Second Class single Child. (Keith Atkinson Collection)

First Class Barrier Check Out for Mildura.

Travel tickets would have been collected by the train Conductor before arrival at a station, therefore barrier check outs were issued to passengers before they disembarked. The check out ticket enabled passage through the station barrier gates which were manned by station staff to ensure that every person on the platform was a fare-paying passenger or held a Platform ticket.

Second Class Barrier Check Out for Mildura.

Travel tickets would have been collected by the train Conductor before arrival at a station, therefore barrier check outs were issued to passengers before they disembarked. The check out ticket enabled passage through the station barrier gates which were manned by station staff to ensure that every person on the platform was a fare-paying passenger or held a Platform ticket.

First Class Fourteen Days' all lines ticket from Melbourne. Mildura was a popular destination for rail travellers using this versatile ticket.

Mildura Suburban Service paper ticket sold by rail motor driver for Adult week-end travel after 4 p.m. Friday until last train Monday between nominated stops. (Keith Atkinson Collection).

Mildura Suburban Service paper ticket sold by rail motor driver for Child week-end travel after 4 p.m. Friday until last train Monday between nominated stops. (Keith Atkinson Collection).

Mildura Suburban Service paper ticket sold by rail motor driver for Adult single travel between nominated stops. (Keith Atkinson Collection).

Mildura Suburban Service paper ticket sold by rail motor driver for Child single travel between nominated stops. (Keith Atkinson Collection).

Mildura Suburban Service paper ticket sold by rail motor driver for Adult day return travel between nominated stops. (Keith Atkinson Collection).

Mildura Suburban Service paper ticket sold by rail motor driver for Workman's Weekly travel between nominated stops. (Keith Atkinson Collection).

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