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Railways and Level Crossings

Road intersections with railway lines proliferate in Victoria and the relatively flat country of the mallee is no exception.

Numerous major and minor collisions with road vehicles have occurred throughout the history of the rail service, many resulting in fatalities and damage to locomotives and rolling stock.

In the Mildura irrigated area from the up side of Red Cliffs through to West Merbein level crossings proliferated and until the first warning devices were installed they were only protected by standard railway "Stop, Look, Listen" signage, or updated reflectorised signs. Some level crossings in Mildura were protected by "Stop" signs that compelled traffic to stop at a crossing before proceeding. Note that there is very little evidence to suggest that a train was responsible for any one of the level accidents covered in this history.


A special train ran into a wagon and two horses at a level crossing at Mildura. Four occupants on the wagon were injured. (Details of the particular level crossing are not known).


Mrs. H.J. Wilkinson, who had a property on the east side of the railway line between Tempy and Ouyen, no longer had access to a water dam known as Ivy Tank on the west side of the railway at 277 miles 37 chains due to the line being fenced on both sides. Previous access was by an unauthorised crossing over the line. The nearest level crossing was at 278 miles 4 chains. Permission was given to install a temporary level crossing at Ivy Tank (277 miles 37 chains) and as a result the decision was made to close the level crossing at 278 miles 4 chains.


"McCracken's Crossing" was a level crossing named after a local landholder and located between Red Cliffs and Irymple between Sunnycliffs and Ginquam Avenue. The original crossing at 345 miles 29 chains was considered dangerous by train crews and by August 1922 it had been reconstructed and opened a further 20 chains in the down direction. (This site was also considered dangerous and the crossing was reconstructed again in 1979.


A request for a level crossing at 344 miles 30 chains was approved. A sum of 25 pounds was contributed to the cost of the crossing by The Shire of Mildura, Progress Association and State Rivers & Water Supply Commission. This was the level crossing at Sunnycliffs.


The Rail Motor stopping place named "Sunnycliffs" at 344 miles 28 chains was approved for relocation to the new level crossing. Construction of the level crossing was undertaken in March 1924.


Merbein residents in the vicinity of the State School agitated for a level crossing opposite the school but in 1925 the department would only approve a pedestrian foot crossing.


A Chevrolet motor truck collided with a 10 a.m. special steam-hauled train from Mildura at the Koorlong Avenue and 15th Street level crossing, Irymple, on 26-3-1928. Four people were killed and four injured. The train consisted of the locomotive, 508DD, ?ABW, 48AB, 278Z and 4CW.


26-1-1931. Four men were injured when their truck crashed into a goods train at the Koorlong Avenue and 15th Street level crossing at Irymple. The goods train had departed Mildura at 5.40 p.m. and the locomotive, in charge of Driver Fraser, sustained sufficient damage to be unable to continue its journey. A locomotive at Irymple for shunting duties was used to take the goods train to Ouyen after it had returned to Mildura for water.


27-6-1936. A one ton truck was struck by an A2 locomotive at 4.52 p.m. (Saturday afternoon) on the Etiwanda Avenue, Mildura level crossing. The locomotive was travelling "light engine", that is, without any wagons, after taking a livestock train to Redcliffs. The smashed truck was carried 100 yards along the line on its cowcatcher.


A milk delivery car was struck by the Melbourne to Mildura express at the Seventh Street level crossing at 7.55 a.m. on 18-3-1945. An 11 year old girl from Melbourne, a passenger in the car, was killed instantly.

The General Manager of the Redcliffs Co-operative Fruit Co. was fatally injured when his car was struck by a train at Redcliffs on the morning of 20-3-1945.


The first flashing light signals were installed at the San Mateo Avenue level crossing in March 1948.


4-3-1949. A man, his wife and their only child were killed when their truck collided with a goods train at the Cowra Avenue level crossing, between Irymple and Mildura. The collision occurred at 5.30 p.m. when the goods train was travelling between Redcliffs and Mildura.


The Victorian Level Crossing Committee was established by the railway department and members of the committee made a visit to Mildura on 30-3-1955. The visit was the result of a request by Mildura City Council to the Railway Commissioners during their tour of inspection on 12-10-1954 for level crossing signals at the Seventh Street, and Chaffey Avenue, Mildura, level crossings. Council also discussed an underpass or level crossing at Eleventh Street, on the Yelta branch line, to give a through road to Merbein.

On 14 & 15-6-1955, new rails were laid at the San Mateo Avenue and Eighth Street, Mildura, level crossing. The warning bells at the level crossing had caused anguish for local residents from time to time when they failed to stop ringing after the passage of a train. The rails through the crossing have a protective coating to assist the electrical contact made by the wheels of an approaching train. Since the signals were installed in 1948 the salt content in the earth had eaten away the protective coating causing the bells to ring at odd times. In southern districts this problem was not as prevalent because of the different composition of the soil.

135 foot rails were used through the crossing and were laid by a gang of 30 men under the charge of Head Ganger Mr. J. Kerr.

Flashing light signals for the Seventh Street, Mildura, level crossing were approved by the Railway Commissioners and advised to Mildura City Council on 23-6-1955. (They were not installed until 1960). The Committee also recommended that earth be removed from the Chaffey Avenue, Mildura, crossing approaches and that "Stop" signs be erected at both sides.

In June 1955 Mildura City Council decided to make a further approach to the Victorian Railways Commissioners to construct an underpass to enable Eleventh Street, Mildura, to pass under the Mildura to Yelta line. Council estimated the cost of the underpass at 45,000 pounds.


Mildura Shire Council, in January 1956, requested the Railway Commissioners to remove a sand ridge near the level crossing at Sunnycliffs, between Redcliffs and Irymple stations, as it was considered to be a dangerous obstruction for motorists watching for trains.


Mildura City Council decided at its meeting on 23-5-1957 to again approach the Victorian Railways to negotiate for the construction of a level crossing over the Mildura to Merbein and Yelta line at Eleventh Street. The objective was to create Eleventh Street as the main route to Merbein rather than via Tenth Street.


In July 1958 Mildura City Council negotiated with the Victorian Railways Commissioners to establish a pedestrian crossing lining Cherry Avenue and Seventh Street where people were unofficially crossing the main line to Yelta and the line leading to the steam locomotive depot.


Flashing light signals were installed at the Seventh Street level crossing in December 1960.


On 18-7-1961, Mildura City Council met at Mildura with the Chairman of the Railway Commissioners, Mr. E.H. Brownbill. They protested against the decision of the Commissioners that the level crossing at Tenth Street would have to close if the Council insisted on Eleventh Street being opened up to give more direct access to the River Road to Merbein. The Chief Commissioner Mr. E.H. Brownbill informed the councillors that it was the policy of the Victorian Railways to eliminate level crossings. If it was unacceptable to close an existing level crossing, council would have to provide an overpass. (Mildura City Council had been trying since 1954 to have Eleventh Street opened up as a through road to Merbein). A further attempt by the Mildura City Council Engineer (Mr. A. Thompson) twelve months later was rejected along similar lines.


Council made another request during the Commissioners' October 1963 visit and were told by the Chairman that he stood firm on his earlier decision.


Mildura Shire Council asked for warning lights at the Murray Avenue railway crossing when the Commissioners were inspecting Redcliffs station on 24-11-1964. The request followed concern by the council that children crossed the line to get to their school at the same time as the Mildura Sunlight was due through. The Commissioners did not regard the crossing as a hazard as suggested that the children would be well aware of the presence of a train.


The Thirteenth Street, Mildura level crossing was closed to rail traffic on 24-1-1967 for the installation of welded rails through the roadway.

Flashing lights were installed at the Karadoc Avenue level crossing between Irymple and Mildura in July 1967.


A car collided with a T Class diesel locomotive at the Eighth Street, Mildura level crossing on 13-2-1968.

Mildura City Council was still trying to open up a railway crossing on the Yelta line at Eleventh Street in October 1968. The Railway Commissioner's were maintaining their policy that if Eleventh Street were to be opened, another crossing in the area had to be closed. It was revealed at this time that, if the crossing was to open and boom barriers were required for safety reasons, the railway department would pay two thirds of the cost and council would be required to fund the balance.


4-2-1969. Flashing Light Signals were installed at the Henty Highway level crossing at the up end of Lascelles station.

A spectacular collision between the down Mildura express and a fully laden fuel tanker on 28-4-1969 at the Irymple Avenue level crossing at the up end of the station yard resulted in the death of the train driver, and injuries to the train fireman, truck driver and a lady passenger. The locomotive (T398), Motorail wagon (AX7) and Sleeper No.1 were badly damaged. A fireball from the explosion also destroyed a departmental residence.

24-11-1969. An interstate transport driver was burned to death when his semi-trailer truck collided with a goods train at Duff's Crossing, about two miles east of Murrayville about 1 p.m.. The goods train, consisting of two Y Class diesel-electric locomotives and wagons containing barley, sheep and pigs, was travelling from Pinnaroo to Ouyen. The two locomotives and six wagons were derailed without any injury to the train crew. The semi-trailer, travelling in the same direction as the train, hit the driver's cabin of the second locomotive, sending up a ball of flame. The fire spread to the second locomotive and first wagon.


10-5-1973. A man escaped death by inches when his car collided with a goods train at the Etiwanda Avenue, Mildura, level crossing at 6.05 p.m.. The up goods train had departed from Mildura a few minutes earlier. There was only slight damage to the T Class locomotive and was able to continue its journey. The car, which was travelling east, was badly damaged.

On 11-10-1973, Flashing Light signals were brought into use at the Ouyen Highway level crossing at the Up end of Ouyen station.

A flashing light signal and safety railing at the Calder Highway level crossing at Irymple was knocked over and smashed to the ground when a car heading towards Redcliffs went out of control and crashed on 22-11-1973. The accident happened at 9.20 p.m. only minutes after the Melbourne-bound "The Vinelander" had passed over the crossing. A Flagman was stationed at the crossing until repairs were completed the following day.


A 24 year old man was killed when his car struck "The Vinelander" passenger train hauled by B84 at the Eleventh Street/Benetook Avenue level crossing, Mildura on 5-4-1974, only minutes after the train had departed from Mildura station at 9.10 p.m.. His vehicle was pushed more than 50 feet along the line by the locomotive which stopped about 360 yards from the crossing. There was little damage to the engine and the train was able to continue its journey after a delay of over three-quarters of an hour.

Mildura City Council was advised on 17-10-1974 by the Victorian Railways Chief Civil Engineer, Mr. D. Wade, that flashing lights were to be installed at the Benetook Avenue/Eleventh Street, Etiwanda Avenue and Chaffey Avenue, level crossings in Mildura.


A proposal to construct a rail level crossing over the Mildura to Yelta line at Eleventh Street, Mildura that was first mooted in 1954, was opposed by residents in the locality when the idea was revived in June 1975. Construction of the roadway would provide a direct connection between Deakin Avenue and the existing road to Merbein. (Hand gates were placed at Eleventh Street when the rail motor service was running to Merbein from 1922 -28. In September 1942 they were in bad order, removed, and the boundary fence openings closed).

A Red Cliffs milkman was killed when his delivery vehicle hit a T class locomotive at 7.15 a.m. on 28-8-1975 at the Fitzroy Avenue, Red Cliffs level crossing. The force of the impact pushed the utility 50 yards along the railway line and uprooting a signal mast. Preparation had commenced to install flashing lights at the crossing at the time of the accident and installation was completed in December 1975.

A Mildura man had a brush with death a week later on 4-9-1975 when his car collided with "The Vinelander" at the Etiwanda Avenue, Mildura crossing at 8.20 a.m.. The passenger train was almost at the end of its overnight journey from Melbourne.

The Victorian Railways would only agree to open Eleventh Street if another crossing in the area was closed. The Mildura Shire Council engineer (Mr. Arbuthnot) indicated in September 1975 that closure of Cowra Avenue, between Irymple and Mildura was possible. Residents from the Cowra Avenue area had other ideas though, and sent petitions to both Mildura City and Shire Councils opposing closure. Mildura Shire Council agreed with the residents and Shire Secretary (Mr. Drew) advised that if the City Council could not find another crossing in the city to close, the Shire Council would look at crossings in the Shire which could be closed with the least effect on residents in the area.

The Victorian Railways submitted plans for the widening of the level crossings at Eleventh Street/Benetook Avenue, and Etiwanda Avenue to the Mildura City Council in September 1975. Council accepted the plans.

Flashing light signals were brought into service at the Fitzroy Avenue, Redcliffs, level crossing on 10-12-1975.


The rear section of a tray truck was sheared off after being hit by a T class locomotive at the Benetook Avenue/Eleventh Street crossing, Mildura on 22-1-76. The train crew and truck driver escaped injury. By 29-1-1976 flashing lights were installed at this crossing as well as the Etiwanda Avenue, Mildura crossing.

Flashing light signals were brought into service at the Benetook Avenue and Eleventh Street intersection level crossing on the Up side of Mildura station on 29-1-1976.

Flashing light signals were brought into service at the Etiwanda Avenue, level crossing on the Up side of Mildura on 29-1-1976.

A car driver was seriously injured when his car hit the Melbourne to Mildura "Fruit Flier" goods train at the Irymple Avenue, Irymple crossing at 6.40 a.m. on 23-3-1976. This was the same level crossing that claimed the life of a train driver when a fully loaded semi-trailer fuel truck ran into the Melbourne to Mildura passenger train on 28-4-1969.

The Calder Highway level crossing on the down side of Irymple was widened, traffic lanes duplicated and additional flashing light crossing signals installed by March 1976.

Mr. Whiting M.L.A. for Mildura was so concerned with the number of level crossing accidents he placed a question on the notice paper of the Legislative Assembly in April 1976 to ask the Minister for Transport how many accidents and fatalities had occurred in the past five years at level crossings at Chaffey Avenue, Mildura and Sandalong and Irymple Avenues, Irymple. The Victorian Railways had approved the installation of lights at Chaffey Avenue.

A little used crossing at Wilga Road between Yatpool and Red Cliffs was nominated in July 1976, however this was rejected by the railways who wanted an equally busy crossing closed as that which would be created if Eleventh Street were opened. In October 1976, however, the Victorian Railways Board advised Mildura Shire Council that it was investigating the proposal to provide one crossing at Yatpool instead of the existing two. It was treating the proposal separately from the question of opening an Eleventh Street crossing. The Board also expressed the view that should Cowra Avenue be closed, the anticipated extra traffic using the Sandalong Avenue crossing would qualify it for priority on the list for installation of flashing lights.

Flashing lights were installed at the Chaffey Avenue, Mildura level crossing at the down end of the station yard, on 13-10-1976.

New flashing light signals at the Chaffey Avenue level crossing at the down end of Mildura yard. This view is looking from the Yelta line where a searchlight signal has replaced the former semaphore signal arm. November 1976. Photo: Bruce McLean


A semi trailer truck driver escaped serious injury when his truck collided with a goods train travelling from Ouyen to Pinnaroo, at the Ouyen Highway level crossing, east of Murrayville on 21-4-1977. The force of the impact tore the prime mover from the trailer which slewed around and crashed into the second wagon on the train. The train locomotive dragged the prime mover 15 feet along the track before coming to a halt.

Mildura Shire Engineer (Mr. Arbuthnot) claimed in July 1977 that road safety in Sunraysia would be improved in every second rail crossing between Irymple and Mildura was closed. Meanwhile, motorists continued their altercations with trains. A mother and daughter escaped serious injury when their car hit a goods train from Ouyen to Mildura on the Murray Avenue, Red Cliffs level crossing at 3.10 p.m. on 12-8-1977.

Three people escaped injury when a semi-trailer collided with a locomotive at Main Avenue, Merbein and then cannoned into a small car, at 1.45 p.m. on 16-11-1977.

The driver of a gravel truck escaped serious injury when a truck loaded with gravel and sand hit a locomotive with three oil tankers, three wagons and a guard's van at 2.40 p.m. on 7-12-1977 at the Tenth Street, Mildura crossing.

In December 1977, Mildura City Council proposed closure of the Ninth Street, Mildura crossing as its Eleventh Street trade-off. Public opposition including a petition to the council and objections from the fire brigade and adjacent Mildura West primary school sealed the fate of that idea.


Mildura City Council, in May 1978, asked Mildura Shire Council if it would consent to the closing of the rail crossing at Ginquam Avenue, Irymple. Council decided to seek the views of nearby residents before making a decision to agree to the request. "McCracken's Crossing" between Sunnycliffs crossing and Ginquam Avenue was not far away and would be an alternative without creating hardship.

A man died from injuries received when his car hit the Melbourne-bound "The Vinelander" about 11.10 p.m. on 10-5-1978 at the Williams Street, Ouyen, level crossing at the down end of Ouyen station yard.

An Irymple woman escaped injury when her car skidded into "The Vinelander" at the Sandalong Avenue/Fourteenth Street, Irymple, level crossing at 8.45 a.m. on 18-5-1978.

A young Red Cliffs man survived a collision between his car and "The Vinelander" on the morning of 25-7-1978 at the Murray Avenue, Red Cliffs crossing. The train was slowing down for the Red Cliffs station on its way to Mildura.

A woman also escaped injury when her car ran into "The Vinelander" at 7.55 a.m. on 23-9-1978 at the Irymple Avenue, Irymple crossing.

And in another collision in which the driver lived to tell the story, a sedan crashed into the "Fruit Flier" goods train heading towards Mildura at 7.15 a.m. at the Fourteenth

Street/Sandalong Avenue, Irymple crossing on 4-10-1978.

In September 1978, Mildura City Council was advised that the Victorian Railways Board agreed to the opening of the Eleventh Street railway crossing providing the cost of construction and light signals were met by Mildura City Council. Mildura Shire Council also advised that it agreed to the closure of Ginquam Avenue. This was confirmed in May 1979. The Shire also indicated that it intended to close the 16th Street crossing ("McCracken's Crossing") in favour of a new intermediate one at nearby Belar Avenue.


A male passenger was injured when a car crashed into a goods train carrying containers from Merbein at the River Road level crossing between Mildura and Merbein at 12.45 p.m. on 2-5-1979.

The "Jaws of Life" were used by emergency personnel to free a man trapped in his car when it skidded on a wet Irymple Avenue, to collide with "The Vinelander" at 8.05 a.m. as it was slowing down to stop at Irymple station on 28-5-1979. An inspection of the crossing by the Vicrail Level Crossing Committee reviewed the priority of the crossing for flashing lights and it was announced in June 1979 that it would be included in the 1980/81 financial year priority list.

Mildura City Council confirmed at its meeting on 23-8-1979 that opening of the Eleventh Street crossing would go ahead according to the Mildura Town Plan, however opposition to the opening manifested itself in the organisation of a petition by the Mildura West Action Committee. The petition, with more than 400 signatures, gained unusual publicity when it was published as a full page in "Sunraysia Daily" on Tuesday 11-9-1979. Six of the nine councillors supported the opening and the crossing was approved for construction at a cost of $4,500.

A man escaped injury when the car he was driving crashed into a Mildura-bound goods train at the Sandalong Avenue/14th Street, Irymple level crossing at 6.50 p.m. on 2-10-1979.


A spectacular collision occurred on 5-6-1980 at 9.55 a.m. at the 13th Street, Mildura level crossing on the Yelta line when a tip truck loaded with red loam was hurled into the air by a T Class locomotive with eleven wagons loaded with empty shipping containers and a guard's van. T369 was damaged and derailed, one wagon derailed and about 40 metres of track including the rail across the roadway, damaged. The train crew and truck driver escaped serious injury. T369 was rerailed at 12.45 p.m. the next day, more than 26 hours after the crash.

The scene at the 13th Street, Mildura, level crossing showing the results of a tip truck colliding with a goods train from Mildura to Yelta hauled by T369 on 5-6-1980. Photo: Bruce McLean

The front of locomotive T369 after colliding with a fully laden sand truck at the 13th Street, Mildura, level crossing. The locomotive was derailed as a result of the impact. 5-6-1980. Photo: Bruce McLean

The leading bogie of T369 was derailed and the short nose of the locomotive damaged with the impact of hitting a loaded sand truck at the 13th Street, Mildura, level crossing. 5-6-1980. Photo: Bruce McLean

T385 was called on to assist the next day with the re-railing of T385 after a collision with a fully laden sand truck at the 13th Street, Mildura, level crossing on 5-6-1980. Photo: Bruce McLean

A man was seriously injured when his utility hit a goods train travelling from Mildura at the 14th Street/Sandalong Avenue level crossing between Irymple and Mildura at 10.05

p.m. on 31-7-1980.


Whilst many of the accidents recorded were at crossings without flashing light protection, the presence of warning devices did not deter motorists from crashing into trains.

A 19 year old Irymple youth survived a collision with a T class locomotive and guards van at the Calder Highway crossing at Irymple at 3 p.m. on 7-1-1981.

The Minister for Transport, Mr. Maclellan, in response to a question in parliament from Mr. K. Wright M.L.C., advised that flashing lights would be installed at Murray Avenue, Red Cliffs, Irymple Avenue, Irymple, Sandalong Avenue, Irymple, Cowra Avenue, Mildura and the new Eleventh Street crossing, Mildura.

Work on the Eleventh Street crossing commenced in June 1981 with heavier, welded rails being replaced during August and the crossing opened for traffic on 9-9-1981. Flashing light signals were commissioned on 19-8-1981. Two level crossings in the Shire of Mildura were closed in accordance with Victorian Railways policy. The crossings at Ginquam Avenue, Irymple and 16th Street, Irymple were closed in mid-1981. Under a mutual arrangement with Mildura City Council, a new railway crossing was constructed at Belar Avenue in.... with the cost of construction borne by the city council.

Flashing light signals were provided at Murray Avenue, Red Cliffs on 20-8-1981, Sandalong Avenue, Irymple on 25-8-1981, and Cowra Avenue, Mildura on 26-8-1981.

Installation of flashing light signals at Murray Avenue, Redcliffs was advanced on 19-7-1981. The crossing protection was commissioned on 20-8-1981. Photo: Bruce McLean

The Ninth Street, Mildura level crossing on the Mildura to Yelta line was the scene of a mock disaster exercise conducted by police, fire brigade, ambulance and other emergency services on 2-9-1981. The exercise involved the use of diesel-electric locomotive X34, which was supposed to have collided with a school bus next to the Mildura West Primary School and nearby Shell fuel depot. The exercise was the biggest of its kind held in Mildura.

X34 was involved in the staging of a mock disaster based on a level crossing accident at the Ninth Street, Mildura, level crossing on 2-9-1981. Photo: Bruce McLean

Two people were killed at 8.40 a.m. on 3-11-1981 when their utility went through the flashing lights at the Eleventh Street/Benetook Avenue crossing and collided with locomotive X33 hauling "The Vinelander" with a gross weight of 550 tonnes towards Mildura.

A man and a woman were seriously injured after their car drove into a rail tanker on a goods train crossing the Irymple Avenue, Irymple, level crossing at 10.20 p.m. on 3-12-1981.

A loaded wheat train with locomotive Y140 and a T class hit a delivery van on the Ouyen Highway crossing at Murrayville about 1.45 p.m. on 18-12-1981. The train was heading towards Murrayville to reverse the engines around the train. The leading bogie of Y140 was derailed, damaging sleepers as it took 204 metres from the crossing to stop. The truck driver and his young son escaped serious injury.

A derailed Y140 at Murrayville following a collision with a van on 18-12-1981. Photo: Sunraysia Daily - Bruce McLean Collection


The Irymple Avenue level crossing at Irymple, the subject of many encounters with drivers testing their luck with a moving train, was fitted with flashing light signals on 18-8-1982.

Flashing lights were installed at the Williams Street, Ouyen, level crossing on 29-9-1982 and the Ouyen Highway, Boinka, level crossing on 30-9-1983.


On 21-6-1983 and 22-6-1983 Flashing Light signals were installed at the Sunraysia Highway and Brook Street level crossings at Woomelang.


A man escaped death when his car was hit by the Melbourne- bound "Fruit Flier" at 4.16 p.m. on 22-11-1984 at the Calder Highway level crossing at Irymple. The warning signals were in operation at the time. The "Fruit Flier" was hauling 13 vehicles with 312 tonnes of freight and was travelling at 65 kph at the time of impact. The train was delayed for only 8 minutes.


Almost 300 sheep perished when a semi-trailer stock transport collided with the "Sunraysia Fresh" express goods train on the Belar Avenue, Irymple, level crossing at 4.20 p.m. on 28-5-1985.

The railway track through the intersections of Benetook Avenue and Eleventh Street and San Mateo Avenue and Eighth Street, Mildura, was renewed on 1/2-6-1985 for the installation of roundabouts by the City of Mildura. The roundabouts were completed in August 1985.

Workmen replace sleepers and weld rails through the Benetook Avenue and Eleventh Street, Mildura level crossing on 2-6-1985 in advance of the installation of a roundabout. Photo: Bruce McLean

At the same time, work was also taking place renewing the track through the San Mateo Avenue and Eighth Street, Mildura level crossing where another roundabout was to be constructed. 2-5-1985. Photo: Bruce McLean


The Benetook Avenue/Eleventh Street level crossing was the location for another accident when the driver of a utility hit "The Vinelander" as it passed through the crossing and whilst the lights and bells were operating at 10.10 p.m. on 24-4-1986. A handbrake and diesel fuel tank on the buffet carriage was damaged.

Buffet car 225BRS "over the pit" at Mildura for repairs following accident damage sustained on 24-4-1986 when a vehicle crashed into "The Vinelander" at the Eleventh Street/Benetook Avenue, Mildura level crossing. The train had to return to Mildura and the buffet car removed before the overnight journey to Melbourne could restart. Photo: Bruce McLean

An elderly couple escaped injury when the couple's utility ran into the two locomotives hauling an up goods train as it crossed the Calder Highway crossing at Irymple at 12.25 p.m. on 19-9-1986. The warning signals were operating at the time and the leading locomotive suffered damage to the fuel tank. Mildura Shire Council applied for a funding grant from the Road Transport Authority for the installation of boom gates at the crossing.

A Mildura man was taken to hospital after the utility he was driving collided with a goods train at the Eleventh Street/Benetook Avenue, Mildura, level crossing on 6-11-1986. The goods train was travelling from Ouyen to Mildura when the collision occurred at 7.35 p.m..

Other level crossing accidents reported in November/December included a lucky escape for a woman who collided her car with a train at the Eighth Street, Mildura, level crossing on the Yelta line, and the driver of a utility who emerged unscathed after his vehicle hit a goods train at the 13th Street, Mildura, level crossing on the Yelta line.


The first level crossing accident for 1987 involved a car hitting the Melbourne bound passenger train "The Sunraysia" at 9.15 a.m. at the 9th Street and Etiwanda Avenue crossing, Mildura, on 23-2-1987 - exactly one week after the start of the new daylight service to Melbourne. The woman driver was not hurt.

A Carwarp farmer escaped injury when his utility was hit at the down end level crossing at Nowingi by "The Sunraysia" daylight train travelling at 80 kph on 14-7-1987. Repairs delayed the locomotive 45 minutes and after additional engines were attached at Ouyen, it continued its journey 93 minutes late.


A Red Cliffs woman escaped injury when she drove her car through the warning signals and hit a train at the Calder Highway level crossing at Irymple on 17-11-1988.

Mildura Stationmaster Mr. S. Hensgen warned motorists on 9-12-1988 to take care when crossing level crossings on the Mildura to Yelta line. Following the upgrading of the track, locomotives were now permitted to travel at 65 m.p.h. instead of 25 m.p.h.. He reminded motorists that there were no set times for trains on the line - they could come through once or a number of times in a day.


The Calder Highway level crossing at Irymple was the scene of another crash at 9.55 p.m. on 19-2-1989 when four people were injured when their car hit "The Vinelander" as it passed through the crossing on its way to Melbourne. A call for boom gates at the crossing was met by the response from V/Line that boom barriers were only appropriate for multi line tracks.

A 20 year old motorcyclist was killed when he crashed into a Melbourne bound goods train at 3.30 p.m. on 7-5-1989 at the Karadoc Avenue, Irymple, level crossing.

A 42 year old Red Cliffs man was killed when his utility collided with a Melbourne bound goods train at 4.42 p.m. on 19-6-1989 at the Wilga Road level crossing, Red Cliffs.

Five members of the same family cheated death or serious injury when their car collided with a goods train on 27-11-1989. The goods train, travelling between Irymple and Redcliffs, hit the car at the Sunnycliffs level crossing about 6.50 p.m..

Mildura Shire residents lobbied the council to have boom barriers installed at the Calder Highway, Irymple, level crossing, described "as one of the most dangerous crossings in the Shire". The Council voted at its meeting on 8-12-1989 to approach the State Transport Authority to have boom barriers installed as soon as possible.


An 18 year old Mildura man was injured when his car hit a Mildura-bound goods train at the 11th Street/Benetook Avenue level crossing on 13-3-1990.

Removal and replacement of the tracks in the Chaffey Avenue, Mildura, level crossing at the down end of Mildura station yard, took place on 3-4-1990.

A Redcliffs man escaped serious injury when he failed to observe a goods train travelling from Merbein to Mildura, at the Tenth Street, Mildura level crossing at 1.15 p.m. on 16-5-1990. The car was pushed in front of the train for about 15 metres.

Flashing lights were installed at the 13th Street, Mildura level crossing on the Mildura to Yelta line on 21-6-1990 but a Mildura Shire Council request for funding for flashing lights at the Sunnycliffs crossing between Red Cliffs and Irymple was refused in September that year.

A 28 year old man from Nhill was killed when his truck and trailer crashed into the Melbourne-bound "Sunraysia Fresh" goods train at 4 p.m. on 13-9-1990 at the Werrimull road level crossing south of Red Cliffs.

Collision damage to the long end of X40 following a collision with a truck at Werrimull Road, Redcliffs on 13-9-1990 whilst on the up "Sunraysia Fresh" express goods service. X40 was returned to Mildura following the collision. 14-9-1990. Photo: Bruce McLean


An 81 year old Irymple man escaped injury when his car was struck by a Y class locomotive travelling towards Red Cliffs at the Belar Avenue, Irymple level crossing at 2.30 p.m. on 9-1-1991.

The Shire of Mildura placed an advertisment in "Sunraysia Daily" on 23-3-1991 advising that it was considering closure of the Wilga Road level crossing 1.2 kilometres south from the Werrimul Road crossing. It was thought that closure of the crossing would assist Council's case for the introduction of flashing lights at the Werrimull Road crossing. It was subsequently announced that the crossing would be permanently closed to traffic from 31-5-1991.

The Mildura Road Safety Council mounted a campaign in May 1991 alerting road users to take greater care at railway crossings following the release of statistics that showed there were 23 accidents at 13 level crossings in the Mildura City and Shire resulting in 3 deaths since 1989. Two V/Line train drivers, Mr. A. Manning and Mr. R. Wilson, claimed that Sunraysia car drivers were the worst in the State.

Stop signs were placed at the River Avenue, Merbein, level crossing in October 1991.


The Etiwanda Avenue, Mildura, level crossing was closed to road traffic on 17-3-1992 to upgrade the track and road surface.

Workmen had absolute occupation of the line at the Etiwanda Avenue, Mildura, level crossing on 17-3-1992 to replace the rails and sleepers and restore the road surface. Workers had removed the old track and were preparing the roadbed for new sleepers and rails. Photo: Bruce McLean

Preparing the roadbed to accept the new panel of prepared sleepers and rails at Etiwanda Avenue, Mildura. 17-3-1992. Photo: Bruce McLean

Police issued a penalty notice to the male driver of a car with a number of children on board when he failed to give way to a slow moving goods train. The collision occurred at 4.20 p.m. on the Tenth Street level crossing on the Mildura to Yelta line on 14-9-1992. There were no injuries but one child was treated for shock.


No level crossing accidents reported.


A five year old child and her mother were taken to hospital after their car crashed into a Y class locomotive at the Belar Avenue level crossing between Irymple and Red Cliffs at 12.45 p.m. on 26-1-1994. The locomotive driver was treated for shock and the child died from her injuries a week later.

On 1-2-1994 a station wagon driven by a 35 year old lady collided with a locomotive at 4 p.m. on the Morpung Avenue, Irymple, level crossing. Her 8 year old son was treated for shock.

Another accident at the Belar Avenue level crossing occurred on 9-2-1994 when a truck loaded with grapes struck locomotive Y124. The 57 year old male driver escaped with minor injuries. This was the third level crossing accident within 16 days between Red Cliffs and Irymple and resulted in council workmen erecting a Stop sign at the Belar Avenue crossing within an hour of the accident.

A 19 year old driver survived after crashing his car into a goods train on the Belar Avenue level crossing on at 7.30 p.m. on 11-4-1994. This was the third incident at the crossing in three months.

Safety signage in the form of Stop or Give Way signs were erected at three railway level crossings in May 1994 to alert motorists who did not bother to look for trains when approaching a crossing without warning lights. Signs were placed at Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Streets on the Mildura to Yelta line.

A Mildura woman and an elderly couple from Echuca were killed when the car in which they were travelling collided with a freight train at the Paschendale Avenue level crossing, West Merbein, at 2.50 p.m. on 12-6-1994. A G class locomotive with 21 loaded grain wagons carried the car 240 metres along the track with the victims inside.

The Shire of Mildura conducted a comprehensive review of local railway crossing signage in June 1994 with 15 crossings identified for improvements throughout the municipality.

The Mildura Community Road Safety Council indicated they were concerned with motorist complacency when approaching railway crossings following the withdrawal of rail passenger services in September 1993. The Road Safety Council also received a report from V/Line train drivers indicating that there were 72 "near misses" with motor vehicles between Ouyen and Yelta during March 1994.

A 41 year old Mildura truck driver came within metres of serious injury when his stalled semi-trailer was hit by two locomotives (G543/G537) at the Eleventh Street/ Benetook Avenue, Mildura, level crossing at 1.25 p.m. on 21-10-1994. The load of wine from Southcorp Wines at Karadoc was spread over the accident scene. The train crew escaped unharmed.

An 82 year old male driver walked away uninjured when he crashed his car into a locomotive (Y108) hauling two grain wagons on the Ninth Street level crossing, Mildura, at 3.20 p.m. on 17-11-1994.


On 17-1-1995 it was announced that $150,000 was to be allocated to place flashing light signals at the Belar Avenue level crossing between Red Cliffs and Irymple.

The Belar Avenue crossing almost claimed more lives when a 50 year old Irymple man and his wife crashed their car into a locomotive hauling 10 wagons at 10.47 a.m. on 25-1-1995.

Installation of warning signals at the Belar Avenue crossing commenced on 29-3-1995. The official date of commissioning is not known but they would have been in operation at least by the end of April 1995.


A 72 year old Mildura man was injured when the car he was driving collided with a single Y class locomotive travelling towards Mildura on the Karadoc Avenue level crossing, Irymple. The accident happened at 10.55 a.m. on 19-3-1996.


An 18 year old Mildura man was lucky to escape with his life at 11.30 a.m. on 22-4-1997 after his car hit A81/G512 as the locomotives were crossing the Chaffey Avenue, Mildura level crossing whilst the flashing lights were working. The police issued a penalty notice to the driver for failing to stop at a level crossing.

On 6-12-1997, the Minister for Transport announced that the Calder Highway level crossing at Irymple was to be upgraded to replace the existing flashing lights with boom barriers at a cost of $180,000.


A85 collided with a semi trailer loaded with barley on the Patchewollock Road level crossing at the Down end of Speed at 3.45 p.m. on 27-10-1998. A85 was hauling an Up gypsum train from Ouyen. The coupler and cowcatcher were damaged in the collision. The damage was so excessive that the nose from scrapped B68 was used to replace the damaged one. The nose had to be retrieved from a scrap yard in South Australia.


A man suffered leg and chest injuries on 30-9-1999 when he failed to stop at a Stop sign at the River Road level crossing near Merbein and his car was hit by a locomotive travelling from Mildura to Merbein at 5.40 p.m.. His car was a write-off.


The 54 year old driver of a Ford Cortina escaped injury on 7-6-2000 when he crashed his car into one of three container wagons being shunted by G512 at the Main Avenue level crossing at Merbein at 6.10 p.m.. The train was moving slowly into Wakefield's siding when the collision occurred.


A female motorist and a male passenger escaped serious injury when they drove their Ford sedan into a train at the Main Avenue, Merbein level crossing at 6.30 p.m. on 24-5-2001. The train was shunting wagons at the Wakefield Transport siding.

Work commenced on 8-3-2001 to build a new road linking Ontario Avenue, Mildura between 13th and 14th Streets. The $2.42 million roadway across swamp land also crossed the Mildura to Merbein and Yelta railway at 14th Street, near the original Rail Motor Stopping Place No. 1 in use from 1922 until 1928. On 20-8-2001 workmen began the installation of flashing light signals at the new level crossing. On Friday 15-9-2001 workmen removed the existing rails at the site of the new level crossing and installed new dual gauge concrete sleepers and a third rail in preparation for conversion to standard gauge. This work was completed on 16-9-2001 and was the first instance of standard gauge activity in the Mildura area. Bitumen sealing of the level crossing was undertaken on 17-9-2001.

Ontario Avenue, Mildura between13th and 14th Streets during construction, illustrating the future site of a level crossing on the Mildura to Yelta railway line at the intersection of 14th Street. 31-3-2001. The new Mildura Base Hospital can be seen in the right background. Photo: Bruce McLean

In preparation for the near-future conversion to standard gauge, the new Ontario Avenue level crossing was planned to incorporate a third rail and use the latest technology in railway building. Following removal of the rails and sleepers, the site of the crossing was excavated and fine screenings and ballast laid to provide for track drainage. 14-9-2001. Photo: Bruce McLean

Concrete dual gauge sleepers were inserted into the new Ontario Avenue level crossing. The two small lengths of rail were used as a trial to demonstrate to the track gang the method of fastening the dual gage rails. 14-9-2001. Photo: Bruce McLean

Machinery was used to place the sleepers into position on the newly prepared roadbed. The seated workers are measuring the distance between sleepers for uniformity. The dual gauge rails will be placed on the up side of the line. 14-9-2001. Photo: Bruce McLean

Following the laying and clipping of the rails, the line was ballasted, jacked and packed to provide the first length of standard gauge track in the north-west, although it will be some time before the third rail is brought into use. 15-9-2001. Photo: Bruce McLean

The completed track work ready for completing the Ontario Avenue bitumen seal and completion of the installation of flashing lights. This view is looking towards Yelta. 16-9-2001. Photo: Bruce McLean

On the afternoon of Saturday 22-9-2001, the level crossings at 10th and 13th Streets, Mildura were closed to road traffic (there are no flashing light warning signals at these crossings) to allow testing of the new Ontario Avenue flashing lights installation. A new system for starting the flashing lights was the first of its type in Victoria and a G Class locomotive was used to test the track circuits between 12.30 p.m. and 5 p.m.. The flashing light signals were officially commissioned on this day, although it was not opened for public road traffic until 26-9-2001. The Ontario Avenue link road and level crossing was officially opened by the Minister for Transport (Mr. P. Batchelor) on Sunday 7-10-2001.

(The opening of the Ontario Avenue, Mildura, level crossing should be compared with the saga of the opening of the Eleventh Street, Mildura railway crossing. It took from 1955 until 1981 to get the crossing open after continual resistance from the Victorian Railways Commissioners and two level crossing had to be closed to compensate. Ontario Avenue, as an additional crossing, met no such opposition in a new climate of privatised railway operation and a generous Labor government, keen to look after the independently-held Mildura electorate).


A Merbein South man escaped injury when his utility collided with a grain travelling between Merbein and Yelta. The accident happened at the Paschendale Avenue level crossing on the morning of 20-8-2002. The G Class locomotive and six grain wagons was not able to stop until several hundred metres down the track.


In June 2001, the Merbein Development Association requested a study by Mildura Rural City Council and VicRoads into the protection of the Calder Highway, Merbein, level crossing. The crossing had been the scene of numerous collisions and near-misses, particularly with the increase in rail traffic generated by the establishment of a new siding for Wakefield's Transport on the Down side.

The Minister for Transport, Mr. P. Batchelor, announced on 24-1-2003 that the Calder Highway and River Avenue, Merbein, level crossings would be fitted with automatic flashing lights and bells as part of a two-year State government upgrade program. Tenders were called on 15-2-2003 (closing 19-3-2003) for the River Avenue, Merbein flashing lights installation.

G527 on 9141 goods to Merbein was struck by a semi-trailer truck loaded with PVC pipes at the River Avenue level crossing about 7.15 a.m. on 22-4-2003. The driver of the truck failed to stop at a Stop sign and was charged by police. G527 was derailed with the leading bogie off and the first bogie on the first of about 30 loaded container wagons was also derailed. The crew were shaken but unhurt. The front of G527 was damaged and the track damaged with broken rails and sleepers for about 200 metres.

A Freight Australia crew of fitters arrived from Bendigo about midday to work on the rolling stock, and two cranes were required to lift the locomotive and first wagon back on the track in the early afternoon. X47 which had been taken off at Mildura was brought to the scene about 2 p.m. and later in the day took about 26 wagons back to Mildura long end leading. X47 was turned on the Mildura turntable at 5.45 p.m. and returned to the crash scene long end to push the remaining wagons and G527 into Merbein when track repairs were advanced enough to allow passage.

G527 derailed at an angle some 200 metres from the point of collision with a semi-trailer truck at the River Avenue, Merbein level crossing at 7.15 a.m. on 22-4-2003. Note the piece of tarpaulin from the truck trailer, missing whistle, smashed driver's windscreen, damage to the anti-climbing bars, damaged multiple unit cable and other equipment. Photo: Bruce McLean

In this scene, G527's derailed leading bogie can be observed. The trailing bogie remained on the rails, although the wheels on this side of the engine were slightly above the rail. 22-4-2003. Photo: Bruce McLean

The leading bogie on the first wagon behind G527 was also derailed. Although the rail was broken in several places and the many sleepers smashed, it was remarkable that this was the only wagon derailed. 22-4-2003. Photo: Bruce McLean

G527 and the derailed wagon were returned to the rails by early afternoon after a breakdown crew arrived from Bendigo and two local cranes were able to be secured. The fitters have commenced work removing damaged equipment to enable the locomotive and rolling stock to be moved. 22-4-2003. Photo: Bruce McLean

G525 passes the derailment site at 11.25 a.m. the following day with the first through train to Merbein. 23-4-2003. Photo: Bruce McLean

It was announced on 24-1-2003 that the River Avenue would be fitted with flashing light signals.

Summary of Flashing Light Signal Installations

Woomelang to Mildura and Yelta


Nearest Station




San Mateo Avenue



Calder Highway



Seventh Street



Karadoc Avenue



Henty Highway



Ouyen Highway



Fitzroy Avenue



Benetook Avenue & Eleventh Street



Etiwanda Avenue



Chaffey Avenue



Eleventh Street



Murray Avenue



Sandalong Avenue



Cowra Avenue



Irymple Avenue



Sunraysia Highway



Brook Street



Thirteenth Street



Belar Avenue



Ontario Avenue



Calder Highway



River Avenue

Ouyen to South Australian Border


Nearest Station




William Street



Ouyen Highway



Ouyen Highway



Ouyen Highway



Ouyen Highway

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