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Accidents and Incidents 1970 - 1979

17-2-1970. Eighteen wagons on No. 75 Down Fast Goods to Mildura were derailed about 11.40 p.m., half a mile south of the television transmitter at Yatpool. Three tankers carrying about 20,000 gallons of petrol were derailed, however the locomotive T348, hauling 24 wagons was not derailed. About 150 yards of track was damaged. More than 50 railway workers worked to build a loop around the wreckage. The overnight passenger train from Melbourne was held at Carwarp with passengers taken to Redcliffs and Mildura by bus. The "Fruit Flier" and passenger train were brought through to Mildura as one train about 6.30 p.m..

Arrangements were made to transfer the petrol to road tankers and a mobile crane was sent from Mildura to unload timber from derailed wagons. An empty water tanker was the first wagon to be derailed and have been suspected of causing previous derailments in the Ouyen to Mildura section.

The overall scene showing the effects of the derailment at Yatpool on 17-2-1970 when 18 of 24 wagons on a Mildura-bound goods train left the rails. Photo: Sunraysia Daily

A workmen inspects a wagon bogie buried in sand and is no doubt contemplating how he will start to untangle the wreckage of the derailment at Yatpool on 17-2-1970. Photo: Sunraysia Daily

Another view of the Yatpool goods train derailment on 17-2-1970. The bogie in the foreground has been pulled clear of the wreckage. Photo: Sunraysia Daily

6-4-1970. A T Class diesel-electric locomotive engaged on shunting duties at Mildura yard was derailed about 8 a.m. at the down end of the yard. The locomotive was back on the track by 9 a.m.. Only slight damage was sustained to the locomotive and track.

21-10-1970. Fire brigades from Redcliffs, Ouyen and Mildura rushed to Nowingi when it was reported that a locomotive was on fire. The fuel filter on a diesel-electric locomotive hauling a goods train from Mildura caught fire four miles from Nowingi. The engine crew extinguished the flames before the brigades arrived. The Mildura to Melbourne overnight passenger train was held at Carwarp for 90 minutes. Another diesel-electric locomotive from Mildura hauled the train to Ouyen and then on to Melbourne.

11-3-1971. The 6 p.m. Up goods from Mildura was involved in a derailment near the site of the former Bronzewing station, on a low lying tract of saltbush and clay. Five bogie wagons (one bitumen tanker, one diesel fuel tanker, two petrol tankers and a BMX van) and four four-wheel trucks (I, IA, GY and U) were derailed and approximately 15 chains of track torn up. Normally the 9.20 p.m. passenger train from Mildura passed the goods at Ouyen but the goods was running ahead of time and subsequently, the passenger was held at Ouyen. Passengers were transferred to buses and continued their journey to Donald where the Mildura-bound passenger train had terminated and was remarshalled for return to Melbourne. Passengers on this train were then transferred to the buses to continue their journey as far as Ouyen where they joined the original Up train which now formed the continuation of the Down journey, arriving at Mildura 75 minutes late, at 9.30 a.m.. The damaged line was repaired by 2 p.m. the next day and the two AX Motorail wagons off the Down passenger came through to Mildura on No. 103 goods train.

14-3-1971. Vandals were believed responsible for the Mildura to Melbourne overnight passenger train striking a wooden sleeper placed across the tracks about half a mile south of Ouyen at approximately 11.15 p.m.. The train speed was estimated at about 45-50 miles per hour. The sleeper skidded for about 120 yards, damaging part of the diesel-electric locomotive. The train was delayed for about 5 minutes before continuing its journey.

14-6-1971. A sleeping car on the Melbourne to Mildura overnight train was derailed at Bungaree, 64 miles from Melbourne. There were no injuries to passengers. Passengers affected were moved to other sections of the train. The derailment caused a delay of one hour and the train arrived in Mildura at 9.20 a.m.. A spare sleeping car being held at Mildura was used on the train from Mildura to Melbourne that night.

20-8-1971. The 9.05 p.m. Down Mildura passenger was derailed at 12.20 a.m. between Creswick and Clunes. The Train, hauled by T361 and T363, consisted of 2AX, 31CE, 38ABU, 2AZ, 7BZ, No.1 Sleeper, No.2 Sleeper. The AX (containing two cars) was partly derailed, a bogie on the CE, although not derailed, was damaged. 38ABU, No.1 Sleeper and No.2 Sleeper were completely derailed. 2AZ stayed on the tracks and 7BZ had the rear bogie derailed. There were 140 passengers on the train. Passengers were transferred to three buses and brought forward to stations through to Mildura. The train that had departed from Mildura that night was diverted at Maryborough, through Castlemaine, to Melbourne. A special train left Melbourne at 9 a.m. with replacement carriages for the Mildura to Melbourne train to operate that night.

8-2-1973. B76 failed between Hattah and Nowingi while hauling the Mildura-bound "Fruit Flier". A T Class off the Down "The Vinelander" was used to bring B76 back to Hattah to clear the section and to allow "The Vinelander" through, arrival at Mildura being 8.50 a.m.. T390 was despatched from Mildura to Hattah to bring back the "Fruit Flier" and disabled B76, arriving at Mildura at 10.41 a.m.

6-12-1972. About ten square miles of dense mallee scrub was burnt in the Hattah National Park between Hattah and Trinita. The fire crossed the Mildura railway line burning sleepers over several miles. The up "Fruit Flier" was delayed about 40 minutes at Hattah before it was able to get through at 6 p.m..

14-6-1973. Five GY wagons and the ZLP van of a special goods train, hauled by Y128 that had run to Underbool was derailed about 6.5 km on the Up side of Galah. The derailed vehicles were in the rear portion of the train. The rerailing of the wagons, which were loaded with wheat, and track repairs, took about two days to complete.

26-7-1973. A low-loader semi-trailer carrying a large mobile crane became hooked on a rail when crossing the Calder Highway level crossing, Irymple. The incident occurred in the morning after the passage of the passenger and goods trains from Melbourne, but local goods train movements to Irymple and Redcliffs were delayed for some hours whilst repairs were made to the buckled rail.

12-12-1973. Nine loaded GY wagons on an Up grain train hauled by T389 were derailed at about 4 p.m. and 3 km west of Underbool. Some of the wagons sustained extensive damage. The track was re-opened for traffic late the following day.

15-12-1973. A freak storm caused flooding over the railway line near Etiwanda Avenue, Mildura, delaying the departure of "The Vinelander" from Mildura at 9.20 p.m. to 11 p.m..

26-1-1974. Four wagons were pushed over the baulk on the new siding on the site of the old Mildura steam locomotive depot.

13-12-1974. The first major derailment in the history of the Redcliffs to Meringur line occurred a short distance on the Up side of the former Thurla station. The wagons involved were GJF207, GJF266, GJF232, GJF281, and GJF143, towards the rear of the 8.50 a.m. Meringur - Dunolly block wheat special hauled by T359.

About 50 workers from Mildura, Ouyen and Ballarat were supported by bulldozers provided by Mildura Shire Council. Grain was transferred to road trucks and transported to silos at Carwarp and Karawinna.

On 14-12-1974, a plant train from Mildura consisting of T357, 9ZLP, 919H (Mildura Loco Van), and five I wagons loaded with sleepers and fittings, was propelled to the site. About 60 metres of track had been damaged and replacement track was prepared in prefabricated sections and placed into position whilst bulldozers lifted the wagons clear. The first train to use the newly restored track ran to Meringur early on 16-12-1974. The replacement track featured heavier rail than the standard 60 pound rail on the line and the sleepers were packed with bluestone ballast - the only section on the whole of the Redcliffs to Morkalla line to receive such treatment.

Five loaded GJF wagons derailed at Thurla on 13-12-1974. A bulldozer has just arrived and work has yet to start on recovery of the grain so that re-railing can begin. 14-12-1974. Photo: Bruce McLean

A closer view of the damaged caused by the heavy rail wagons to the sleepers and rails. Thurla derailment. 14-12-1974. This was the first major derailment on the Redcliffs to Morkalla railway line. Photo: Bruce McLean

T357 propels a works train consisting of I Wagons loaded with rails and sleepers, the Mildura Loco Van on one of its rare trips away from Mildura and a ZLP van. The train is passing the last of the irrigated vine properties before entering mallee country and the scene of the derailment. 14-12-1974. Photo: Bruce McLean

View looking towards Thurla in the down direction of the track after re-railing of the rolling stock and reinstatement of the track. Note the heavier rail and almost complete absence of any form of substantial ballast other than the standard for the line - limestone and sand. 16-12-1974. Photo: Bruce McLean

The track near Thurla after repairs following the derailment of five loaded grain hopper wagons on 13-12-1974. This was the only section of the Redcliffs to Morkalla line with heavy rail and bluestone ballast. January 1975. Photo: Bruce McLean

7-2-1975. Mildura was isolated from the rest of Victoria when bushfires cut and closed the Calder, Stuart and Murray Valley Highways and burnt out sleepers on the Melbourne - Mildura railway line over a distance of 6 km on either side of Hattah station, closing the line for 52 hours.

The Hattah fire began when a home insulation van crashed and caught fire on the Calder Highway about 3 km from Hattah, about 3.20 p.m. on Friday 7-2-1975, setting fire to tinder-dry grass and scrub and cutting the railway about 4 p.m.

The 5.15 p.m. No.134 Up Mildura express goods "The Fruit Flier", was the last train through the section for two days, although it was delayed for seven hours. The 6.00 p.m. No. 130 Up Mildura goods was held at Carwarp until the following Monday morning. The 8.35 p.m. (Thursday 6-2-1975) Down Mildura goods was held at Hattah (due 4.30 p.m. Friday 7-2-1975). It included two 45,000 litre tankers of petrol. The 6.20 p.m. (Friday 7-2-1975) No. 103 Down Mildura express goods, "The Fruit Flier", and the 8.35 p.m. (Friday 7-2-1975) No.75 Down Mildura goods, were held at Ouyen from Saturday until Monday morning.

The Up "The Vinelander" did not depart Mildura on Friday 7-2-1975, passengers being conveyed by buses to Donald where they joined "The Vinelander" which had left Melbourne. It terminated at Donald and returned to Melbourne, arriving about 12 noon. Passengers from the Down "The Vinelander" were conveyed from Donald to Mildura by buses, arriving at 10 a.m. on Saturday 8-2-1975.

The Victorian Railways specially equipped fire attack train had been on alert at Maryborough, and dashed to Hattah, where it was used extensively over the weekend, being replenished at Mildura station several times. A considerable number of sleepers had been burnt and workmen from as far away as Woomelang and Lascelles spent the weekend repairing the damaged track and replacing sleepers, using sleepers already in the Ouyen district for track relaying.

The line was reopened at 8 p.m. on Sunday 9-2-1975 with a 5 m.p.h. (10 km/h) speed limit. The Up and Down "The Vinelander" trains ran that night. The fire attack train remained on stand-by at Nowingi on Sunday 9-2-1975.

Speed restrictions were imposed over the section of track affected by the fire damage.

20-2-1975. The locomotive hauling "The Vinelander" broke down about four miles on the Ouyen side of Hattah during its journey from Ouyen to Mildura. A locomotive was sent from Mildura to attach to the disabled train and haul it to Mildura where it arrived about 2½ hours late.

12-3-1975. A concrete mixer truck was hit by a locomotive at Irymple about 7.30 a.m.. The concrete mixer truck had reversed onto the railway line at the Co-operated Dried Fruit Sales building when it was hit by the train travelling from Mildura to Meringur. There was little damage to the locomotive but the truck was badly damaged. The driver was uninjured.

9-6-1975. Three fully laden wheat trucks were derailed about 9.45 a.m. at Ouyen station. Railway workmen from as far away as Mildura and Underbool were called in to assist with rerailing and repairs to the track. The wagons were rerailed and repairs completed with causing any delay to "The Vinelander" that night.

19-11-1975. Three four-wheel louvre wagons were derailed when they were shunted onto the former riverfront downgrade line at Mildura on 19-11-1975. Part of the downgrade line was retained for wagon storage and careful shunting was required when placing wagons on the steeply graded siding. There was no substantial damage.

Three louvre B Class vans were derailed on the former riverfront downgrade line at Mildura on 19-11-1975 when they were shunted over the baulk at the end of the truncated line. Photo: Bruce McLean

29-1-1976. Three wheat wagons were derailed on the Rowe Street, Ouyen, level crossing about 8 p.m.. The loaded wagons spilled wheat onto both the line and roadway, blocking the line for about six hours before workmen could transfer the spilled wheat into road trucks and moved the derailed wagons. The Melbourne-bound "The Vinelander" arrived at Ouyen at 11.02 p.m. but could not continue its journey until about 2 a.m..

6-2-1976. A goods train travelling from Ouyen to Mildura derailed south of Kiamal about 4 p.m. on a Friday night. Three loaded petrol tankers were derailed with one rolling down a slight embankment and ending upside down, spilling thousands of gallons. A four-wheel open wagon loaded with glass also ended upside down. A section of track was damaged in the derailment which was not repaired and re-opened until Sunday 8-2-1976. The "Fruit Flier" and 6 p.m. goods trains to Melbourne were held at Mildura and the departure of "The Vinelander" was cancelled with passengers transferring in five buses to Donald. At Donald they transferred into the Mildura-bound train and passengers off the train were then taken to Mildura by the buses.

A bulldozer assists workmen to recover derailed vehicles and restore the track following a derailment near Kiamal on 6-2-1976. Photo: Bruce McLean

This fully loaded petrol tank wagon was lying upside down following its derailment near Kiamal on 6-2-1976, spilling thousands of gallons of fuel. Photo: Bruce McLean

Diesel Locomotive Fuel Tank 569TW ended up some distance from the track without its bogies in the aftermath of the Kiamal derailment on 6-2-1976. Photo: Bruce McLean

A GY wagon is lifted back onto the tracks by a mobile crane. This wagon was loaded with glass which ended up being strewn beside the track. Kiamal derailment - 6-2-1976. Photo: Bruce McLean

Workmen, with the assistance of a rubber-tyred loader, begin the task of track restoration after the derailment near Kiamal on 6-2-1976. Photo: Bruce McLean

A pair of bogies off Diesel Locomotive Fuel wagon 569TW sit beside fuel tank wagons that have been returned to the rails after the derailment near Kiamal on 6-2-1976. Photo: Bruce McLean

14-7-1976. Passenger and goods services were interrupted on the Ballarat to Maryborough line following the derailment of the Melbourne to Mildura "Fruit Flier" between Clunes and Talbot. A short section of track and two loaded wagons were damaged. The derailment occurred at approximately 10.40 p.m. and services were not restored through the damaged section until 9.30 a.m. the following morning. The Down "The Vinelander" travelled to Ararat and back to Maryborough via Avoca. It arrived at Mildura at 10.02 a.m. (3 hours 2 mins. late). The Up "The Vinelander" travelled via Castlemaine to Melbourne. The Up "Fruit Flier" also went via Castlemaine to Melbourne.

10-9-1976. Boulders were placed on the railway line on the down side of Irymple station, about half a kilometre away, by vandals. The boulders, about one foot in diameter, were balanced on the line but were easily dislodged by the diesel-electric locomotive hauling the Friday night "The Vinelander" when they were struck. On the following Sunday and Tuesday nights sleepers were placed across the line and were also dislodged by "The Vinelander". On each occasion the train driver stopped the train and investigated but no damage was caused to the locomotive.

31-1-1977. A woman had a lucky escape from injury when she jumped from "The Vinelander" as it was departing from Mildura station. The woman, her husband and young daughter had boarded the train to farewell friends and did not hear the announcement asking non-passengers to leave the train. As the train started to move the husband and young girl jumped to the platform, but the woman fell onto the platform.

21-4-1977. A semi trailer truck driver escaped serious injury when his truck collided with a goods train travelling from Ouyen to Pinnaroo, at the Ouyen Highway level crossing, east of Murrayville. The force of the impact tore the prime mover from the trailer which slewed around and crashed into the second wagon on the train. The train locomotive dragged the prime mover 15 feet along the track before coming to a halt.

31-3-1978. Four youths aged from 15 to 17 were charged by Ouyen police on 1-4-1978 after a stone and rock attack on the Mildura to Melbourne "The Vinelander". One window was shattered in the attack. The rock attack came as the train pulled into Ouyen station about 11.30 p.m. The train guard saw the youths throwing rocks at the train about 100 metres short of the station platform. The train continued its journey after a short delay.

10-4-1978. A man was charged by police following an accident in which a late model Ford Falcon ended up on the main line to Melbourne about 2 km on the Mildura side of Redcliffs. The incident happened about 4 p.m. when the car, which was travelling from Redcliffs to Mildura, left the road, crashed through a fence and jumped on to a five feet high railway embankment, stopping across the tracks. The driver, who claimed his steering failed, was not hurt.

1-5-1978. Windows on the Buffet Car and an Economy class car on "The Vinelander" were broken when rocks were thrown at the train after it had departed from Redcliffs station. A goods train which had left Redcliffs shortly before the passenger train was also hit.

6-12-1978. Ten rail-carrying wagons on a way and works freight train were derailed at Cope Cope, on the up side of Donald, at 11.50 p.m.. The derailment caused passengers on "The Vinelander" from Mildura to transfer to three buses from Donald to Ballarat where they transferred again to "The Overland" to complete their journey to Melbourne.

3-5-1979. A T Class locomotive was derailed on the old Mildura locomotive depot track leading to the BP Siding at 4.30 p.m.. The derailment was attributed to the track spreading.

21-7-1979. Shots were fired at the guards van of a goods train travelling between Hattah and Kiamal. The crew reported the incident to Ouyen police.

14-10-1979. "The Vinelander" service from Mildura to Melbourne only succeeded in getting as far as the Eleventh Street/Benetook Avenue, Mildura level crossing when the B Class train locomotive had an electrical fault caused the crew to stop the train and use a fire extinguisher to prevent a fire. An attempt was made to tow the train to Irymple but this attempt also resulted in an electrical "short". The train was stopped for over an hour while the crew tried to locate the fault. A replacement engine from Mildura was despatched at 10.30 p.m. to tow The Vinelander" back to Mildura station. The train departed shortly after with a replacement engine, nearly two hours behind schedule.

19-12-1979. Passenger carriage 6BZ sustained a hot box whilst on "The Vinelander" from Mildura to Melbourne. The carriage was shunted off at Redcliffs and remained there until a replacement axle and wheelset was forwarded and the changeover affected by the Mildura depot sub-foreman.

The damaged axle following an overheated axlebox on passenger car 6BZ at Redcliffs on 19-12-1979. A replacement wheelset was carried out in the Redcliffs yard on 21-10-1979. Photo: Bruce McLean

6BZ at Redcliffs after the fitting of a new wheelset to the bogie nearest the camera. Photo: Bruce McLean

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