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1999 - Steamrail Panitya, Mildura, Yelta

23-4-1999 - 26-4-1999:

The first R Class steam locomotive to visit the north-west lines in Victoria since the demise of steam in 1969, was scheduled on a rail enthusiast trip organised by Steamrail Victoria. The R Class covered the line to Mildura and Yelta and the branch line from Ouyen to the South Australian border, beyond Panitya.

R766 was the leading locomotive (with R702) on 16-3-1953 with the last steam-hauled Mildura Express to arrive at Spencer Street Melbourne. Its journey to Mildura on a Steamrail Victoria excursion was made possible by its rescue from a park outside Bendigo railway station and restoration to working order by an entrepreneur (subsequently purchased by a syndicate of enthusiasts). Provision of a turntable at Mildura in 1998 made the north west an attractive destination as it was now possible to avoid a lengthy tender-first running.

The tour commenced on Friday 23-4-1999 from Spencer Street Melbourne with the special train consisting of steam locomotives R766 and R761, 1BCE (economy sitting/guard's van), 60BW (economy sitting), 61BW (economy sitting), 7ABE (economy/first sitting), 63BW (economy sitting), 67BW (economy sitting), 68BW (economy sitting), 14BRS (economy sitting/buffet), LAN2354 (ex "Southern Aurora" sleeping car), "Werribee" (sleeping car), "Indi" (sleeping car), "Coliban" (sleeping car), "Inman" (sleeping car), "Goulburn" (sleeping/crew car), VOAF9 (coal wagon), VOAF100 (coal wagon).

The train was scheduled to depart Spencer Street at 7.12 p.m., Ballarat (9.42 p.m. - 10.45 p.m.), Maryborough (12.45 a.m. - 1 a.m. Saturday 24-4-1999), St. Arnaud (2.20 a.m. - 2.40 a.m.), Donald (3.17 a.m. - 4.30 a.m. R766 and coal wagon VOAF100 were detached and stabled), and Ouyen 7.12 a.m..

R766 following its arrival at Ouyen with the first visit of a member of the R Class since the demise of steam in 1969. 24-4-1999. Photo: Bruce McLean

After breakfast at Ouyen and the sleeping cars detached and stabled in the yard, departure was scheduled at 8.30 a.m. for Murrayville (11.28 a.m. - 11.33 a.m.) and Panitya 12.01 p.m..

R766 at the Mallee Highway level crossing near the South Australian border, after running tender-first from Ouyen. This was the first R Class to run the length of the line from Ouyen to the border. 24-4-1999. Photo: Bruce McLean

The branch line from Ouyen to the Ouyen Highway crossing at the S.A. Border experienced the first run of a member of the R Class on 24-4-1999. People waited by the sidings and silos

to see the historic train, whilst there were many who took the opportunity to travel from Murrayville to the border and return.

R766 at the Mallee Highway level crossing beyond Panitya. Baulks are placed across the line on the other side of the crossing marking the border with South Australia. The line from Tailem Bend to Pinnaroo, the next station on the line, is standard gauge. 24-4-1999. Photo: Bruce McLean

R766 used the loop at Panitya to run around the train before commencing the return trip to Ouyen. Photo: Bruce McLean

After pushing its train back to Panitya and running around to be in position to lead the train, R766 was scheduled to depart at 12.30 p.m., Murrayville (1.02 p.m. - 2.10 p.m.), and arrive at Ouyen at 5.30 p.m.. Various photo stops were scheduled between Panitya and Ouyen.

R766 is shown arriving at Murrayville to stop for coal and water and lunch for passengers on its return from the end of the line at the South Australian border on 24 April 1999. Murrayville had the last surviving station building on the branch line. The visit by Steamrail was the biggest event there for many years with hundreds of locals from the surrounding district taking the opportunity to ride behind the steam special. Note the first passenger carriage is a sleeping car from the Southern Aurora - the former Sydney - Melbourne overnight express. Photo: Paul Bishop

R766 was coaled and watered at Murrayville with assistance from the local State Emergency Service volunteers. 24-4-1999. Photo: Bruce McLean

R766 passes through Cowangie on the return run from Panitya to Ouyen as the afternoon shadows set in. 24-4-1999. Photo: Bruce McLean

Departure from Ouyen was scheduled for 5.30 p.m. with the sleeping cars added to the train, with arrival at Mildura, 7.55 p.m..

On Sunday 25-4-1999, the special train (with the sleeping cars detached and stabled in the carriage shed), took the enthusiasts from Mildura to Yelta and return, with the scheduled departure from Mildura 9.15 a.m. and arrival at Yelta 9.45 a.m.. Departure from Yelta was scheduled for 10.10 a.m. and arrival in Mildura at 11.05 a.m. after a photo stop between Yelta and Merbein.

Three return trips to Red Cliffs and two return trips to Merbein during the day enabled over 1000 local patrons to enjoy the thrill of travelling behind the crimson R Class locomotive.

The tour train ventured to the end of the line at Yelta on 25-4-1999. Whilst at the terminus, three "bushrangers" held up the train which included a "damsel in distress" bound with rope. Involved in the incident were the loco crew comprising Lou Perna (third from left) and Alan Nicholas (second from right). 25-4-1999. Photo: Paul Bishop

R766 on the Mildura turntable after being reversed. 25-4-1999. Photo: Bruce McLean

On Monday 26-4-1999, the special train with its full compliment of sitting and sleeping cars was scheduled to depart Mildura at 6.30 a.m.. A number of photo stops were scheduled throughout the day for the enthusiasts.

With 15 vehicles behind the drawbar R766 roars through Hattah on the return run to Melbourne from Mildura during Steamrail's "Steam to the Sunset Country" weekender tour. 26-4-1999. Photo: Paul Bishop

Ouyen was scheduled (8.20 a.m. - 8.50 a.m.), Woomelang (10.27 a.m. - 10.32 a.m.), Birchip (11.25 a.m. - 11.30 a.m.), Donald (12.20 p.m. - 12.35 p.m.. R766 and VOAF100 coal wagon were attached), St. Arnaud (1.25 p.m. - 2.45 p.m.), Maryborough (4.10 p.m. - 4.20 p.m.), Ballarat (6.10 p.m. - 7.20 p.m.), Spencer Street 10.58 p.m..

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