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1993 - Steamrail Mildura

9-10-1993 - 10-10-1993:

Members of the Ballarat Division of Steamrail Victoria arranged for a special train from Ballarat to Mildura and return using restored Diesel Electric Rail Motor (D.E.R.M.) 56RM.

The schedule for the journey was for departure from Maryborough at 9.30 a.m. on Saturday 9-10-1993 for Ballarat where members boarded. Departure from Ballarat was scheduled for 10.40 a.m. with stops at Maryborough from 11.46 a.m. - 12.10 p.m., Donald 1.42 - 1.44 p.m. and Ouyen 3.47 p.m. - 3.54 p.m.. Arrival at Mildura was scheduled for 5.26 p.m., however the trip ran later than the timetable and arrival in Mildura was about 6.30 p.m.

56RM was most likely the first Diesel Electric Rail Motor to travel to Mildura since they were first introduced by the Victorian Railways in 1928. Earlier in the year, 61RM travelled as far as Ouyen and Pinnaroo in an historic rail fan trip on 20-2-1993. 56RM was stabled in the Mildura carriage shed overnight.

56RM was probably the first Diesel Electric Rail Motor to arrive at Mildura when it arrived as a special train with members of Steamrail Victoria (Ballarat Division) on 9-10-1993. Photo: Bruce McLean

Immaculately restored 56 RM standing at Mildura station platform after arriving from Ballarat on 9-10-1993. Photo: Bruce McLean

56RM spent the night in the Mildura carriage shed before returning to Ballarat and Maryborough the next day. 9-10-1993. Photo: Bruce McLean

The special train was scheduled to depart Mildura the following morning at 11 a.m. with stops at Ouyen 12.27 p.m. - 12.30 p.m., Donald 2.29 p.m. 2.31 p.m., Maryborough 4.11 p.m. - 4.45 p.m. and arrive at Ballarat at 5.46 p.m.. 56RM was then scheduled to depart Ballarat at 6 p.m. and arrive back at Maryborough at 7.05 p.m..

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