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1992 - Steamrail Mildura, Yelta

14-3-1992 and 21-3-1992:

Members of Steamrail Victoria arranged for two charter trips from Mildura to Yelta and return. The first trip, on Saturday 14-3-1992, utilised Mildura yard pilot locomotive Y108 and former Mildura line sleeping car No.1 "Werribee", preserved by Steamrail Victoria.

Y108 and Sleeper No.1 "Werribee" departing Mildura for Yelta with a special Steamrail Victoria charter on 14-3-1992. Photo: Bruce McLean

The second charter trip was run on Saturday 21-3-1992 and used N455 and preserved Mildura line sleeping Car No.2 "Indi".

N455 departing Mildura for Yelta with members of Steamrail Victoria. 21-3-1992.Photo: Bruce McLean

The driver of N455 reversed the train to the end of the line at Yelta for the benefit of the Steamrail Victoria enthusiasts and is shown here preparing to depart for Mildura. 21-3-1992. Photo: Bruce McLean

N455 and Sleeper No.2 "Indi" between Yelta and West Merbein. 21-3-1992. Photo: Bruce McLean

N455 and the special train for Steamrail Victoria, about to pass under the McEdward Street, Merbein, overhead bridge on return to Mildura from Yelta. 21-3-1992. Photo: Bruce McLean

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