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1991 - A.R.E.A. Mildura, Yelta


Member of the Australian Railway Exploration Association (A.R.E.A.) travelled on "The Vinelander" from Melbourne to Mildura on 29-12-1991, arriving the following morning. The group arranged for the special carriage "Goulburn" to be attached to the front of "The Vinelander" between the Motorail wagons and the sleeping cars with the lounge area of the carriage used by the travellers during their journey.

On arrival at Mildura, a special train was formed with "Goulburn" and ACZ263 (off "The Vinelander" arrival) to run to Yelta and return. The locomotive used was Y108, the Mildura yard pilot.

Y108 at the head of the special train for the Association of Railway Enthusiasts at Mildura shortly before departure to Yelta and return. 30-12-1991. Photo: Bruce McLean

The special train was scheduled to depart Mildura at 10.30 a.m. and arrive at Yelta at 10.55 a.m.. On the return journey it was scheduled to depart Yelta at 11.35 a.m., arrive Merbein at 11.49 a.m., depart at 11.52 a.m. and arrive in Mildura at 12.10 p.m.. Photo stops to enable the enthusiasts to get line side photographs of the train were held between Yelta and Merbein and Merbein and Mildura.

The A.R.E.A. special on arrival at Yelta with Y108. 30-12-1991. Photo: Bruce McLean

At Yelta some grain wagons required shunting, adding some interest for the enthusiasts. 30-12-1991. Photo: Bruce McLean

Y108 with the A.R.E.A. special train at Merbein during its return run from Yelta. 30-12-1991. Photo: Bruce McLean

The A.R.E.A. special is passing beneath the McEdwards Street, Merbein, overhead bridge on its return trip to Mildura from Yelta. 30-12-1991. Photo: Bruce McLean

The Association members returned to Melbourne on "The Vinelander" on Sunday 30-12-1991 with the "Goulburn" special car attached to the rear between the sleeping cars and Motorail wagons.

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