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1981 - A.R.E.A. Mildura, Yelta, Nowingi

29-12-1981 - 31-12-1981:

Members of the Australian Railway Exploration Association (A.R.E.A.) embarked on a tour to Mildura and Yelta, travelling via Ballarat on the down journey and via Castlemaine on the return journey. Their special train consisting of locomotive T368, shower car "Carey", sleeping cars Nos. 5,7,8,6 and CE brake van, was scheduled to depart Spencer Street on Tuesday 29-12-1981 at 7.30 p.m., travelling overnight via Ballarat and stopping at all stations from Donald to Mildura for brief inspections of the facilities. In the morning at about 0805 a.m., at the site of Bronzewing station (closed in 1963 but still in use as a composite electric staff block post), the train was stopped by local members and enthusiasts, John Page and Bruce McLean (the author) using a red flag formerly used for stopping trains at Nowingi station.

The power of a red flag! The author is silhouetted against the morning sun at 8.02 a.m. as he holds a red flag to stop the AREA special train at the site of Bronzewing station on 30-12-1981. The author and fellow enthusiast John Page, then alternated riding on the train and following it by motor car between stopping points. Photo: John R. Page

T368 and the AREA special standing at Ouyen about 8.30 a.m. on 30-12-1981 en route to Mildura and Yelta. Photo: Bruce McLean

T368 passing through the mallee scrub between Trinita and Hattah 30-12-1981. Photo: Bruce McLean

The AREA special stopped at Hattah. Note the gypsum loading facilities on the goods siding. 30-12-1981. Photo: Bruce McLean

T368 with the AREA special train paused at Carwarp to allow members of the Association to inspect the facilities at the station. 30-12-1981. Photo: Bruce McLean

The AREA special train arrived at Mildura at 10.18 a.m.. The first two carriages (Carey and Sleeper No.5) were attached to the rear of a rake of empty GY grain wagons and Z brake van for an inspection of the line to Yelta. 30-12-1981. Photo: Bruce McLean

Following arrival of the special at Mildura, it was discovered that the special train would be used to convey empty GY grain wagons to Yelta. After shunting movements, the enthusiasts found their two carriages "Carey" and Sleeper No.5 attached behind the ZL brake van. The special train departed at 10.55 a.m. and arrived at Yelta at 11.51 a.m. On arrival shunting was undertaken to place the empty wagons at the silo and the full wagons positioned for return to Mildura. The special carriages were attached to the end of the train ahead of the ZL brake van.

The AREA special has arrived at Yelta with "Carey" and Sleeper No.5 attached to a train of empty GY grain wagons and brake van 432ZL. This interesting view of Yelta shows the stock loading races on the station platform and the departmental residence in the tall tress in the background. 30-12-1981. Photo: John R. Page

Sleeper No.5, "Carey" and 432ZL attached to the rear of a loaded grain train, are ready to depart Yelta for Mildura. 30-12-1981. Photo: Bruce McLean

The special departed Yelta at 12.51 p.m. and arrived at Mildura at 1.49 p.m.. The enthusiasts then travelled by roach coach to Nowingi for an inspection of the remaining section of the Nowingi towards Millewa South branch line. This line was never opened for traffic by the Victorian Railways but has been operated by gypsum companies mining gypsum from the Raak Plain, 16 miles from Nowingi station.

Arrangements were made with the Brunswick Plaster Mills local manager for the enthusiasts to travel in an empty G wagon from the 9 mile loop "Sunset Siding" to the Raak Plains loader. The road coach traversed the track that follows the line to the loader with the author pointing out significant points of interest along the route.

The AREA tour party in empty gypsum wagon G3701 attached to locomotive M232 en route from the 9 mile "Sunset Siding" to the Raak Plain gypsum loader. 30-12-1981. Photo: John R. Page

The AREA visitors found Y413 stored on a separate section of track. 30-12-1981. Photo: Bruce McLean

A general overview of the plant at Raak Plain looking in a northerly direction. The over-rail loader is to the left with the washing equipment behind it, the red and white Mildura Bus Lines bus is standing near the workshop and the buildings to the right were the workmen's mess and accommodation quarters. 30-12-1981. Photo: Bruce McLean

The AREA visitors returned to Mildura by bus and departed in their special train at11.10 p.m. that night. Their journey was via Maryborough and Castlemaine with scheduled arrival in Melbourne at 12.48 p.m. on Thursday 31-12-1981.

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