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1977 - ARHS Nowingi, Mildura, Yelta, Meringur

1-10-1977- 2-10-1977:

A small group of members from the Australian Railway Historical Society (Victorian Division) arranged a special inspection tour of the three north-west Victoria branch lines, Nowingi towards Millewa South, Mildura to Yelta and Redcliffs to Meringur. The party, led by Mr. Don Potts, arrived by special train at Nowingi on Saturday morning 1-10-1977 and were met at the station by the author (acting as a tour guide) and two officials from the CSR subsidiary, Brunswick Plaster Mills, Mr. Phil. Haley from Melbourne and Mr. Laurie Birthisel, manager of the Raak Plains gypsum mining operation. Unfortunately the platform had just been removed some weeks earlier following closure of Nowingi to passenger traffic in 1975. A bus from Ouyen was arranged to take the party from Nowingi station to the Raak Plain site and return.

The visit was a planned, special occasion. In conjunction with the author and Mr. Geoff Pianta, arrangements were made for a special naming ceremony for the Y Class diesel-electric locomotive and the "Cleis" nameplate to be unveiled at a small ceremony. The nameplate of "Cleis" was salvaged by Geoff Pianta in 1973 and handed to the Victorian Division of the Society for safe-keeping.

At a special ceremony held on 1-10-1977 at the Raak Plain gypsum loader, the Brunswick Plaster Mills 0-6-0 diesel-electric locomotive has just been named Y143 with special Victorian Railway style number plates. Y143 was the original number of the steam locomotive frame used as the basis for the construction of the diesel when it was built in 1955. Looking on is Mr. Don Potts from the ARHS (Victorian Division), whilst Mr. Laurie Birthisel, manager of the Nowingi operations and Mr. Phil Haley, General Manager of the Brunswick Plaster Mills subsidiary of CSR Limited, unveil the number plates. Photo: Bruce McLean

Y413 bearing its new number plates, stands at the head of a rake of wagons loaded with gypsum after the naming ceremony. The locomotive was repainted specially for the occasion from green to blue. 1-10-1977. Photo: Bruce McLean

"Cleis" was brought forward from the end of the line at Nowingi, given a coat of silver paint, and fitted with a new roof of old galvanised iron sheets by mine manager Laurie Birthisel for the visit by the ARHS group. Laurie was with the company when "Cleis" arrived at Nowingi and this was a very proud moment for him when he was re-united with the nameplate. Don Potts had arranged for the plate to be polished, painted and mounted on a wooden plaque. "Cleis" and Laurie are posing in front of a large stockpile of washed gypsum. 1-10-1977. Photo: Bruce McLean

Plaque attached to the instrument panel of Y413 on the day of the unveiling of the number plates, by Don Potts and members of the ARHS (Victorian Division) group. 1-10-1977. Photo: Bruce McLean

Following the ceremony and an inspection of the Raak Plains operations, the party returned to Nowingi by bus and continued on by special train to Mildura, and then out to Yelta and return. At Mildura an extra guard's van and a VLX louvre wagon for Merbein were attached to the train, hauled by T361 with the VLX, ZLP brake van, 2 x BE passenger cars and a Z brake van.

The ARHS party with T361 hauling their special train heading towards Merbein. Note the VLX van in the consist. The van was conveyed to Merbein by special arrangement with the tour organiser. 1-10-1977. Photo: Bruce McLean

T361 leads the special around a curve between West Merbein and Yelta with the ARHS party. 1-10-1977. Photo: Bruce McLean

The special train arriving at Yelta. Yelta was a popular destination at this time as it was earmarked for closure beyond Merbein and railway enthusiasts made every opportunity to make sure they travelled on the section. As it turned out, the railway remained open and is now doing big business with grain traffic. 1-10-1977. Photo: Bruce McLean

The party returned to Mildura for overnight accommodation before setting out again the following day to Meringur and return. T361 and the same rolling stock from the previous day were used for the Meringur trip.

Guard W. Clohesy discusses arrangements for the running of the ARHS special to Meringur with the crew of T361 before departure. Mildura 2-10-1977. Photo: Bruce McLean

T361 with the special train to Meringur passes the site of the ballast and road metal siding and loading bank. 2-10-1977. Photo: Bruce McLean

The special train passes Pirlta station. Note the effects of sand encroaching onto the track.2-10-1977. Photo: Bruce McLean

The silos at Karawinna dwarf the special ARHS train at Karawinna. 2-10-1977. Photo: Bruce McLean

T361 with its short passenger train arrives at Werrimull. 2-10-1977. Photo: Bruce McLean

The special train has arrived at Meringur and the locomotive has run around the train ready for the return trip. 2-10-1977. Photo: Bruce McLean

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