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1976 - A.R.H.S. Mildura, Yelta


The author, in conjunction with the Australian Railway Historical Society, Victorian Division, arranged an exploration tour by special train from Mildura to Yelta and return on Saturday 4-9-1976. Members of the public were invited to travel with the group and a large number booked tickets for the occasion. The Mildura Stationmaster, Mr. K. Bailey, required some goods wagons to be transferred to Merbein, so the train was utilised for this task making it into an interesting "Mixed" train, of the kind that ran to Merbein and Yelta until the 1950's.

The train consisted of diesel-electric locomotive T387, a GY four-wheel wagon, two container wagons, passenger cars BW64 and BU33 and brake van 72ZLP. The train departed Mildura at 10.00 a.m..

Whilst T387 shunts wagons into No.3 road at Merbein, passengers observe the proceedings. The shunt at Merbein was a bonus for passengers on the special train from Mildura to Yelta for members of the Australian Railway Historical Society, Victorian Division, and local passengers. 4-9-1976. Photo: Bruce McLean

Whilst passengers explore the Yelta station precinct, the crew of T387 plan their shunting moves so that they will have the passenger cars at the rear of the train for the return trip. 4-9-1976. Photo: Bruce McLean

BW64 and BU33 were placed in No.3 road at Yelta during the shunting operations. Photographs of the goods shed at Yelta are just as rare as two passenger cars at the goods platform. 4-9-1976. Photo: Bruce McLean

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