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1968 - A.R.H.S. Nowingi, Mildura, Yelta

11-4-1968 - 14-4-1968:

The Victorian Division of the Australian Railway Historical Society (A.R.H.S.) organised an extensive tour over the Easter 1968 period which included "the last steam hauled passenger train to Mildura". The Society was aware that the turntables north of Ballarat, particularly at Ouyen and Mildura, were likely to be dismantled following dieselisation of the region and this was the last opportunity for a special steam-hauled excursion. The tour departed Spencer Street, Melbourne on Thursday 11-4-1968 at 10.14 p.m. in a special train consisting of 112 passengers in 10 carriages hauled by J515 and R749. The train included three AW carriages (sitting), four AE carriages (to be used for sleeping), Carey (shower car), Goulburn (sleeping, showers and lounge) and Yarra (lounge). R749 was required to assist the train over the Great Dividing Range, and once Creswick was reached, it was detached and J515 was to haul the train to Mildura, Yelta and Pinnaroo.

J515 blasting away from Donald with the ARHS (Vic. Division) tour to Mildura. 12-4-1968. Photo: Bob Whitehead

Breakfast was served by the Country Women's Association at Donald before departure at 8.35 a.m. for Woomelang and Ouyen. Delays with engine requirements and two lunch sittings at Ouyen caused the departure from Ouyen to be at 2.26 p.m. instead of 1.13 p.m..

The special tour train after arrival at Ouyen. 12-4-1968. Photo: Bob Whitehead

J515 standing at the head of the special tour train at Ouyen. 12-4-1968. Photo: Bob Whitehead

J515 has just arrived at Nowingi with the ARHS (Victorian Division) special train on 12-4-1968. The Brunswick Plaster Mills locomotive and five open trucks are standing on the branch line to the right preparing to take passengers along portion of the Nowingi towards Millewa South railway to the gypsum loader at the Raak Plain. Photo: Bruce McLean

At Nowingi, the Society had made arrangements with the Brunswick Plaster Mills for passengers to travel behind their 0-6-0 diesel locomotive along the 16½ miles of privately maintained track to the gypsum loader at the Raak Plain. This line was originally built as a developmental railway towards Millewa South but was abandoned after construction of the first 24 miles. Extensive copi deposits ensured that part of the line was able to remain in service for transporting gypsum by rail for further processing.

Passengers were accommodated in five Victorian Railways open wagons and commenced their westward journey, however after about 7½ miles, the decision was made to terminate the journey and push back to Nowingi. This decision was based on the late arrival at Nowingi, the length of time it was going to take to make the return journey to the gypsum loader, and the necessity to be in Mildura for the evening meal arrangements. This was a great disappointment, not only to members of the Society, but to Mr. P. Haley and Mr. L. Birthisel of CSR Brunswick Plaster Mills who had prepared afternoon tea, refreshments and a tour of the gypsum washing plant. The company also prepared a special brochure marking the visit.

Front cover of the four page brochure prepared by the CSR Brunswick Plaster Mills on the occasion of the visit by members of the Australian Railway Historical Society (Victorian Division) on Good Friday 12-4-1968. The visit was aborted at about the half way point by the tour organisers due to their concern for a late arrival in Mildura. Source: Bruce McLean Collection

Brunswick Plaster Mills 0-6-0 diesel-electric locomotive based on the frame of former steam locomotive Y413 was specially painted up for the visit by members of the ARHS (Victorian Division) for their unique journey along the Nowingi branch line on 12-4-1968. Photo: Bob Whitehead

Members of the ARHS (Victorian Division) travelling on the Nowingi towards Millewa South line on a special train arranged by the Brunswick Plaster Mills on 12-4-1968. The train passing through timbered belar country with a salt lake visible through the trees in the background in front of the locomotive. The trip was unfortunately aborted a few miles further on due to time constraints. Photo: Bruce McLean

The departure from Nowingi was at 5.54 p.m. and the train reach Mildura about an hour later.

The following day, Easter Saturday 13-4-1968, a return trip to Yelta was arranged with 250 members of the public purchasing tickets for a ride from the Victorian Government Tourist Bureau in the Civic Buildings. The train departed at 9.30 a.m. with Driver W. Purcell and Fireman I. Gregory in control of J515 which ran the special train to Yelta tender-first. The "Yarra" parlour car had earlier been turned around on the turntable at Mildura so that the observation platform was leading on the forward journey and trailing on return.

J515 and the ARHS (Victorian Division) special train have just arrived at Yelta. Members of the public were invited to travel on the return journey from Mildura. Easter Saturday 13-4-1968. Photo: Bruce McLean

Another view of J515 after arrival at Yelta with the ARHS (Victorian Division) special train on 13-4-1968. This was to be the last steam-hauled train to Yelta until 1987. Photo: Bruce McLean

J515 is preparing to depart from Yelta with the ARHS (Victorian Division) special train on 13-4-1968. Red van 24CE behind the locomotive was added to the train at Mildura for the Yelta trip. The return journey was the last by steam locomotive on the line until 1987. Photo: Bruce McLean

Driver W. Purcell and Fireman I. Gregory were in charge of J515 for the special trip from Mildura to Yelta and return on 13-4-1968 in conjunction with the Easter visit to Mildura by members of the Australian Railway Historical Society (Victorian Division). Photo: Bruce McLean

J515 and the special train standing at Merbein platform. 12-4-1968. Photo: Bob Whitehead

Yarra parlour car, Goulburn special car and Carey shower car were attached to the ARHS (Victorian Division) special tour train to Mildura and Pinnaroo. Taken at Nowingi on12-4-1968. Photo: Bruce McLean

Whilst at Yelta, travellers on the special train were taken on an inspection of a fruit block and after return to Mildura, boarded a cruise on the paddle steamer "Melbourne" on the Murray River, admiring its wood-fired boiler and machinery.

There was an early departure from Mildura on Sunday morning 14-4-1968 with arrival at Ouyen soon after 7.00 a.m. for breakfast. The special left Ouyen at 9.11 a.m. for Pinnaroo with stops at Walpeup, Underbool and Murrayville.

J515 pauses at Underbool to take water from the tank stand. 13-4-1968. Photo: Bob Whitehead

Arrival at Pinnaroo was 12.45 p.m. (South Australian time). At Pinnaroo J515 was replaced by the South Australian Railways 526 "Duchess of Gloucester". A 9,000 gallon water tanker. BE carriage, three joint-stock sleeping carriages and a guard's van were added to the train bring it up to 16 vehicles.

J515 and 526 coupled together during shunting operations at Pinnaroo. 13-4-1968. Photo: Bob Whitehead

Victorian J515 meets South Australian 526 at the border connection of Pinnaroo. 13-4-1968. Photo: Bob Whitehead

Following lunch, departure was at 1.36 p.m. for Tailem Bend and Murray Bridge. The South Australian section of the train continued on to Adelaide. After breakfast on 15-4-1968, the train then commenced its return to Melbourne with S.A.R. diesel-electric 960 to Serviceton, diesel-electric B85 to Ararat and steam locomotive R749 from Ararat to Spencer Street, Melbourne.

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