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Origin of name: Aboriginal - Blue tongued lizard

Station opened: 25-6-1912

Distance from Melbourne (via Castlemaine): 307 miles 33 chains 21 links; 494.736 km

Distance from Melbourne (via Ballan): 501.640 km

Height above Sea Level: 350 feet

Walpeup was opened for goods during construction of the line on 5-12-1910. Walpeup was the first crossing station on the line and when officially opened, consisted of a crossing loop with a dead end extension at the down end and a goods loop siding with a 50 x 16 foot goods platform. Sheep and cattle yards, two departmental residences for a Stationmaster and employee, and a 20 ton private weighbridge were provided.

Two 20 x 12 foot portable buildings for use as a booking office and ladies and general waiting room respectively, were placed on the 150 foot long passenger platform with a cart dock and a standard mallee 17 foot x 8 foot 6 inches galvanised iron shed between them. A 400 gallon tank and timber stand was provided, a 12 feet x 10 feet ladies yard, closets and urinals.

Walpeup station circa 1912 shortly after the opening of the line. Source: Ouyen Local History Resource Centre Collection

The Walpeup station ground was situated on the top of a sand ridge with a 1 in 60 gradient on the up side and a 1 in 75 gradient on the down side. It was the first train crossing station on the line from Ouyen under the Train Staff and Ticket system of safe working.

A van goods shed was completed by 6-12-1920.

The Grain Elevators Board opened a concrete 110,000 bushel elevator in November 1939. A new siding 266 yards long, off the down end of the goods loop siding and connecting with the main line, was installed on 19-9-1939 replacing the stock yards siding which was on the dead end extension of No.2 road. The rails from this siding were used on the new siding and the sheep and cattle races had to be cut back to abut the new line.

Walpeup was reduced from Stationmaster Class 8 to Porter in Charge from 25-12-1944 supervised from Ouyen. The last Stationmaster, Mr. J. Parson, was transferred to Trentham on 21-1-1944.

Passenger services were withdrawn on the Ouyen to Pinnaroo line on 1-11-1968.

An "S 200" type steel Grain Storage was provided by 17-2-1970.

From 14-3-1972, Guard's were responsible for the Staff and Ticket working of certain trains at Walpeup.

From 13-2-1979, Guards of all Pinnaroo line trains were responsible for the Train Staff and Ticket working being carried out at Walpeup, providing trains were not to cross.

Supervision of Walpeup was transferred from Murrayville to Ouyen by 13-12-1983.

A communication tower was erected at Walpeup in 1984 as part of a new system that enabled train controllers to contact train crews directly by radio.

A special train from Ouyen to Pinnaroo stops at Walpeup for safeworking purposes on 19-11-1977. Note the water tank, station buildings, goods shed, goods platform and derrick crane are still in service. Photo: Bruce McLean

Walpeup station with a special train from Pinnaroo to Ouyen standing at the platform. 17-3-1984. Photo: John Page

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