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Mildura Railway Station Yard Extension and Rehabilitation Photo Gallery

The Minister for Transport announced on 11-10-1974 that a new station building would be constructed at Mildura and the station platform lengthened at the up end by 250 feet (76.2m) to make a total length of 228.6m or 250 yards. The plans also provided for lengthening the goods yard at the up end and rehabilitation of the whole of the yard with improved drainage, new ballast, replacement of some semaphore signals with colored light signals, additional tracks for the storage of diesel locomotives and a pit for servicing locomotives and rolling stock.

The following gallery was photographed between April 1973 and April 1978. All photos are by Bruce McLean.

April 1973: The overhead bridge at the up end of Mildura station yard. The decision was made to remove the bridge when an extension of the yard was to be made and a new entrance was constructed off Pioneer Way with a ramped roadway up to the goods shed.

2-4-1975: Workmen began the task of dismantling the overhead road bridge leading to the Mildura goods yard. This view shows work in progress at mid-April.

Mid-May 1975: Workmen have removed portion of the earthen ramp leading from road bridge over the railway line.

4-5-1977: The first work undertaken in rehabilitation of the yards, was the main line through the platform and the up end of the existing yard.

15-5-1977: The original yard constructed in 1903 viewed from the site of the former overhead road bridge to the goods shed. Earthworks have commenced in preparation for the extension of Nos. 2, 3 and 4 tracks.

29-5-1977: A new set of points were inserted into the main line at the up end of the yard.

15-5-1977: This hard working set of points to No. 3 and No 4 roads at the up end was well overdue for replacement.

5-6-1977: New points have been constructed to lead into No. 2 and 3 roads.

5-6-1977: New points leading to Nos. 2 and 3 roads. This view gives a good indication of the extended length of the yards.

8-6-1977: Removal of old ballast to a considerable depth was necessary to create better drainage. Here we see work continuing through the yard whilst contractors are well advanced with the new station building. Mildura was a very busy place for nearly all of 1977.

19-6-1977: Points for 2, 3 and 4 roads are now installed. No. 4 road past the goods shed was truncated at the end of the goods platform at this stage.

23-6-1977: A crane (out of view) lifts part of the old main line points. The points from Nos. 2 and 3 roads were lifted earlier and workmen quickly linked the old roads with the new extended tracks.

26-6-1977: A pile of redundant points following their removal to make way for the extension of the yard tracks.

26-6-1977: The old points have been removed and all tracks have been connected to the new extension. There is still a great deal of work to be completed to bring the track up to the desired standard.

18-7-1977: Track rehabilitation had reached the end of the passenger platform. The white concrete slab between the main line and No.2 road is covering a drainage pit.

7-8-1977: A ballast tamper working on the new track extension to No.4 road.

7-8-1977: A train of ballast and new rail. The rails will be used for alterations and additions to the diesel locomotive storage tracks whilst the ballast will be used in the yard rehabilitation project.

28-8-1977: The up end of the yard following tamping. The site of the former overhead bridge to the goods yard can be identified by the timber supports up on the embankment.

27-8-1978: One of the final tasks was the installation of additional and improved lighting throughout the railway yard for security and the safety of employees working on night shift duties.

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