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Gypsum Rolling Stock

Typical Victorian Railways wagons used for Brunswick Plaster Mills gypsum traffic.

Open 4-wheel wagon RY 357 at Nowingi. 4-1973. Photo: Bruce McLean

Open 4-wheel wagon I 12888 at Nowingi. 4-1973. Photo: Bruce McLean

Open 4-wheel wagon IY 15353 at Nowingi. 4-1973. Photo: Bruce McLean

RY1629 in gypsum traffic at Nowingi on 30-8-1981. Note the stencilled notice "Caulfield to ------- W/Shops and Return". Photo: Bruce McLean

Class leader GY1 was converted to general traffic from grain traffic and renumbered G1. It was placed into gypsum traffic between Nowingi and Fyansford/Waurn Ponds. Nowingi 1-10-1981. Photo: Bruce McLean

RY1897 stencilled for "Wire Traffic" was in service carrying gypsum when photographed between Nowingi and the Brunswick Plaster Mills gypsum loader on 29-6-1983. Photo: Bruce McLean

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